Looking for Mod - Remove Formations from Game

I have been playing AOE2 for quite a while now, and have a number of friends I am trying convince to play the game.

However, as soon as this group (About 8 people) saw how unit formations worked, they immediately became frustrated and quit. (This is in addition to how units are controlled and how badly they path… but the formations seemed to be #1 thing that turned them off the game.)

This group comes from other RTS games, such as Starcraft, Starcraft 2, Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Command and Conquer Series, Warhammer 40k, and Supreme Commander.

Is there a mod that completely removes formations or disables the grouping of units into formations?

I don’t know if there is one yet, but if you want to make a data mod and painstakingly remove formations from every unit game it is possible.

or you could just tell your friends to pretend every unit is a bw dragoon or goliath

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(a) I would venture to say no, (b) your friends sound snobby af, i played the shit out of command and conquer and formations never bothered me (why would they even?) yes the pathing sucks but formations aren’t the reason, and (c) every RTS uses some variation of what aoe calls “formations” but most give you little or no control over it, so they need to quit their bitchin

tl;dr no, get new friends

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Requesting a mod that removes the core part of what makes an RTS is a little weird and unrealistic, but nevertheless, as a modding enthusiast and someone who is curious, I looked around the base files, and in Genie Editor for like 15 minutes to see if this was possible.

Nothing in Genie Editor, but I did find something. You can edit the hotkeys.json to remove the four hotkeys for the four formations, so that your friends don’t accidentally hit them, but the formation buttons still exist for manual clicking when they group-select units.

This is likely hardcoded anyway. Best thing I can recommend is try to sell them on 8p custom scenarios like CB/A, RPG ones, etc.

All you have to do is go into Genie and set the field ‘Creatable Type’ to 0 for every unit. This has been available since around June of last year.

What does this actually do?

Ah, those. Well, here you go if you’re interested: Mods Single - Age of Empires

Took me a few minutes. You can easily do this in Genie Editor, I made sure to only do it for actual combatant units.


it determines the rank of units in formations, 0-no rank/no formation, 1-front rank (usually cav), 2-second rank, and so on, usually heroes are rank 5 or 6 I think so they stay in back.

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I thought so, but I also thought that given the name, it did other stuff instead. Thanks!

Ohh, this sounds very interesting. :slight_smile:

Will definitely look into it!

WOW!! That’s amazing! Thank you so much!!

I had not expected someone to actually create the mod for me!