Make Meso Cavalry a bit more useful please

No it’s a bad example, in this situation it is a waste of ressources. Xolotl warriors are more expansive than eagles and weaker than eagles. No reason to use it here.

Yes ofc there is a reason to use there - you can’t train eagles from stables. And you may or may not have a forward barracks.
Also they are not weaker than eagles lol. They have the same base stats as a kts, meaning they have twice the HP, +2 melee armor (huge when fighting vills), +3 attack and higher speed.

Im not saying they are a good unit overall, just that if you go for some low eco allin they might sometimes be the best addition to your army available.

Eagle = 50 gold 20 food
Xolotl = 75 gold 60 food

For the price of 2 Xolotl you make 3 eagles + 2 villagers to build a barrack where ever you want… (Just 10 food difference).

But the correct calculation must include redemption (475 gold + a monastery + 60 second), 1 monk (100 gold, and you must be enough lucky to convert a stable with only one monk).

So in any cases Eagles are stronger as you can have MUCH more of them for this price for the same time.

There is no way Xolotl can be useful in any kind of situation… If they do it is a question of circmunstances and coincidence that you cannot control.

So according to you, you can make some siege units, buy redemption, make monk(s), convert a stable, train Xolotl to kill some “leftover feudal units”…

Maybe it works VS easy AI…

Xolotl is not a niche unit or a “easter egg”… To make simple I have never seen 1 Xolotl warriors in 700 ranked games…

Moving goalposts, arn’t we?

You didn’t talk about eagles beeing cost effective. You said they are STRONGER than kts. And they just arn’t. Even TWO unupgraded eagles are weaker than a Xolotl unless monks or pikes are involved.

Honestly this fact just sums up your entire post: You want to hate on this unit so bad you make absolutly absurd statments. For what? You can say the Xolotl is a bad unit without twisting facts. Its pretty simple: Its a kts without any upgrades, and you can only train it in weird circumstances. Thats it. None of that “weaker than an eagle” bullshit is needed.

And then we can look at situations where you might want to train unupgraded kts from a forward stable and we see: Yeah, they actually exist. You wont produce many of them, you wont plan your strategy around them, but there can absolutly be situations where producing 1-2 Xolotl from a stable you happen to convert anyway is a good play.

Again, you won’t see it often. Thats because converting stables is usually not priority number 1, and even if you manage to, Xolotl is not the play in most of the cases. So we are talking about a rare case within a rare case. But for something thats purely a joke from the devs, thats good enough.

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I am not moving goalpost, I am facing the issue in a realistic way. What is the point of comparing strictly the strenght of a units without considering the cost effectiveness ? Especially when it is a unit you have almost no chance to produce at the very early castle.

And even if we wanted to compare STRICTLY the strenght of the units, so eagles are still stronger as they can get full upgrade when Xolotl have 0 upgrade. Why should be consider Eagles without upgrades, it also makes no sence… You don’t win a game because 1 units without upgrade is stronger than 1 another units without upgrades…

Anyway I have opened this topic to suggest some change in order to see more often Xolotl.

You are explaining with super long sentences something that everyone already knows :“XOLOTL ARE RARE” (What an insight!) and according to you “THEY MUST BE RARE” (What a charismatic and demonstrative argument!)

I’d rather you use your neurons to make your case for or against the Xolotl warriors.

So, if not moving Goalposts, what is it if you start by saying “kts are weaker than eagles” and then later on say “eagles are weaker ofc, but cheaper”? Thats pretty much the definition of “moving goalposts” in my books.

Because we are talking about the only situation where xolotl might make sense, a monk/siege allin. You wont get eagle upgrades in that situation. Did you rage so hard about how bad Xolotl are that you already forgot this? Or are you just trolling?

Then push for changes with actual arguments, not by spitting bullshit. Dont be surprised if you get called out for talking trash when you unironicially say that Xolotl are weaker than unupgraded eagles.

You can PM me if you want lil sensitive flower.

For those telling that Xolotl is a Jaguar warrior on a horse… :smiley: