Lock Family Share accounts from ranked

Nacho thinks that not playing for a year suddenly makes him 7xx low elo legend but in reality he is just a 17xx for maybe 20 games before getting 18xx again.
Many top players have come back from 3+ years long hiatuses just fine, there is no need of a new account for like 4-5 losses on the main.


Honestly i think playing some games ranking down to then go up again is totally fine and dont need an smurf to acommplish games you can also fo on your main to get back

The whole smurf Situation is probably also a cause for elo inflation and people with smurfs bash noobs and discourage people to climb in lower ranks


AoEZone thread: https://www.aoezone.net/threads/its-been-6-months-since-they-updated-the-tg-elo-algorithm-and-none-of-the-issues-it-created-have-even-been-addressed.178584/

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interesting video but i would rather listen to someone with more then 5 subs opinion when it comes to aoe2

Finally someone has guts to blame that “smart guy”
That guy who keep talking elo inflation blah blah, he left this thoughts in every threads.
Every issues I mentioned he just related to his inflation stuff.
And I think he’s kind of dominated the forum here and most of the people believed what he said before.

After that elo calculation change, he said that it’s a good change and claimed that an elo reset, everything would be fixed.
And everyone with common sense, know the answer is definitely “NO” because if smurf issue is not settled, it’s just another smurfing season only.
I am really surprised his theory becomes a kind of cult that so many dumbs following him.
Whenever I raised out smurf and the problem of TG here, those dumbs came up and say “No, why dont we just have a elo reset” “No, why dont we adjust the elo calculation.”
This is one of the reasons I think why this forum is so toxic.

And there’s one more thing kind of interesting that I was recording my 50 solo games in TG and pointed several smurfs, which were totally obvious that with super high win rate, fix team history, less games record in 1v1 or unranked. (These are the only way for us to identify as we dont have those smurf ip nor mac address to 100% confirm)
He asked me how do I prove they are smurf so easily. Since that question, I know who this guy is, that question just showing him is pretty toxic at all. He just want to deny everyone’s thought and pointing to his inflation stuff. He later admit what my justification were correct. And funny that I saw him pointing some other smurfs with more casual way at all.
This guy, so pathetic. Now the gamee is a mess and you can see he’s kind of diving now. what a poor guy.

You are just lost in ur reasoning, you can add to the negative things of locking family share:

1.-Affecting legit family members
2.-Giving more money to the devs that haven’t fixed anything in 2 years, instead they keep going around their match making, forcing players to actually smurf to avoid punishments and stackers.
3.-You are going to affect 1x1 activity, as i pointed with solid facts, most people have more than one account for warm up, practices purposes, even for confidence issues, etc.
4.-On the MS the game is advertised to be shared, so this function is actually part of the game.
5.-It wont stop cheating or smurfing on teamgames as the game is cheap and those who abuse smurfing are either streamers or sponsored playerslike the chinese team, if you have problems getting it, they can afford many accounts to entertain their sponsor or viewers.

There are better fixes to this issue, but if you are going to defend to death your stubbornness the only toxic is you getting it even personal.

Better ask for a 5 BAN player feature, so you can avoid those players, better fix to everyone for both smurfing and even cheating.

No, you are the one who’s trying to defend everying aginst banning the smurf because you are the one who abuse the system.

  1. Why people need a warm up on ranked games while you can do a warm up in lobby, quick play, friends?
  2. Why the opponents need to suffer from your own warm up?
  3. Smurfing with Zero cost and “some cost” is totally different. If few of the people are rich enough to keep doing smurf, let them do it with cost, but I am pretty sure it will stop many of smurfs if they need to pay money for smurfing.
  4. So, that’s funny, when you said this game is super cheap, I think even a poor family they should be afford to buy if they really want to play that?

As I have repeated and repeated, smurfing is also related to sportsmanship.
If you have no honour to yourself and need a smurf account, doing a warm up, having a causal game in ranked, enjoying beating those who’s not at your level, wearing other shoes if most of your games you faced the smurf, what would you think. do you think it’s really enjoyable if you just joined a new game and having such experience?

Try wearing the shoes.
If you try googling smurf, you see lots of negative comments on it, most of the people defending it are those who are smurf abusing at all.

