Personally, I think they should add three special imperial age shipments for each civ, but only one can be selected. One could make the heroes much stronger, another could send you a special unit (like an extremely powerful great bombard for the Ottomans) that you can only send when there are no others exactly like it still alive.
I don’t want any Imperial Age changes.
I want imperial stats access for Asian civs on their mercs.
We dont want +50% Hattamotos. Japan dont need that with so many auras haha
China and India could get it in some way. Maybe by doing (jat/iron) monastery card 2x with a cost in imperial age? I dont know if thats even doable.
Do you even play asians?
Because consulate units are not mercs.
Also hatamotos like every other consulate unit shadowtechs.
It makes sense, since Rise of Nations needs many ancient and medieval civs, as well as native ones, to reach the contemporary age, that’s why they created unique fictitious units based on modern actual units…
Yes, along with the Mapuches plus 10 new minor tribes and with that we can now be satisfied with the Natives civs, at least in South America…
Do you even play japanese?? Because Hatamotos are mercenaries, thats why Ninjas are the best counters for them
I didt say anything about other consulate units
I would prefer university. But so many adjustments would have to be made to the game, that it would practically be better to make a new one.
yes i do. And they already got imperial stats so it is of no concern at all. They are literally a consulate unit with a merc tag that anyways REGARDLESS gets imperial stats.
It is both things at the same time (mercenary and consulate unit). Automatically improves with shadow “technology”.
I wish Asian civilizations could upgrade mercenaries to imperial stats.
Historically accurate and viable from playability POV
For that same reason Hattas dont need another 50%.
Seriously, Japan as a whole doesnt. They have daymios, shogun, 10 units batches and golden pavillion and Shrines. They have enough bonus aplicable to mercs. (And arsenal and church upgrades)
How broke you think the Devs are that you’re suggesting recycling buildings from the campaign? LoL
10+ threads and nobody ever thought of the simple quick fix like “changing Hatamoto into a separate consulate unit without the mercenary tag like most other consulate units”, if one fears that giving Asians a proper mercenary upgrade would make them too strong.
So this is what the community of ”THE most radical game in the AOE series” is like:
You have to be ultimately comprehensively knowledgeable about balancing, modeling, not adding to Europeans, not hurting some (self-proclaimed) competitive pro circle, and addressing every single design and programming detail like “a certain great modder”, before you’re allowed to throw two cents.
Hold on!
But Hatamoto is mercenary unit? Isn’t it?
I talked abput hattamotos due to be the strongest one but its aplicable to any, like gatling camels, ronins (which are essentialy hatas), zouaves…
Hatas having the mercenary tag is good tho, adding counters to them
Aren’t there multiple mercenary tags? There’s got to be a solution that gives merc upgrades without making them broken.
It’s almost like people come to forums to hold discussions instead of seeking instant gratification from a grand encompassing idea, huh?
Then there is another quick 1-minute solution: removing the consulate unit tag instead. Just like consulate surgeons, petards, etc.
All other mercenaries are available to all other civs (except Native Americans). If the European and African imperial mercs do not make them broken, then Asians or Native Americans having something similar would not make them broken. If they already are then it’s these units themselves’ problem.
Maybee one should sort consulate units as separate, and grant spies an boni, though asian civs would also require a spy and so would native ones.