Let's talk about the Red Bull

Don’t tell me they can’t even make a Showmatch out of AoE3.

Not a series tournament is requested, but an appetizer, a Showmatch to show it and that’s it.

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Of course they can. And they should. The point is- overall it doesn’t matter, almost at all. It’s primarily a fan service. Always has been.


Hmm, maybe they don’t want to do a tournament for 3 because new DLC often means new bugs and heavy balance problems.

Maybe they want to promote a new DLC for 1 (they shoild be cheaper to do if they skip all the bug and QoL that 1 needs)

Or maybe none of the above are true

Please don’t bash poor AoE1 DE, this game needs more love than it gets.

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I’m very happy for AOE-1 because it seemed like a very attractive game to me after the remastering, it was also the game that started all this, but why AOE-3 doesn’t have its place in RB tournaments… ?

I hope that in the not too distant future they will consider AOE-3 a worthy successor to the franchise and not a game that “doesn’t even deserve to be called an AOE”.



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Is there a link to go to reddit and protest about it…?

I personally don’t care. However it is odd that aoe1 was included and aoe3 excluded despite this being an opportune time to advertise the dlc. Aoe3 also has a lot more players, would have expected a showmatch at least.

Anyway most people who play aoe3 don’t even play online they just do skirmish and campaign so for most people it probably doesn’t matter.

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From what I have seen, aoe1 is in there because aoe1 is big in Vietnam and there is an organiser there that is in charge of doing the tourney

So partly the reason for no aoe 3 is due to there being a more disjointed tourney scene with no real big representative that can deliver the tourney


And here’s the thing, in Vietnam people only plays the CD version, they don’t wan’t to touch DE (which is left behind at this point) because it doesn’t fit their style and feels so different.

yeah but i think the more important thing in this case is there being like big organisers that can take charge of the tourney.

aoe 3 currently has no big tourney organisers, its all small community tourneys

and as with all great schism, it shall last for all eternity

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According to a comment I have read on youtube, AOE-3 DE has not been included because it is in the process of being changed. I don’t know if the source is reliable, but it’s just to communicate it.

I don’t buy the DLC being the culprit since the tournament is in October, giving the devs plenty of time to rectify any potential balance issues.

Very unlikely…if they really wish to pull out an event like this, there is always a way to plan it properly.


It’s funny, in the official banner they put a guy playing AoE3 DE


Lol what? Maybe they considered at some point?

Shhh. They will fix it.

Seems kinda trollish to me