Not sure if this will get any response but any tutorial or suggestions on how to do a campaign like this if I were wanting to do one about the Napoleonic Wars?
Well, of course you’re going to need to use the in-game scenario editor , so if you haven’t before, play around in it. Learn the ins and outs of the editor, especially how to use triggers. I’m not sure how it looks on your end, but if you can open my scenarios in the editor, take a look in the triggers menu - these will help you set up objectives in your missions. With these, you can make your missions truly unique - for example, if you wanted to make a mission in your campaign taking place during the French Revolution to set up Napoleon’s rise, you could use triggers to force research tech to make the player faction the in-game French Revolution one, and thusly even the Napoleonic faction as well. If you have any questions about how to do something specific, please let me know!
I have subscribed to this mod and was eagerly looking forward to play it, but how to play it as I am unable to find it anywhere. Where can I find the campaign? Its not there in the story mode or any other place. I have restarted several times and also deactivated every other mod. Plz help.
If you are subscribed to the mod, go to ‘Load’ and then click on the ‘Custom Scenarios’ tab on the left. The ones for the custom campaign will be numbered and named the same as they show up on the description page.
Custom Scenario continues to remain blank
This is the official webpage, all it’s saying is that you need to be signed in and subscribe. Beyond that, I do not know what everything looks like on your end. Maybe you could try to install it from within the game if you haven’t done that yet? If that doesn’t work, you may need to unzip the scenario files if you have them and place them into your scenario folder in the ‘This PC → Users → Games → Age of Empires 3 DE → Scenario’.
click on the scenario you subd to then click open in directory. Proceed to ctrl-a ctrl-c the whole folder. When you are in the aoe3de folder go into the one with random numbers then go into the scenario and paste. Easy as that
You can put all your modded scenarios files structured in this manner:
Your Mod Folder → folder named ‘scenario’ → the files
Game will automatically detect it as scenario files and show them appropriately.