Janissary Vs Villagers

I cannot deny that you are not a mathematician at all, and I can already imagine your elo, bye

bro what kind of math this you are making why are you ratio them to cavs if you want this to work it need to be same cav number and still imperial number is wrong
8 strelsy for 6 cav, 9 janissary for 6 cav


Second hand embarrassment here.

What kind of person would try to justify this most ludicrous absurdity in a public forum? I feel sad for AoE.



Can you calculate the same cavalry damage thing with villagers too? maybe if devs decide to give english villagers to ottoman i can think to spam them instead of janissaries


I already shared this, but they don’t read

you keep sharing this video did you do this video


And this one too. I’ve never seen such a ridiculous situation in any Age game.

That’s saying something, I’ve played them all since AoE1 actually.


I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t actually watched it, or if someone predicted it several months ago.

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your lineer math fails your conclusion. To effectively calculate things you have to take other vital factors into consideration. Like Survivability (after taking few shots or melee dmg jans will die and lose their fire power quickly) , Range (Jans will start to fire little after streltsy does) , inital dmg ( which generally plays some role too) , Overkilling ( for ranged unit mass it plays role too ) …So my little math professor thats really why ur math results often fails in game practice !..
NOTE: Jans being extremely hard countered by almost every other unit besides cavalry makes jans even worse against cavalry as well !


convince the developers, not me :wink:

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Hasan what are you advocating for ? Are janissaries okay as they are right now ?


no ranged unit should be broken, if it is, the developers will nerf it, if the problem is the Ottoman winrate, we have to wait for their data

Villagers too. It’s sad.


You don’t have to wait to make an analysis of an unit, not the whole civ and conclude it is in a wrong state.

Abbasid low win rate was not because the Camel archer was bad but it got buffed because had a low performance, despite the civ win rate.

I still don’t get why you keep posting nonsense data like geometrical operations to conclude that “something is ok”. If you are a mathematician you should know that theoretical calculuous has to be demonstrated with field work, and despite your calculuous I still see Jans being owned from villagers.


in equal resources 18 villagers remained

on October 25 I will record video of the unit

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:smiley: there is a big difference and we learned english villagers must have less attack like 1 less

If there is a difference, Janissary has more life and more damage in elite but the video was made in castle age, with Janissary 19 villagers remained, with Handcannoner (imperial age unit) 18 villagers remained.


Handcannoner only beat crossbowmen and by very little