Jakcie A.I (Actual AI improvements)

Hey, im not doing anything much, this mod has been and will probably be updated semi frequently in my free time. Adding a few things to make the ai slightly better and making it compatible with the latest updates. Though I can say that this mod is needed now more than previously. The vanilla ai has been more passive/broken lately as they dont build army or villagers sometimes and rush imperial age. This also affects the mod but I have been countering that by changing values. My ai still has a ton of problems carried over but at least I mitigated some of the worst parts of the latest updates. I am hoping that the devs fix this immediately or at most next season, I kinda have to count on them.

In other news, I do have to thank everyone for getting this mod more off the ground. It has up to 3000 subs and counting. Thanks! :slight_smile:


Best AI mod ! Thank you :slight_smile:


I have played aoe 4 for allmost 600 hours since release and here are my best guesses of how it works
I have mostly played using Zycat AI and then Jakcie AI when it was created.

It seems that there is a part of the AI that is managed by some machine learning bot. The parts that seen to be run by ai are army management and some parts of eco.

This is best seen in this patch by the AIs tendency to spam lumber and mining camps. When the last patch dropped they were doing it allmost every game. Then after couple of weeks it seemed to go away and for many weeks I did not see this issue. And now in last couple of weeks this issue has come back and they are spamming them like there is no tomorrow.

My guess is that there is something wrong with how the ml AI is rewarded in the eco side which causes it to think that more lumber camps = better.

Somewhat same thing with the army side. At the start of this patch the AI had a lot of issues with siege units stuttering and not attacking. At the middle of patch this seemed go away and now they are back at stuttering. Especially AIs reaction to conversions was last patch to kill the monk as fast as possible and now stutter in one place not going away and not killing the monk.

In this patch the AI has really loved the idea of walking their army past my base and attacking from the side of the map edge. They have also tried to kill trade units which is something they never did in previous patches.

The biggest problem on army side is too much passivity. The attack way later in this patch and seem to be too afraid of static defences even when they could easily overwhelm them

One other thing I have noticed when playing 2v2 with ai teammates and enemies is that in previous patches enemy would do anything to remove my ally from the map and in most games they would succeed in this. In the current patch my friend AI is never killed but for some reason they are really aggressive and many times manage to kill one of the enemy players on their own. When playing 2v2 with humans vs Ai the enemy AI seems to be more aggressive than with 1 AI and 1 human though still not great


Hey guys, im still here and I have seen the new season changes. Idk if there is a ton of them but I did try to add some of the changed items into the mod in a sort of hotfix until I feel like updating it more.


Just saying, there will already be bugs and problems, in fact, I saw a few just by testing a couple matches, hopefully I can get them all fixed.


Great work!

I noticed that the ai seems more aggressive than last patch. At least they are not that afraid of tc fire which is great

I really dont understand why they dont want to tell anything about how the ai really works…


I think the main thing that they changed is to fix the passiveness and brokenness of the previous version of the ai, thats it.

At the end of the day, its the dev’s decision to block off the more important parts, its not like its over for me or the aoe4 ai if it stays this way, there are some crazy workarounds people found to have some sort of custom ai programming. If the devs want to focus on other things they can.

I will share this though, when looking at the files, there seems to be a new mode that the devs may be working on. “Towers” mode is what its called and it has some new ai files named after it. idk what it is because the files seem to just be copies of other files but its cool.


Yo man, always playing your mod, how’s going being the scenes? Any updates for us?


Hello! How are things with the AI atm? I just got back into the game and I play a ton of vs AI with my friends, but we are not a big fan of the super cheaty AI that feel artificially stronger due to those handicaps rather than properly playing better. This seems to be the perfect fix for that, is it working well right now? ^ ^


Is there a civ this mod works best with?

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Hi everyone. Lately I have not been updating or paying attention to the mod. Just didn’t have access to my current computer at the time. But today I do and have updated the mod to be compatible with the latest patch.

Most improvements this patch seem to be just hardcoded changes I cant see, but that also makes this mod better. The only real thing I added was the ability for the ai to make the new mongol unit, for some reason its not in the vanilla ai.

Other than that the ai seems to still be fully working with some vanilla bugs gone. If anything is wrong please tell me.

For the best civ I recommend with easy to play civs like english, french or hre, ai civs with the most access to their unique mechanics such as the new rus or mongols, or civs that have overall early access to strong units like MAA like hre, japan. I honestly don’t know what the best civ is but it would possibly just be the one that actually understands its civ.


Thank you for the great work you’ve done! <3

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Hey, I’ve been using your mod quite a lot recently with my friends, and we’ve noticed a few odd things- they build up their armies, but they seem to have trouble figuring out how siege works. They eventually figure out out and treb walls, but we’ve noticed that when dealing with stone walls, they often brush their armies up against it and bring their siege into melee range, and aren’t sure how to handle it. They’ll just keep walking into it until enough of them die to oil and then retreat, until eventually they bring the trebs out without pushing them against the wall. I’m not too sure why this is, and it doesn’t always happen, but they seem to be confused by walls!

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Ive noticed that the AI does not build enough farms lategame but try to gather neutral food from all over map. Even behind enemy players. Most factions seem to build farms only around their tcs so they have way too limited food sources

Would it be possible to increase the amoun of farms built in castle and imperial age?

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ATM AI does not attack if you have stone walls up. You can play 1 vs 7 and win cuz if you have your city walled, AI will never leave their city. Hope to hear something from you, and also hope that with the new patch coming in a few days, AI will become playable once again!


Yeah, I’m hoping we get some info soon! I love the mod but the stone wall stuff is an issue. : <

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