You may enjoy my Khazars civ concept. It’s practically built around this bonus.
Thanks for the comments!
Very interesting concept!

Siege Tower can garrison cavalry units
I think it will be OP as they can just put 10 hussar and jump over your wall.
Rest have been replied already. Some are really solid bonus.
- Cavalry Archers affected by cavalry armor instead of archer armor
Why “instead”, instead of both affect them?
Because that would be overpowered. Assuming the civ also got Parthian Tactics, then the Cav Archers with my bonus would have 4 melee and 6 pierce armor, which is already a lot. Adding archer armor on top of that would be overkill.
Edit: Actually, I see what you’re saying. Even with the cavalry armor, they’d be generic. I suppose they could be affected by archer armor too, but the last upgrade of either the archer or cavalry armor would be missing. The total effect with PT would be 6/8 armor.
I think there is something in your idea… Just I think if you only swap the cav and archers armors for CA, the result is a generic CA, but expensive…
The only pro I see is making the transicion from scouts opening into CA maybe a little easy but still more expensive. Or really interesting if you go for a full gold combo with CA and KT all-in strat.
A different approach could make both armor affect CA, but the civ should lacks of 2nd and 3rd archer armor.
This way, you could have a S tier CA+lightcav combo in castle age, but a very weak skirms.
Civ bonus:
- A non-unique training queue. All the buildings can trained units or research technologies even when training other units or researching technologies.
It will be extremely OP for the Town Center and for the buildings with multiple technologies like Blacksmith, University and Monastery (even Castles).
Option A: Apply for all buildings except Age up. One extra villager researching Loom. +3 researching Wheelbarrow and +2 researching Hand Cart. It could be tone down enabling the bonus after Feudal if too OP.
Option B: All building except Town Centers.
Option C: Create two different queues, one for units and one for technologies. This will tone it down.
I think 2nd cav armour, 3rd archer armour, no PT could work well.
In castle age you’d have an easy +1/+1, and if you invest fully you could get it up to +2/+2 compared with generic. In Imp you’d have +1/+0 compared with generic (+5/+6 instead of +4/+6). You could probably combine that with an Imp UT to make a really neat CA civ.
- Blacksmith techs can be researched in Houses.
- The attack of defensive buildings cannot be affected by the Fletching line upgrades but automatically have +1 when hitting new age.
- Foot archer units can fire double the arrows when garrisoning in defensive buildings.
- Villagers can build shallows with a size of 3x3, and they can also built Fish Traps and be tasked to gather them.
- Castles can be built in the Feudal age but take +100% longer and have only 50% of HP, 1 arrow per shot, 5 pierce attack.
- Reveal the location of mines on the map.
- Reveal the location of fish on the map.
- Natural plants (berries and trees) last +50% for a tropical civ.
Foragers don’t need a drop off point. Very weak bonus because you still need to build mill to unlock farm and market.
I like this idea even tho its weak gives the feel of living off the land.

Foragers don’t need a drop off point. Very weak bonus because you still need to build mill to unlock farm and market.
Actually not really weak in Nomads.
And there could be a fisherman version.
Designed for UU gimmicks, but may also be used as a civ bonus or UT effect.
The Militia line units can kill enemy units that have 20% HP or less with 1 strike.
The Archer line units can kill enemy units that have 8% HP or less with 1 strike.
When HP is reduced to 0, the Knight line units can hold on with willpower and die after X seconds instead of immediately. (Originally designed for a heavy cavalry UU of the Gokturks.)
Units can generate X wood or/and Y gold when getting hit by every enemy projectile. (Originally designed for the Archer line units and Cavalry Archer line units as an Imperial UT of the Gokturks.)
The siege weapons can have a mode that every strike cost resources to cause extra damage.
(For example, the Mangonel line units and Trebuchets can spend X stone per shot to cause +Y damage, or the Scorpion line units can spend X wood or gold per shot to cause +Y damage.) -
The Scout Cavalry line units can have a mode that every strike cost X gold to cause +Y damage. (Inspire the warriors by rewarding them with gold at critical moments.)

Actually not really weak in Nomads.
Yeah, situational I guess. Khmer could get this one instead. They wouldn’t need to be nerfed to the ground. And farmers not requiring building to drop off would still be a nice bonus for another civ.

Yeah, situational I guess. Khmer could get this one instead. They wouldn’t need to be nerfed to the ground. And farmers not requiring building to drop off would still be a nice bonus for another civ.
Wonder the reason you want the Khmer have such a change.
Btw, I have suggested a similar design for the Bantu in my concepts of Africans. It is a unique building named Granary, can be built at a very low cost like 15 wood. As a food drop-off point, it does not replace the Mill too, so players still require a Mill to research the farming upgrades and unlock the Farm, but it is supposed to be nice in maps having many natural food like huntable animals, berry bushes and shore fish.

Wonder the reason you want the Khmer have such a change.
No. I don’t want it. Just saying my proposed bonus won’t be weak on them as they can skip mill.
Scorpion deals 100% pass through damage.
Mangonel blast damage +25%.
Cannon galleon blast damage area +100%.
Elite Cannon galleon upgrade is free.
Galley line deals +50% blast damage within 0.5 tiles.
Galley line projectile passes through and deals 50% damage (Caravel).
- Supplies, Squires and Arsons provide +50% effect.
(Maybe no Champion (or even Two-handed Swordsman) upgrade and Gambesons, so the Longswordsman can represent light armored mountain trekker infantry.) - Bloodlines and Husbandry provide +50% effect one age later.
(Which means the Bloodlines gives +20/+30 HP in the Feudal/Castle Age, and the Husbandry gives +10%/+15% in the Castle/Imperial Age. The difference will be made up when hitting the new age.) - A unique building to replace TC. Only costs 175 wood, and generates resources when idle, but has low HP, and you can only hold up to three at the same time.
- Starts the game with a green emerald mine that contain 200 gold in the space of the initial TC; each TC can spawn an emerald mine when built too.
(Designed for Muisca.)

Supplies, Squires and Arsons provide +50% effect.
I just designed a civ with 100% effect on militia line (not all infantry). Along with Gambeson. I just removed Champion. I don’t think it will be OP by default. They are still more expensive than Goths.
I guess may need to remove THS or Blast Furnace too.