Let's build a world map of AoE3

The black parts in the Europe may be the following.

  • Greenland:
    A V-shaped peninsula map, players are located on the sides of the coast. The water is rich in fish and whales, and the coast is rich in prey, trees and mines, but inland is an open snowfield and ice sheet without any resources, trade points and shelters. You can choose to control the coast through the navy, or attack directly through the snow inland at the shortest distance.

  • Iceland:
    A map of an island the size of Borneo, but in the center or south of the island there is an unclimbable snow mountain like the mountain in Hokkaido.

  • Sápmi (or Lapland):
    Similar to Scandinavia, but only has the sea on one side and the sea is larger. There is no royal house.

  • Svalbard:
    Similar to Caribbean, rich in whales, but all three lands are smaller, closer to each other and surrounded by sea. There is a chance to find a small piece of land representing Franz Josef Land on the edge of the map. There is no royal house, and there is a water trade route instead of a land trade route.

  • Novaya Zemlya:
    Similar to Panama, a slender land divides the map into two seas on the left and right, but there are no small islands in the sea, and the land is straight from north to south without bending and may be narrower. There is no royal house, and there is a water trade route instead of a land trade route.

  • Ural Mountains:
    Slightly higher mountains throughing the map, with flat plains on the left and right. There are rich mines in the mountains. East of this map is Asia.