Let's discuss the civ strength rankings

Yeah with all of the buffs other civs have gotten over the years I honestly think your can revert jan and abus stats to what they were in the vanilla game.


Honestly, I think China is the most broken thing DE has ever seen. More OP than OG Swede, more than Inca was, more than OG Hausa. All those OP civs it felt like I had somewhat of a fighting chance, and I would actually win games sometime. Before China was buffed I would win about half of the time evenly. Now every single game it is not even close, it’s a massacre every.single.time.
China deserves its own SSSS tier because it is unbeatable in 1v1 currently.

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Ethiopia, and Hausa and Lakta can well restrain Chinese of the same level。
But the Chinese should really weaken some abilities, such as which goat, 120 meat is still too op.


Not sure about African civs but Lakota definitely hard counter China. Actually current patch Lakota counters every civ

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It’s quite telling that the 1v1 ladder (1500-1700 range) is almost entirely Japan, Lakota, China
 all overpowered lame civs.


Have to agree with this.


lakota is everywhere

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The best way I’ve found personally to beat Japan and Lakota is to early age 2 and rush. I still lose quite often but at least gives me an even chance if they start wrong.

China is just stupid. If you rush you play to their unit spam strength in a defense mode. If you wait you get the ball of death. My best luck has been to boom hard early and then switch to defense and try to get over the hump alive. This rarely works but can pull it off every now and then.


I tried doing a 3 TC boom with marvelous year into age4 but they always come out with the hand mortars and out eco me anyways
 I honestly think china having default access to mortars in age3 is kinda op in of itself, and they double as culvs. Other civs have to go age4 or use advanced artillery card.


I don’t think a 3 tc boom with spain is a great idea vs a china FF though.

The other 100 things I tried before didn’t work, that was my strategy of last resort to try.

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Yeah it takes too long and too many cards to do before it starts to pay off, standard spain FF or the halb FF would be best.

Remove goat, make war academies cost 250, remove vill garrisoning in villages (China is unraidable like Japan), and reduce their age3 changdao & arquebusier shipments by 1 and China would be balanced.

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I totally believe so, and it would barely restore balance tbh. Something has to be done about Inca, Port and Otto like, yesterday.

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I think the hand mortar is too strong. They are cheap enough to build enmasse

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Ott still a decent team overall just because the FF and FI are still strong and viable. It’s just a shame they basically eliminated one of the most fun and solid strats of jan abus age 2, and it makes Ott more one-dimensional than they need to be.

Ports water was nerfed so much but still decent; they just desperately need a buff for land maps for the early game. Inca can have Huaraca damage vs artillery back, and then make the bows a bit more viable. Though that nat rush still crazy strong; stronger than ever actually.


The native rush is really starting to get me infuriated. At my level it is the only thing you will see on that matchup every time. It’s getting heavily abused and needs dealt with soon.

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Whoever thought it was a good idea to give lakota mortars is a turdmuffin

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I don’ think the world has seen anything more OP than release swede lol
China is strong and probably needs slight nerf, but nowhere near release sweden.