Let's talk about Italy (again)

Well everyone, I think its time to talk about Italy again. I’ve really been wanting to learn them and I’ve reached some conclusions of what I think it needs - but I’d other people’s thoughts as well.

First off, can I please have a cavalry shipment that doesn’t cost so much of every resource? I’m not bothered by age 2, but 5 huss would be a game changer here. 7 or 8 age 4 wouldn’t hurt either but those are more niche cards even for cav civs. I really just want 5 huss as an option.

Age 1 is painful in the first minute. I’ve said before but I think 4v to start instead of 3 would be a really nice buff to the civ in every game mode that won’t break anything other than improving their age 2 time. I know italy has a strong eco by the end of age 2 but it takes 2 cards for a civ with a huge shipment penalty.

Papal units - can we ship these just as units without the huge cost? Like a 10 papal guard shipment age 3 or some papal Zouaves age 3? (not sure how many is fair). I don’t like floating so many resources to get the decent shipments, and its especially bad because its all 3.

Lombards - lol. I consider these a joke. They serve so little purpose in my opinion. Its not the worst thing in the world to turn wood into food and coin to help your hunts and mines last longer, but the other direction it seems like you’re losing out by burning up the natural res. Why is there no benefit at ALL to trading res at first? You’re just floating resources on nothing and the building gains you nothing, thus never paying for itself (without shipments, which are so SLOW for this civ!).

Shipment penalty - why? Why is this shipment penalty so high? With the exception of like, 6 grens this civ has the most mediocre shipments of any DLC civ. Other penalty civs have big perks like a free vill or 2 cavalry. Italy just gets nothing.

Church card. Enough said. Way too high cost on everything to ever be useful in a real game.

Pavisiers. So mediocre. Not worth the shipments either. Why would you upgrade the worst unit you have with expensive penalty shipments with 2 entirely seperate cards, neither of which is worth it on its own. At the very least put one of these in age 2 where its justified using.

There’s some other issues like mediocre late game performance, I’d love other’s opinions on this as I’m a 1v1 sup player and don’t see those things as much. What things do you think Italy does well?


We notice the same problems.

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The truth is this is an important topic. Since they launched the civilization this has been one of the ones that perform the poorest in treaty, now it is by far the worst. Some points that I notice that need to be fixed urgently are:

  1. The bersagliere is a very expensive skirmisher (10 more resources) and very weak, even a Dutch skirmisher easily beats him being cheaper. That is the main cause of Italy’s weakness in treaty games.
  2. Their musketeer is mediocre and bad like the French, without having a comparable unit. At least the French had access to the native Bourbons or their musketeers could benefit from promotions, this leaves Italy extremely vulnerable to cavalry being ultimately dependent on the halberdier as the main anti-cavalry.
  3. The papal bombard is terrible in every way. It takes up a lot of pop space, is slow, and does very little damage, plus it has a super suicidal ability that makes it unsurpassable in artillery battles.
  4. Papal units generally have good stats but their creation is slow, they interrupt shipments, and are expensive. For example, I haven’t seen a papal zouave in a game for 2 years.
  5. its economy, by having one factory and an annoying economic building that does not compensate for this, its economy drains ridiculously quickly, especially in coins.

In my opinion, implementing a ranged infantry/rifle combat card would help your army a lot. A reduction in population and an increase in speed of the papal bombardment would also benefit the civ. Also, I consider that they should make papal units more accessible. Finally, we all agree that lombards need a rework or a superbuff.
I think that Italy is a civ that has problems in supremacy and in the treaty, I hope that one day they will do something.


well i mostly agree, but ill state what I love about italy because if I know one thing is come a rework, if you dont make clear what you like about a civ you get lakota 2.0:infantry boogaloo.

I love how flexible and engaged with map italy is. the civ bonus and archs are so fun to really figure out how to get value and encourages you to explore techs or nats or tech switches/water switch/etc that most civs would be punished. Its so much fun to combo their shiddy archer on say guianas and then get cheap mills and buildings adn coin tech and suddenly pav@$$iers are nuking vills and your eco is booming. Or how amazing their water is. Their roster is pretty flexible and while berselegari being age4 sucks it is quite the cool feeling if you can unlock them. Lombard CARDS are also leaning into this flexibility, rewarding more well rounded booms/pushes and in age of button/revolt pressing 3, its just like a more fun port/france at times. at times.

