[Just for fun] Unique bonuses for hypothetical new civs

seems like a Malian UT

BTW instead of more Bulgarians and Malians Cavalier, I hope the game should make diversity of paladin like Cumans. Maybe Logistica paladin with no bloodline, fast attack speed but lesser armor. But not like Celts paladin which is hopeless in almost all situation

Limiting knight upgrade is not necessary tbh. Only not having Paladin will be enough. Think about Lithuanians knight before blast furnace is removed. This is not a guarantee since you need to focus on collecting relics. But it is not liking once you get 22 attacks on Paladin, it was still not broken. Was OP in some situation. But still tolerable.

Cavalier with +8 attack will be balanced if the UT costs is high enough imo.

I don’t like this idea as a UT (mayyyybe as a civ bonus). The concept of training (generally) lower-value units at a high value building like a Castle is something I’ve toyed with, but I don’t think it’s very viable, and definitely not worth paying for.

I sort of like this idea, although IMO it steps on the Kamayuk’s toes too much. Maybe something like fractional range would be appropriate (.33 to .66), so that it’s still good, but has some drawbacks over Kamayuk. Would be interesting as a Zweihander/Doppelsöldner UT.

Can be too strong as a free civ bonus. For example, in Fortress map they can be OP.

Not that much. We have Champskarl without the attack bonus vs archer. Now Champuyk without the attack bonus vs cav.

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I think some UU can farm which is historial correct. But for balance this UU cannot do other eco

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Stealing the good ideas from some other threads:

  • Buildings return 40% of their wood cost after being destroyed
    (In the late game this is equivalent to the Teuton bonus, in the early game it’s very different)
  • Villagers benefit from barracks techs (arson, squires and supplies)
    (Villagers being affected by -15 food cost from supplies would be very difficult to balance. But could be very fun. Easiest solution would be to remove supplies, but that’s also the boringest solution.)
  • UT: buildings return 60% of their stone cost when they’re destroyed
    (could be anywhere in the range 40-70% to remain decent compared with Franks, Slavs)

“Destroyed” should mean: destroyed by enemies, or by friendly fire; or deleted; or depleted. Just destroyed for any reason whatsoever.
Refunds for destroyed foundations could be a linear interpolation between the normal foundation refund and the civ-specific building refund, based on the completion %.


Knight return 60% gold was Poles original passive and I have no idea why developer take it out in the final stage. I think the return mechanie can be fun to play with

Not bonus but a fishing ship or trade cog that can defend itself.

Has been already mentioned:

Monks convert in a 2x2 tiles area or 3x3 (multiple conversion, slower faith recover)?

Pretty sure that would be utterly broken


I guess it can be like long spelling time and short range and expensive upgrade like Siege Onager.

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Civ bonus: Technologies can be searched without need to wait in the queue line
Same cost and research time

  • Advanced to next age and keep training vills
  • Research several techs in the blacksmith or university
  • Training units and upgrade them at the same time
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Pretty busted.

Potentially busted

Would lock them out of making vills while aging up but rest seems fine, especially because you still have to afford both techs and units or multiple techs.

I also like how its useful rm but has a lot of potential empire wars too at the start where you might be making from ranged units and scouts.

How many vills lead could you get with this?

Previous age techs take -25% / -50% / -75% time and resources to research.
This mean, dark age tech researched in feudal takes -25%, in castle -50% in Imp -75%.
A feudal age tech researched in castle -25%, in Imp -50%.
A Castle age tech researched in Imp -25%

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Feudal is 130 seconds. So 5.
Castle age is 160 more seconds so another 6
Then factor in wheelbarrow and handcart

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Feudal is 130s =5.2vills
Castle is 160s=6.4vils
Imp is 190s =7.6vils

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Feudal and Castle seem pretty broken
You’re right, skip Advanced to next Age or start the bonus in Castle Age

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Unless the train time and cost during research are increased by 50% and even that might still be too little.

I’ll defer to the higher elo players here.