Also, if you are rational enough, you see most of the people in this thread are supporting banning the smurf.
There are only 2 of you mainly who using smurf abuse trying to defend yourselves.


And just fukin please stop saying anything about legit family members when you are not one of those and using smurf for your own pleasure.
It’s really really ironic that you smurfs need to raise other people to support yourselves.
While you guys are the reason why they are being affected because you guys using smurfs ruining the game while they just do nothing wrong.

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Dont try it i think people can have their belives even if its grabbing to a delusional mindset that breaks every aspect of sportsmanship

Also i agree on your thing people should just play on their main maybe a ranked but accept if they loose or unranked or quickplay all acommplish the same and there is no need for family share because it endurce unsportmanlike behaviour

One thing im not sure off is if they ban family share and reset elo (hypothethacly) it might Sets a balance for elo and the amounts of smurfs but smurfs in a smaller decimal is better then seemingly over half the player base

I think one thing that might need a fix is a certain mindset that dont work and thats progression comes over tome and that there is no need for a cheatsy doodle approach that you could also had on your main

You can play ranked at your elo even to get in again ( maybe not the best) but unranked and quickplay exist and if you loose one it happens but you can go more confident into the second one and get the W and you dont need a smurf acc for it because like I said this is unsportsman like and also discourage people to climb in lower ranks because they dont wanna get noob bashed 24/7

yes, the most concern is what family share can modify, total ban, ban multiplayer only, or ban the future sharing only.

TG is broken due to those premade smurf teams.
Solo seems starts to be broken as well as the hacker issue (not sure if it’s fixed yet) and the numbers of smurfs are increased. Those smurfs account created in TG sometimes play in 1v1 as well.

Anyway, I will probably just stay in AOE4 or Halo infinite awhile.
as I have already achieved my goal to reach my highest elo to 1800 in 1v1 already, probably a time to take a rest from this game.

Team games are unplayable. Full of smurfs. Microsoft needs to ban family accounts from ranked yesterday. This can’t keep going.
Wake up Microsoft or whoever is responsible!!!

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AoE2.net this hacker smurf created with family share could have been 20$ for Microsoft

I’m on the side of keeping family sharing. The things that need to happen are simple to change the current environment for the better.

  • instate a 500-regular-elo difference limit in ranked*team games for ally disparity in elo. (does not take into account additional red elo)

  • Reset team game elo.

  • provide an elo cieling, about 2k(and keep gaining elo without it effecting who they get set up with, say 2k regular, 200 red elo, lose the red, go below 2k elo, etc) would be fine. (Players will recieve a healthy pushback to their proper elos.)

-elo ceiling method may be added to 1vs1 as well, but no need for a reset, just place those above 2k to have 2k+red elo, etc.

  • Add a ranking elo for non-ranked lobby games(random map, regicide, death match, etc) and have it visible to players upon mousing over the player portrait as current ranked elos are.(the unranked elo already exists, just reset it followed by it becoming visible)
    This will allow for better player moderation as to who they wish to play with/against as well as lobby balance in general. It’s hard to figure that out if people have 0 ranked games played.

-adding in the ranked lobby system for multiple game modes, regicide, death match, nomad, random map, mega random, feudal wars, etc.


My little brother currently uses family share to play, sure I could buy him a copy and likely will if we want to play together at the same time, but for the time being it’s a good to use feature.


I will just simply ask you, How do you handle the smurfing in 1v1?

I don’t notice it.
Currently above 1100 and people either figure out how to get around my defenses in key ways or get wrecked. While I improve from each win/loss, there’s either more offensive players, defensive types or the in-betweens, I don’t mind any of them; I’ll fight them all seriously.

I’ve been asked if this was my smurf account before. Honestly, I don’t get it.

I’ve also been asked if I’m a noob quite a few times before the opponent fails to take me seriously and loses for it. (Because I don’t rush, and my setup is strange to them)

Then there’s the salty bunch who call my style boring yet lose to it, and those I’ve gotten close to beating in a fairly even match gloat over their victory saying ‘gg ez, noob, dumb playstyle, one trick pony,’ etc.

I’ve been called a memer, troll, and a whole slew of other things even in team games.