However, due to the issues you pointed out its hard to actually get that. the xp malus forces some semi ff play which means age3 needs to be often skipped since your age 3 cards are weird slow send mercs, boom stuff (shoutout to milanese arsenal, my favoriate boom card :smirk:) And the unit scaling isnt the best so many civs like otto or france arent really bothered by your mixed roster. Not to mention so many revolts or FF timings are just so good that your basic dudes plus super slow mercs are often too little, to late. Semi ff or age2 civs tend to have some strong units to survive age3/4 timings but us? we get free towe- oh wait, thanks ladder lammers >:( Lol-bards are also weird in that they are on paper good value, but not 1 factory but kind of needed to get mercs/xp but also not good and can be built early but then not fully used early also did i mention not very good?

So despite the really good goal, mulitple nerfs due to op stuff followed by op nerfs and the fact, I gotta say it, in our BOB playerbase no pros like looktom are showing off all the cool stuff so people are even less likely to use it no pro is bug abusing and thinking is hard. And even when you do think, its not even that good. so kind of not worth investing much time into the civ and the anemic playrates and win rates since the BS 4 month OP span speaks i think to these feelings

To wrap it up I think both KOTM civs need a rework like every euro got. Italy tho unlike malta i feel has better structure (puns) to its civ identity and just needs general tweaks like xp or starts and how, some card reworks, and things like you said making the paypal units rewarding to use, lombards a bit better, and their unique xbow, pike card, and blingbombdards to also be more fun.

P.S.- italy is fun in teams fwiw. still poor late game but at least you can play around with stuff.

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I find it weird that people begged for the devs to add guard/imperial pavisier and even now still want them to be buffed over and over. The obvious intention of the devs was that they were just a kind of neat ealy game unit that was designed to be replaced by bersagliere. I think they should have kept the pavisiers weak and instead buffed the bersagliere (made them cheaper mainly).

The Lombad is also so weird, but in that case I can’t even determine what the original intention of the devs was. Was it supposed to synergise with Italian players speccing into a single resource economy? Was it meant to allow long term investment as a way to get rewarded for planning ahead? Who knows. The thing that kills it is that it requires micro, like African fields. If the Lombad was just a toggle and it automatically converted one resource into another at a selectable rate (e.g. like Asian export) it would be a lot more useful I think.


I agree, everyone believed that with pavesiers Italy would be settled in the treaty and now no one uses them and everyone ends up using bersagliere, no matter how bad it is.


Yes, but only at age 2. In my opinion, Italy’s dragoons are the best in the game. They perform their primary function better than any other dragoon.

Trash. But not because you described it, but because the attack speed is crap.

Yes. (Two years LOL I haven’t seen him at all :smiley:)

Lombards just not work.

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I feel that Lombards work, it’s just that like livestock it needs attention.

In AOE1 and AOK automatic reseeding of farms didn’t exist, talk about spoiled.

Italian are meant to be an economic focused faction they’re not meant to be strong militarily.

If anything they need a way to make mercenaries cheaper and/or more reliable.
A way to take advantage of the fact they can have 5 lombards instead of just 1 tavern like other civs have by default.


One thing here, technically it does benefit you I think. When investing coin you get wood and a greater amount of food. That also makes reinvesting the food even better. The benefit is very small, and takes too long to pay off. You’d need to invest for a really long time before it would pay off.

Edit: Italy clearly needs a buff of some kind. I like the 4 vills idea.

I mean, if you want to sit around for several minutes sitting on 100g 100w in the void just so you can get 215 food or whatever it is then sure, I guess “technically” you gain a handful of res. I think its a waste of time, building time for architects and resources you could spend on anything else.


4 vils not fixed the trash lombard. If you want that lombard was annoying, you need them profitable as British herd.

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What if they had a base resource tickle, and the resource deposit will simply boost that tickle, like feitorias but with a twist?
ofc this is going to require some complicated maths to figure out the tickle and bonus values in order to not be completely bubu but I think this will make lombards slightly better.

There has been so much talk about the changes that Italy needs that I honestly don’t understand why the developers don’t have a patch at this point, almost everyone on this forum is unhappy with how the Italians are currently.

Leaving aside all the changes I requested, I think giving them an extra villager at the start and reducing the experience penalty per shipment should make the civilization have at least a little more use.

Italy also needs to improve its infantry and as mentioned the French had the same problem, so I see no reason not to use a similar solution, perhaps a card that allows the Italian musketeer to promotion in attack speed and range.

The Pavisier only needed an upgrade at age 2 to be proficient in Rush or against Rush, a modified version of Roman Tactics that gave the deflection ability only between archaic units would have been sufficient. In general I would eliminate the upgrades, guard and imperial in favor of this change.

