Sorry, I meant they are very well roundrd because they are a heavy infantry, like a champion.
I mean well rounded in the sense that it fights well against most melee units, beats up skirms, and requires a decent mass or micro on the archer/siege side to be countered.
So, like for champions, the devs are probably very cautious with buffs to avoid the unit feeling “unstoppable”, even though the unit stuggles lacks range & mobility.
I think even for aztecs, feudal eagles are produced too slowly. It is 2 mayans/incas barracks for 1 stable scouts.
At castle age they have eagles (special compared to cavalry civs) and buffed monks. Along with goid economy and production speed, we get the all-on-gold-and-spam-eagles-and-monk aztecs speciality.
Well, for black forest they have the siege onager. For Arabia, lacking halbs sucks for sure. Their “late game identity” is to die to hussars spam.
I think monks are good as now. Tankiness make them top 3 monks, only beaten by Teutons/Spanish monks, but better against other units.
Do Aztecs really need something ? It depends whether the community (including devs) wants what was designed to be an “oppressive” mid game civ to have a “late game game changer”.
Aztecs arent the only one, Vikings feel in a similar spot, even with the revent +1 attack on arbalesters (compensating lack of ThumbRing). Celts are dying to skirms like Aztecs are dying to hussars. Maybe Teutons as well.
And according to Hera, Aztecs arent the civ suffering the most from its late game:
Still, “weak civs with strong late game” like Portuguese and Goths got big revent early game buffs to become strong all around civ at all point in the game.
So it may be the time as well to give late game love to civs known for strong early to mid game and ackward late game ?
I dont know, but it would make sense. This would be worthy of a topic on its own.
And I personally dont mind either way, because I choose my civs based on what they offer (and change my civs depending on balance evolution), instead of first picking a civ and then complaining it lacks something…