Kicked out of LAN server lobby

I had another game go out of sync 2 days ago. 3 players were online in my same household, all sharing the same internet backbone. Some clients couldn’t use ethernet hard line, so using wifi didn’t help much either, but LAN play would certainly reduce this issue of higher pings and disconnects and sync issues.

out of sync probably has some issue with connection stability but I’d say 90% of them are due to other reason

so I doubt having the LAN issue fixed would solve OoS at all tbh, the two are unrelated

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There’s tons of anecdotal feedback from the causes of out-of-sync issues that I’ve seen over the years, to be sure. The official article gives high-level guidance on a large range of options on how to troubleshoot it too.

To add to that anecdotal feedback… :wink: From my personal experience, across the dozens of machine types my family has used (desktop/laptop/wifi/hardline/Weak CPU/Strong CPU), I’ve never gotten an out-of-sync disconnect when playing an AOE:II DE LAN game in my household. The only variable that changed was LAN play no longer working.

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if you never had OOS with LAN, then it could be that almost certainly online server causing it rather than the player itself
@Felizon89 maybe the team could check into this? though sample might be quite small, few games at best

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Happy to produce more data once the LAN bug is fixed so that I can actually produce applicable logs :grin:

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I also had a LAN configured for several computers. I’m pretty sure this is a game client/server issue and not a setup issue on the computer.


unfortunately that isn’t the case

there are many things that can cause desync other than the servers themselves and its proven already. datamod issues, windows insider program different libraries and other aspect we just don’t know of

what shamuisdead mentioned just adds another one but fixing LAN doesn’t fix desync and its not even close to being a workaround

I can’t speak from a position of knowing how the backend netcode and servers work, only as a user who has regularly played LAN games across a wide variety of workstation configs since game launch. Therefore I can’t say with any authority that the back-end servers introduce bugs/glitches that cause desyncs.

However, no one can dispute that traversing the net to offsite servers for a game that was intended for LAN play doesn’t introduce additional lag and raise ping times. Setting aside the elevated ping times being a potential culprit, I’d love to have the confidence that the offsite servers are rock solid and wouldn’t cause desyncs themselves.

Again, this is still my anecdotal feedback, but with all the variables I described above being taken into consideration, being forced off LAN was the only variable that changed where I started to get desyncs.


Still hoping that the next update fixes this. I have more local gatherings with friends planned over the next several months and the use of an external server still introduces unnecessary lag for the game types we’ll be playing (usually co-op comp stomps).

The team is working on a fix.


Hi everyone, a fix is now available in the latest Update 108769!


It is absurd that LAN is not available offline. It’s basically deceptive advertising. Get rid of the feature or enable it for OFFLINE.