I also agree that cavalry cards are needed, both for dragoons and hussars, Italy is after all a civilization of artillery and cavalry, or at least that is what it seems at first.

The Lombards are a complicated topic, I think the advanced Lombard card is extremely stupid, because we gain speed in exchange for losing a space in the deck and harming the Uffizi effect. Which is too valuable, especially at the end of the game where the experience penalty is very noticeable.

I think the above could be solved by reducing the overall experience penalty, making the advanced Lombard cards a shadow technology for age III and the usury card a shadow technology for age IV.

I think in line with the previous change, the papal arsenal card effect should be given to the Papacy church upgrade, this upgrade is exclusive to the church card and this way Italy can only have up to 2 basilicas. which allows us to reduce the experience penalty a little more.

Regarding the papal cannons, I think that the speed of movement and shooting must be improved to match the mercenary version, this unit is not as strong as the developers seem to believe, and even less so since we can only create them from a single factory.

The basilica shipments really need some changes, I would propose that we can choose how many of these units are going to be shipped, they still function as shipments, but we can choose the quantity based on our resources and not an arbitrary number.

In addition to the above, I would add that the card of advanced politicians gives revolutions its second and very necessary factory. I also think that Brazil needs to be fixed to allow it to expand the number of basilicas with the Bahia card and Argentina so that the Flying Battery card works with papal bombards.

In general these are the changes that occur to me for Italian civilization, I imagine that there are more changes that could be made. Perhaps each extra basilica should allow us to send a greater number of papal units or perhaps papal shipments should be represented like federal shipments and always be available. There really are many options to solve the problems of this civilization.

In particular, all I want is to be able to have fun playing with Italian civilization and it is very difficult, because it has too many design problems that I hope will be resolved soon.

PS: Now that I realize this was a paid civilization… I don’t expect them to fix it, I demand that the developers fix this civilization for which I paid money. :angry:


Without guard and imperial the pavisier doesn’t work at all. In fact the pavisier never was efficent at all, the only thing it has over the bersagliere is that he has better card support and the fact he is marginally more ressource efficent in regards to durability / ressource with cards.

Lombards don’t replace a factory at all and should be reworked entirely.

Why carabiniere were not a guard upgrade for Italian dragoons is a whole other debate.

Why guardia di finanze isn’t a type of cartrige currency into lombards is another.

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I mean, if they literally just had a trickle worth 2v they’d always be worth it. 5 would be close to a factory, even if it was split to all 3 res it would help, and you could remacro whatever you trickled to be what you want with the lombards themselves.

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which would be fine if they actually had an eco that felt special and not just tedious. They may not need to be special in their soldiers, but the way papal units are handled is so poorly implemented as to make them almost useless. Pavisiers need a complete overhaul to not just be gimmick crossbows (even just a better ranged multi, please, anything).

Oh and I still don’t know why they can’t get 400w ageup, even with 500w from advanced polis I doubt they’d be a competitive age 2 civ.

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Precisely because that is their function, the pavisier should not work beyond Age III, they are supposed to be replaced with the bersagliere, I’m honestly surprised that the developers didn’t add a card that transforms the pavisier into a bersagliere and gives something extra to the own bersagliere.

I addressed this in another forum topic.

Gives resources for any shipment, it would work in a similar way to Spanish gold. This, added to my suggestion of converting usury and advanced Lombards into a shadow technology, makes the Lombards an equivalent to the factory that is missing for Italy.

Your idea is a lot like something I proposed, except my idea was based on unit cost not experience. :slightly_smiling_face:

Because for practical purposes the dragoon is a better unit, in any case I would enable the carabinieri as a unit to train, especially for its value against mercenaries and outlaw units.

It is an absolute post-truth that many players affirm, leading to Italy being a bad faction. The Italian economy is not even the best in the game, I could say that it is not even decent. Although, I am not saying that their army should be strong, but at least decent, it is currently bad, especially its infantry.

IMO this a good change, restricting to 3000 resources is one of the stupidest things ever done in this game.


No, i mean that the Dragoon should be a 3rd royal guard for italy called the carabiniere, an actual practical one.

the bersagliere replaces nothing, because it is so bad.

The pavisier as one of the only reasonableish special units of the italians, so no, it should be usefull in all ages. Infact the whole archaic units should suck argument is a bad joke for any civ having them and even suffering their royal guards beeing them.

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I could not consider Italy a civilization of cavalry and artillery, they do not even have an engineering school and their cavalry is not as good as the Hausa, French, Spanish, or Mexican. It can be said that Italy is a civilization that does not stand out in any units, rather it is known for having the worst infantry (in terms of cost-benefit).