Knight Line attack bug[Game breakingly bad]

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD #: 101.101.44725.0 6115729
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Unsure of how exactly he is able to create this exploit but his attack stats increased dramatically over the course of the game. This bug is easily able to ruin the experience of this game and seeing as he is just using it to inflate his elo something needs to be done to people who wilfully exploit such things

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

As frequent as people decide to try it.

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Unsure of how to reproduce this. hopefully people step forward on this one if it hasn’t been raised already.

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

The expected result is obviously to unfairly gain an advantage over the playerbase

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.

  • Trying to upload a save game but it’s saying that i’m a new user and can’t upload…
    I have uploaded to the aoe2 recs site under if you’d care to grab the copy from there

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