Landsknecht in treaty with swedes

Landsknecht become the strongest unit in the entire game with mercenary politician and age IV card.
A 2 unit pop, trainable in racks, with almost 1k hp and 90+ dmg with a aoe damage.
How is possible, that this unit cost only 2 pop?
Besides being broken, sweden can train all mercenary cards in racks, once they send the card from homecity. Which means that even in supremacy, Landsknecht can be really broken, since in aoe III they get more then 500hp and a high damage.
Devs should increase pop cost for this unit to at least 3. In comparison, hatamoto which are much more expensive and cost 4 pop, with all bonuses staked, have 400 more hp and 50 more attack, being trainable only in consulate.
Btw, why can sweden train all mercenaries in racks and the others cant train in there? Why sweden get all cool new things while old nilla civs get almost nothing, besides nerfs.


Mass muskets should deal with them just fine.

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They can, but the thing is how dumb this unit is. Imagine playing with germany who lacks this musk type unit. The worst skirm can’t even kill them properly.


What civ were you playing as? This sounds like more of a matchup/strategic issue than a fundamental one.

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It’s not about MU. The unit itself being 2 pop is somehow too pop efficient while cost effective also.
Do you guys really think that 2 pop unit, 1k Hp with 90 dmg and área of effect unit is balanced? Being trained in racks?


Yes I do. Plenty of cav have stats just like that.

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Plenty of cav? Lol, cuirasser need a bunch of cards to reach similar status. Besides being 3 pop. Lifidi is two pop but a much lower damage. Doppels, who is the most similar to landesknets cant reach that status while being much slower and needed 4 or 5 cards.


Since this is treaty, nothing prevents you from stacking other units as well.

Landsknecht are really good and require minimal investement really for Sweden. 1 Card to buff them and one age V politician and you have one of the best melee infantry in the game. If theyre too good I can’t tell, Im not a competitive player but my late game matches as Sweden usually contain a lot of the little buggers that’s for sure.

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Totally agree with that. Also they got that charged attack, it was needed, really??
Skull Knights are more expensive and difficult to mass but they are cheaper. Some civs with lack of artillery have issues to kill them, more if Sweden player send the church card for speed boost.
They need that nerf.


I’ve seen Landsknecht boxes in Treaty before. Like any box strategy, they are annoying, but I never felt they were overwhelming.

The stats may seems impressive on paper, but remember they cost a massive 240 coins (20% more than a Doppel, Hussar, Lifidi Knight, etc. Even worse if you consider coin as more valuable), are way less tanky than any cav unit (no range armor for high HP units makes a huge difference) and obviously way slower than most units in the game (even Doppel base speed is .5 higher, though it will fall with some upgrades. Hatamoto also have a 4.5 speed VS Lands 4.0).

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To be fair they were totally useless before. Slow melee infantry is kind of useless in this game, add high price and that’s pretty much a done deal.

This still seem totally useless, I don’t understand how anyone can lose to them unless it is some sort of backdoor drop or something.

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Doppels are fine but landsknects are too fast with too much siege having a not needed charged attack.
In shorter treaties a box of them take down all your base and you cant kill them because they are very fast

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how can people complaint about a heavy infantry ?
mass musk and some ski to back them and u r fine .

lmao if u r so scared of landknecht , u will be having nightmare with hatamoto samurai . skull knight , and that jeaguar knight from aztec . mec from inca . and that rediculasly op rods from spain .

dude learn to play game instead of complaining . and there ios the reasin they dont have much option to upgrade them more.

even german dopple has similar stat in final form . its the final form that matter .


it doenst matter how many cards u need , swe merc dont have 4-5 cards for them , becoz of the same reason , its the final form that matter

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duse who asked u to mass ski as german ? have some dopple in front of ski and u r just fine . who told u ski was suppose to tank mele units ?

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Lol, jaguars arent that powerfull, SK and Hatamotos are strong but you cant mass them, 1st need a lot of time, the second need export. Landsk didnt need that charged attack

The issue are shorter treaties where you cant build that 5-6 walls and a box of them come to your base and take down that walls.
Sweden only need to get coin to train their units, they can focus on it.


Again, what prevents you from massing their counter?

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Massing skirm isnt the problem, lansknechs running are the problem.
With oprix you could spam goons but they kept taking down bases


What do you mean “running”? Just put other HI in their path and it’s over for them.