Magyars Need a buff

Micro happens even in post imp, its just that you only micro the gold units while letting all the trash die.


Frame delay doesn’t necessarily always means hit and run; even moving from standing position and moving forward will trigger the frame delay. Or switching target from say ram to the halb, again the frame delay triggers. That’s why mangudai feels much smoother


2nd time basically. You should ask the devs why Bagains gives +5 melee armor to Champions also.

Because it applies to the whole militia line. It’s just easier to let it apply to champion since it won’t matter in normal gameplay.

you could say the same thing when they gave them a 10%–>15% discount in patch 5.5. I mean it’s only 4 food so why bother right?

I’m pretty sure it was just so that the number looks bigger, because this did less for the Magyars than actual buffs like not locking the free techs behind a blacksmith or giving them siege engineer.

You do know all tech mode civ bonuses and unique techs are discarded right? Unless dev goes crazy and give base champion +5 MA.


you mean like a TC spawning sheep? :open_mouth:

the game should be balanced around custom maps? :open_mouth:

so long as a magyar is harvesting, the animal doesnt rot
 done? in the same way teutons can plant farms for someone else

ive seen it proposed a number of times, i think its a good one, i cant see how it massively buffs them at all
 my only issue is it helps them in the food aspect (which helps their scout rush even more, which could lead to compounded scout rush meta maps like acropolis) as opposed to helping them in a manner that specifically helps their archers(cheaper range), or infantry or non scout eco only (eg cheaper age up, wood discount etc)

Catastrophic approach, you can’t just give the civ with (arguably) the best military options in the game an ECO bonus, that’s the easiest way to buff a civ, just give them free Sheeps under the TC or an absurd Farm bonus and you’re ready to go. Sadly that’s the current approach of the developers.

It’s totally okay strategically to have some civs with no eco bonus, there are much clever and more elegant ways to buff civs.

after you figure out how to make them not useless on water maps, then you can buff them on land

fix the big/objective problems before the small/subjective ones

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ah aha FE is so dumb, I bet those dummies would give a free pile of stone to Portuguese too

Water balance is a whole different subject to tackle. If anything Magyars aren’t useless (by non-water civ standards) their scout landing can be really nasty and in the late game they get FU galleons and fast fires, including shipwright for some reason.

You might not understand what an eco bonus is. Literally every civ has eco bonuses. And generally it’s the eco that wins the game. For the longest time the top picked and highest winning civs all had the best ecos
mesos,Franks, vikings

Eg. Cheaper units or castles are both an eco bonus

This means much less than a good eco
 How’s them options looking for aztecs, mayans and vikings? Heck even Franks? All s tier narrow tech tree civs with huge ecos(aztecs less so thankfully). .

aztecs, mayans and vikings?

That’s why I love AOE, these 3 civs have one of the best ECO bonuses in the game, such a smooth early game, however, no fancy military option, none.
This means, you’d want to be playing 60mins treaty against these civs, they have no good composition that is pop-worthy, on top of that these 3 share a horrible no-gold compositions, as Hera and Viper say, you cant go 4tc with these civs and just boom, you have to do something. There is no Late-game to wait for.

Magyars are pretty much top2 late-game civ (along side Goths). It’d be very lazy by the developers to just give them an eco bonus.
And by eco bonus I mean a direct food eco bonus. (Farms, hunting etc

Heck even Franks?

Franks have quite a bad civ design unlike those 3 I mentioned, they should be addressed.

Castle Age Magyar reliable units:
-Light Cavalry
Good units:
-Cavalry Archers
-Infantry(free attack but no speed upgrade)

Note: All of trash units, Barracks, Archery Ranges and Stables fully upgraded in castle age.

Imp Magyar reliable units:
-Hussars and Huszars (Generic Hussars still strong and reliable)
-Cavalry Archers (if you don’t like them don’t play as Magyars or rush your enemy)
Good Units:
-Arbalest(Fully Upgraded no bonus)
-Paladin(Fully Upgraded with free upgrades)
-Elite Skirmisher (Fully Upgraded no bonus)

Note: Halbs still useful even they lack last armour. +1 Range and +1 Attack helps a lot to Cavalry Archers. They normally do 1 more damage and 1 less range than a normal archer-line. Your Cavalry Archers going to have +2 more attack than a regual archer. 12 attack Cavalry archers can do 2 damage to Gothic Huskarls and Incan Eagles.

My point is everyone is right, they don’t have any eco bonuses and units you don’t use/don’t like has bonuses. If you don’t like don’t play with them. Like I don’t play with Indians. I don’t like Camels and Elephant Archers, you can hate Huszars, Cavalry Archers or think Knights has small bonus and pick Franks.

Don’t try to make Archers against Mayans or Infantry against Goths if you want to play as a Cavalry civ. Pick something else instead.


A food bonus that early is a buff to their whole eco, not to just scouts. More food may mean a vill more on wood.

However, I don’t think that they need a buff for their archers. They are the only civ with both arbs and paladins FU. And their archers also have a really small, but still useful bonus (more useful in team games though) so they are still effective for some archers rush surprises, or for scouts into archers.

Either way, this bonus simply would make them more easy and relaxing to play, and it would give back some more food (between sheeps and boars it would be around a vill). It would be super useful for deers, since you would do more trips, but you’ll be able to collect all the food.

Don’t ask me. Ask the devs why. Understand. It is not my data mod. It is the official dataset. It is already there. I am not asking to put it there. Is it enough to make you understand?

That’s false. Unique buildings and imperial camels are civ bonuses hence they aren’t available in full tech tree mode.

Well it’s likely because it’s easier to let it affect champion than go out of your way and try to make an upgrade that affects militia, m@a, longswords and 2HS but not the final upgrade of those units.

I tried to find this “all techs” mode, but I only ever found the option to use full tech tree, in the skirmish/lobby setting screen as well as the scenario editor.
Regardless I don’t think this game mode is supposed to be balanced, just like no one would claim to balance infinite ressources games.

You already mentioned to me battle/war ele techs affecting both, and it did remind of the 3rd Suryarvaman mission where you can get a Khmer war elephant .

In HD it didn’t work

But in DE it does.
Regardless the fact I had to check in a campaign means that well, then again, it has nothing to do with balance. Heck, the game let you create your own civilization for your campaign if you wish, like with the recent Tomislav, King of Croatia campaign (Mods Single - Age of Empires)
So it’s likely just a shortcut to make scenarios easier to create, if you feel like making super busted war eles in your mission you can use all the ele techs rather than make a trigger that edit their stats.

On a side note, in an all tech game, I wouldn’t be worried about bagain champs while farimba paladins or dirt cheap FU Malay eles are rampaging across the map. Heck, Bulgarian would get one of the true monsters themselves under the form of stirrups paladins. If you still think it’s about balance I don’t know what to say.


Just shows your cluelessness! Either a tech is meant to affect the entire class or is programmed fot individual units. Let me give an example.

Load up the DE dataset of 14 November 2019. Set up a scenario as Lithuanians. Collect relics. Set up camels. Observe that camels get the attack boost too.

Since it was decided that light Cavalry do not get this bonus, they changed the bonus from affecting all Cavalry units to Knights and Leitis. In today’s dataset, camels won’t get the attack boost.

Ever checked the scenario editor?

Please be my guest and tell me.