Main game problem by far: British is super OP

Similar attempts have been made about port balance which resulted questionable changes before, which led it to be an unplayable civ for almost 1.5 years. I don’t think brits are that of a balance problem at all, anything it has is standard, has already -1 lb attack and -100 food crate start added to it. I hope the scenario which happened to ports won’t be happening again to brit this time, as the goal of the balance should be balancing the game rather than putting certain civs to the ground with radical changes.

I just remembered I found some vids where I already played russ vs brits in a offensive and another in a more defensive way, yet around some outcome.

Pretty sure Matchup hasn’t changed much and probably with nerfs brit has had and buffs russ has had is even better for rus.

To this I can add anyone can also show videos of brits > Russ but the different of these videos is that I can also show the same outcome by myself when playing vs anyone



I rlly like the discussion here, but plis, avoid the flames and personal atacks.

Continue here if you want.