I’ve had random teammates x my base and then resign after calling me a troll(base tends to be fancy, neat and well defended, but I guess it’s strange to randoms even tho my eco is good and military well on the way)

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yes, that’s the whole point why people here want to ban the smurf directly.
First we must have an agreement about smurfing, is it right or wrong, is it ruining the game.
Sure reset elo is great but without handling smurfing, there’s no further improvement even after a reset.

smurfing comes mainly in two forms

  • teaming with a much lower elo player (which the devs are attempting to fix by stopping players from just spam resigning to allow their higher elo selves gain a low elo so they may fight lower elos in random teams or team with another high elo for a further advantage - which again appears to be an issue the devs are attempting to tackle actively by adding key features such as the insta resign = suspension for time, and they will refine this feature given time.

(Adding in a 500 elo difference limit will further combat this behaiviour by severely limiting the disparity effect on what opponents you get queued with when allied with someone with much higher elo than you - more often friends will queue together and won’t be too far apart in elo.)

  • refusing to play ranked or having an alternative account just for lobbies - proceeding to join noob lobbies while not having a rank so you can enjoy a calm game for yourself(not so calm for the noob opponents, but the odds of having an opponent do the same thing is pretty high.
    Most of the time I imagine some players are tired of being kicked from lobbies for being ‘too high elo’

(Instating an unranked ranking in the lobby system goes to fix this problem in a wonderful way, and if someone repeatedly attempts this behaiviour, - let’s just say making new emails constantly gets tiring quickly just to make a new account - and while this may be abused using the family share system, it’s also not feasible for long once the lobby system, both ranked and unranked, gain a ranking system to verify players by which heavily reduces the amount of games they may try with said account, and it is my beleif that they will tire of it quickly.)

The third way of the smurf is less prevelant, that being in ranked 1 vs 1, and the devs are tackling that issue with the early resign suspensions, and further methods will likely be explored, but removal of family sharing in its entirety should not be one of them. Keeping family sharing away from ranked is a possibility, but not outright removal.
That being said, if no unranked lobby rank comes forth, it will only worsen things for the lobbies.

(Players can no longer just lose upon making a new account, they will need to keep playing for a time, which heavily slows down their speed run into the lower elos, which, with smurfers, would likely be a heavy drain on their want of continuing to waste time.)

Further, if there are 1500+ elo smurfs, there aren’t very many of them, at 1100+ there’s only like, 13k players above me? If that. Out of those it’s highly doubtful many of them smurf, and if quite a few of those are duel accounts? Then that just means there are even fewer possible actual smurfs from that elo range. Which means the ones most in danger would be the 700-900 elo ranges, which appears to be the ones the devs are attempting to protect by instating those early resign suspensions. (New accounts start at around what, 1k elo? ) and the perpatrator smurfs are most likely anywhere from 1k elo to 1.3k elo just going off of player number density.

Team game elo is highly inflated and should not be used for referance. A 1700 might as well be near in skill to a 2400 in team games as it stands - it’s constantly inflated with little to no actual skill gap and would do well with a ceiling and a reset.

what? How this stop 1v1 smurf? I totally couldnt get it.

Also, for the TG, imagine a situation like this:
A team: 4 2000 elo players
B team: 4 2000 elo players with 2 smurfs which they are actually 2500 and above
How your elo difference can handle this kind of unfairness?
And go to extreme, a toxic premade team can make a team of 4 smurfs and enjoying smashing the noobs, they are all starting in same elo and enjoy their fun game, how 's your way prevent this?

and again, as I have said, we need to have agreement about smurfing itself. That is simply you agree smurfing or not? otherwise there’s really no point to debate as you can see the above 2 smurfs.
They seems to disagree banning family share at the start, but in fact they actually supporting the behavior on smurf in the end.

Ok to be fair if its reset and ceiled to a degree it could stop but people would tend to a certain elo to keep noob bashing.by far my biggest concern is that the amount of smurfs is getting unhealthy for the game and people find to avoid the penality system. I wouldt claim that family share is the sole problem of it but it integrates itself more and more into it. Also maybe the devs need to adjust things for the penality and make it stricter in some parts

I just found this post and seems the family share is flexible to locked the multiplayer level only
I think everyone (with sportsmanship) will agree on this if this is do-able

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