To summarize, the main bugs and errors we founded are as follows, also thanks to Earning Pig 49:
Council Hall: “Longbow” hotkey can not be remapped (already reported Council Hall Hotkeys):
when I select one or more archery range, I can create Longbow with
“F” (my own remaped hotkey)
But, when I select “all archery ranges”, Council Hall is selected first with all archery ranges, but
Longbow Council Hall hotkey is not remappable (default
Conclusion: “Longbow” hotkey in Council Hall should bethe same hotkey as in Archery Ranges.
Chamber of Commerce: “Trader” cannot be remapped
In the market, I produce trader with
“D” (my own remaped hotkey)
But, when Chamber of Commerce is selected,
“Trader” hotkey is not remapped (default
Conclusion: Chamber of Commerce “Trader” hotkey should be the same hotkey as in the market.
Hunting Cabin: cannot remap “Scout” from anything other than “A”:
Conclusion: Hunting Cabin should appear as an individual building in the full remappable mode, to allow to remap all its hotkeys, due to “Socut” is also produced from Town Center and Stable.
Rus Stone Wall, Stone Wall Towers and Stone Wall Gates (once Spasskaya Tower is buid): does not apply the remapp like other civs:
My hotkeys to build generic Stone Wall, Stone Wall Towers and Stone Wall Gates
Rus default hotkeys to build Stone Wall, Stone Wall Towers and Stone Wall Gates, not applying the remap ones.
Conclusion: hotkeys to build Rus Stone Wall, Stone Wall Towers and Stone Wall Gates should be the same to other civs hotkeys to build Stone Wall, Stone Wall Towers and Stone Wall Gates.
Regnitz Cathedral: “Prelate” hotkey is not remappable according to the Monastery:
My hotkey for Prelate is
But, Prelate in Regnitz Cathedral is not remappable (default
Conclusion: “Prelate” hotkey in Regnitz Cathedral should be the same as in the Monastery (due to Regnitz Cathedral acting as a Monastery)
Infantry building defences: not remappable:
Palace of the Sultan: auto production of Tower Elephant can not be remapped:
Imperial Palace: “Imperial Spies” is not remappable:
Conclusion: Imperial Palace should be added in the list to be fully remappable buildings.
All civs:
Stone Gate: “Gate Unlock” can not be remapped:
This has take me a while to check, prepare and make it clear. I hope you can amend all bugs and errors. Thank you.