Janissary Suggestion

I’m telling ya these ppl? If you DO NOT agree with them is must be because YOU just dont get it…smh

Anywho in a siege war either anti siege and or flanking melee (mostly cav) units typically set the tone.

Given ottoman jan + meat delete cav more efficiently than any other combo (rib are the exception but they need superior springalds support to not get sniped), and jans range counters nominally has 5 range or less (longbows and javelin throwers are the exception) which puts the range counter in range of the GB, it means whoever can win the anti siege war will likely set the tone of the fight.

Even though my example is in Imp, i just want to point out ONLY china clocktower siege can compete with otto in age 3 siege wars. However in Imp, only a select few civs can either overpower (culv civs and china clocktower) or out range (rus and mongols) to win the anti siege war of attrition. And only dehli and china* can field siege units faster than Ottomans. If Otto goes with the 60% fast train time landmark otto will get springs out every 19s? Meanwhile standard civ take 30s? Skill for skill resources for resources 19s will outperform 30s (thats a 3 to 2 matchup).

Nevermind that a fully upgraded GB requires 7 shots? To die. AND GB shot will chew a 300+ siege dmg hole in what appears to be a mango size splash? You only need kill 7 HC to have it be an even resources trade.

I dont see any non culv civ trading evenly vs GBs plus springs plus mehter plus 25% buff, cost for cost, skill for skill.

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