I think Xolotl Warriors need a serious buff. It is a beautiful unit and it is a pity that we never see it in the game as it is totally useless.
To get it, you must convert a stable (if not several stables if you want to mass Xolotl Then you get a super weak units without any cavalry upgrades.
Maybe give the possibility to Aztecs monks to range convert stables ? A small up of the Xolotl would be also welcome to make them playable in some cases.
If nothing is changed, it is better to delete them from the game as every units should belong to a strategy. The target is not to make Aztecs OP but at least to give them a possibility to exploit their ressources using a new strategy Xolotl oriented.
I don’t think the point of Xolotl Warriors is to give Americans a viable alternative should they convert a Stable, but as simply a neat little unit that can also work in custom scenarios.
As Nerathion said, it’s an easter egg. Besides, considering how a player gets access to them, their stats would need to be beyond that of a Paladin for it to realistically be good.
EDIT: I also believe they were primarily introduced so that Americans aren’t given too much of a disadvantage in Battle Royale maps.
Dude, Aztecs are one of the only infantry civs other than Goths. Xotol warrior is cosmetic. Nobody uses them. That doesn’t mean it should be made usable.
“With [update 42848], Xolotl Warriors are granted +30 hp, +2 attack, and +2/+2 armor in matches that begin in the Post-Imperial Age.”
Should probably auto-evolve to this in Imperial or have an upgrade available.
Also maybe they could be affected by Imp-UTs (+4Attack for Aztec / +1/+2 Armor for Inca)
That would take them to almost the strength of a generic Cavalier, which I think is fine, as they could be viable in niche cases, but aren’t really the power unit Knight-line usually is.
I mean even if Xolotl warriors were super strong, It would still be almost impossible to mass them. The oppenents will make sure to delete their stables before it get converted.
I like the idea of buffing them. It obviously wouldn’t mean anything relevant to balance, as I think I’ve only been able to make them once in about 2000 ranked games, but would be really cool, so why not?
I like the idea of giving Xolotl a mechanic similar to a konnik, so the dismounted unit becomes a jaguar warrior: this way it becomes kind of viable even though what we’ve essentially created is a much more expensive and slower creating jag that has a bit of an early speed boost.
This would also mean that you don’t need to give meso civs cav upgrades.
Make the Xolotl Warrior be affected by infantry armour upgrades and given an Elite upgrade that gives them Cavalier stats.
They should also be affected by the unique technologies
Garland Wars (+4 Arrack)
Fabric Shields (+1/+2 Armour)
El Dorado (+40 HP)
They would still miss Bloodlines and Husbandry.
The Aztec Elite Xolotl Warrior would have 1 more attack then the Malian one but 20 less HP.
The Incan Elite Xolotl Warrior would have the same armour as the Sicilian one but 20 less HP.
So the Mayan Elite Xolotl Warrior would just have +20 HP making it weaker then a Frankish one (with +24 HP) and the Franks have the Paladin too.
It would be a strong unit but not something you could built a strategy around since it’s hard to even get one stable in the first place.
Would be funny to play on a map that gives you a stable at the start.
i would make it auto upgrade in imperial age, or give an imperial age upgrade of sort, to mimic the cavalier. they already mimic a knight in castle in stats so this make sense.
also, another buff could be to make them count as eagles for unique buffs, so they would get 40 HP from mayans, +armor for incas, and +attack for aztecs. in every case, they would still be a weak cavalry unit, cause even 160 HP cav in imperial age but with just 10 damage and 2 armor from no upgrades, and no husbandry, it’s not good, but they would at least feel more integrated into the meso civs
Good question.
Are you able to create elephant archers or cavalry archers If you play as spanish and convert an dravidian archery range, or can you create Eagle Warriors If you as a non meso civ convert a meso barracks?
I would say you can only create what your techtrees allows you to create regardless of what civ you convert a building from.
To satisfy my curiosity i will do some testing later today