Making the imperial age more interesting

AOMR gets the “Wonder Age” which adds a lot of insane buffs for the late game (I think it needs to be toned down a bit though). Would AOE3 benefit from something similar?

Right now imperial age just means re-sending cards and a few ultimate technologies. Africans and federal Americans get some unique additional stuff but for the rest it is quite blend. Europeans need one dedicated building (one you’ll not see 90% of the time) for the techs and the other civs reaearch them at regular buildings. Neither is very interesting.

The game does not have wonders as in other games. But I think it could be added in the form of some “ultimate buildings” (whatever you call it), basically a “boosted capitol”. It researches the imperial age techs, serves as shipment points and has some unique functions like wonders (e.g. active global buffs, or passive aura increasing the work rate of nearby buildings). It could have unique appearance for each civ too.

I wrote sth similar quite a while ago. Now the list could be expanded:

It could be toggled to prevent making treaty games too tiring.



Je pense aussi qu’il faut retravailler l’age impérial, j’ajouterais que je serais intéressé par exemple d’avoir des cartes impériales hors Mexique et USA.

Sinon vos suggestions sont intéressantes.

No, lategame civs are strong enough. There is no point in nerfing Gendarmes or Caroleans if we are going to buff them later.

Balancing strong late game civs is another topic.

Crazy idea, duplicate the cost and bonus to the imperial age. :crazy_face:

Joking aside, the imperial age could use a rework, I already raised this a long time ago in a survey and a large part of the community agrees on making this age more interesting.



I would like them to give a building equivalent to the capitol for Native American civilizations. For example, a temple with exclusive end-game improvements.


This seems fair for native civs since they are too much focused on rush while struggle with lategame army compositions.

Haudenossaunee would need to be adjusted, due to have a good army with their available cards and a good economiv boom in treaty

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uninteresting imperial age is why when ever possible I prefer to go for a revolt, you get a different deck different units, specially with imperial age revol like Maya and Revolutionary France.


It would be interesting to have imperial age cards.


Well, Asians get an additional wonder and Europeans get revolutions if you really are hurting for a wacky last age with new cards n stuff.

As with most things in this game (and real life) it’s mostly just the native americans who drew the short end of the stick.


I would love for the fifth age of the Incas to have access to a revolution inspired by the Incas of the AOE 3 WOL.

PS: I am not going to recognize the Túpac Amaru II card as a legitimate revolution, it is mediocre and ironically it is worse than the revolutions of the Warchiefs expansion. :expressionless:

For the Aztecs and Incas, being able to build a Great Temple or Wonder in the Imperial Age that would allow for research on imperial improvements would fit well with their theme. The Haudenosaunee and Lakota could construct a building with improvements that reflect their Westernization.


I would reuse the Ossuary as a building like an Imperial Age parliament other than the Capitol with many more unique improvements (I think the Napoleonic Era did it)…

I really have no idea what is there to take from the Wars of Liberty Inca that’s not here already except for the broken coin trickle mechanic.

Like, somehow, the WoL Inca unit roster is drastically worse than the DE one.

Gunpowder infantry, cannons and cavalry.

I want to make it clear that I want a revolution inspired by the Incas from WOL, not an exact copy of the mod’s civ.

PS: Maybe the Incas should have access to captured versions of the Culverin and Horse Artillery (new units)

Oh you just want made up stuff lol.

Like, OK, let’s go through each one:

-Cannons: They have

  1. Inca Mortar, you might wonder what the historical inspiration for the Inca Mortar was, well, wonder no more, I put it there because Rise of Nations had an unit called Inca Mortar.. There’s no historical basis behind it lmao.

  2. The Bocafuego, which is some sort of shared unit among the native americans. The Bocafuego was, out of all things, Guarani. As in, from the complete opposite side of the continent.

  3. So that leaves us with the Pishtaco which is… uh… a folkloric semi-mythical boogeyman figure of the Peruvian Andes that may or may not have been inspired by roaming bandits of the 19th century or so.

  4. The Manco Horsemen were a real thing. As in during the Manco Capac uprising there were armed Inca mounted on horses. So, justified enough I guess.

But again, the Inca unit roster is so terrible in Wars of Liberty, it’d be absolutely unplayable if it weren’t due to the broken economy bonus. I find it so funny that someone wants to have it here.


I love the fictional alt history unique units for the civs in Rise of Nations, great choice of inspiration!! :grinning:

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4 if I remember correctly, but I would like them to be able to manufacture them, although for a matter of balance I proposed adding new captured cannons. (for some reason many want the light cannon to be “exclusive”)

Inspired, not copied. Is there really no gunpowder unit that the Incas could have?

PS: Speaking of the Guarani, I hope they are added to the game, from what I can see they have a lot to contribute.

However, in the game the Incas lack cavalry, something that I would like the developers to change, perhaps through a rework of the imperial age. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s the point, I’m not asking for them to be copied and pasted into the game, I’m asking for the concept of Incas with cavalry units, artillery and gunpowder units to be brought in through a revolution equivalent to the Mayan revolution. (Age V)

No, but I can tolerate historical inaccuracies or some fiction if it’s for balance, although I prefer developers to avoid making things up whenever possible.

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Oh, the Inca absolutely have options for historical units if you want to give them. I’ve brought them up before in the forums. During the Manco uprising they had horsemen as I mentioned already. They also these cannons that the spanish labelled as “Tronador” which is probably what inspires the “Thunders of Illapa” technology.

What I’m saying is that Wars of Liberty is a terrible example to follow. The units make no sense either from a balance perspective, not from a design perspective and absolutely not from a historical perspective. There’s nothing to take inspiration from there.

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Do you dare to make a topic about a possible rework for the Incas? It could be interesting and educational. :smile:

Unfortunately it’s the only example I could think of, I don’t know of another game/mod from this time period that has Incas to use. :worried: