Maltese villagers limit

My point was they’re bad in treaty already and your suggestion would only make it worse.

If you don’t want as many vills in 1v1 just train less. A trickle of 8 food per second and +30% food gather rate would be way too much.


It’s strange that you didn’t say just play Ottoman)))

Idk what you’re saying. Are you calling me an Ottoman shill?

Ottoman shills?

There he is constable, get the sick man away from my commandery!

Sorry its just juans arguements dont make sense to me either so im going this direction to cope.


Pour moi ça aurait été plus logique s’il demandait la réduction pop de certaines unités maltaise plutôt que de réduire le nombre de villageois

Meanwhile many civs with no factories waiting for an economy power spike card in industrial age…


This is the level of your argumentation.

Dude, I just don’t agree with you, and now you need to see a therapist. You should think about it.

They will never do that.

I could say the same (only I’d actually have a point). You were the one who randomly brought up Ottomans, and you question my arguments?

When I brought up substantive points about the effects your suggestions would have on treaty, or the fact that you’re suggesting a value level for Sicilian Supply that’s way higher than any normal card, you largely ignore them. That or say something incomprehensible.

If you reduce Malta’s vill pop by 14, you need to find a way to match a 14 vill stronger eco in age 5 where vills get an extra 50% gather rate. Doing this with trickle cards isn’t going to work well because they don’t scale. Sicilian Supply would need to be worth close to 14 Imperial vills to maintain late game economic power, and that’s well-over the economic power of 14 Industrial vills (you’re looking at a minimum economic power level for the card your suggesting that’s equivalent to about 19 vills in age 4 to match the 14 removed in age 5 (all because you wanted to lower the vill cap). 19 vills is just under 2 Factories worth of production).


The core issue is juan youre not very good at this game, refuse to listen, then explain things poorly. You clearly dont understand how malta works, or how eco works, or how malta scaling works, or how order units work, or how to manage late game eco in supremacy. Yet you dictate solutions that through a combination of translation error and lack of understanding come across as bizzare.

Just like the bizzare haude needs mantlets in supremacy (good players need light cannon) post you made showing you’re ignorant of that civ, you just dont get malta. Do you want to 1v1 some of us? Would that help you? Or are you content to throw shade while being so far off base of how these civs work that it comes off as trollng?


Comme il ne feront jamais ce que vous demandez à propos de malte désolé

I don’t care how much the card’s value is higher or lower. I need a result.

Nobody plays Malta in 99 Wheels in treaty anyway. What don’t you understand?

I repeat once again. Nobody plays 99 Wheels with Malta even now! It’s you who can’t hear me.

How good do I have to be at this game to understand what and how it should work? Could it be so?

Or like this?

What kind of argument is this, like you can’t play. It’s like school, right? Maybe it looks like trolling? I repeat, if you don’t like my opinion - THIS IS NOT AN INSULT!
By the way, a funny fact. Malta has everything good with its cavalry.

I hit 100 higher elo with haude using 0 control groups as a challenge. And youve been the talking smack, calling people shills or laughing when your more knowledgable peers try to gently correct you… all while you are acting as if you know what you’re talking about with random meaningless in game screenshot and no evidence to back up your claims such as a posted rec.

The thing is, i dont call out your lack of knowledge to belittle. You can be 800 elo and know stuff this game is complicated and i dont talk down to people with less elo nor do i think having higher elo means you are inherently smarter. No, in your case from casting your game and seeing the continued refusal to engage in good faith or present solid evidence (1v1 people here in lobby, recs, sane game knowledge) all while maybe its a language barrier on your part or a brain barrier you come off abrasive and incomplete in discussions.

Like this. What does this even mean? Are you saying the shadowtech makes it worth? Are you legit saying malta cav is better than say german or france? Do you even know the difference?

Tbh kind of on me for wasting my time on this troll but at least others can know when a opinion is not representative on game knowledge


Annnndddd?? Nobody play germany with 139 pop in villagers

If you wanna train army as India you have to kill like 20 villagers too.

It is the balance of things, now Malta has beefy Firethrowers.

What they need is better train times on Commanderies

  1. Never called anyone that, LIAR!
  3. Now that we have clarified our relationship, we can continue to communicate.

I want to say that 640 dragoons did a great job with 1100 gendarmes. I don’t see any problems with the cavalry. I said 6 months ago that dragoons are the main unit for Malta, just like elephants are for India.

You don’t know shit how to play Malta.

What is the limit set for the production of SW, remind me?

Who has a stronger economy, Malta or India?

A useless unit that is only used against Russians, like any other grenadier. However, I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I don’t remember any HP updates from them.

They already have a card for 80% acceleration, which is quite enough.

Ive played malta at a higher level than you, including events. Since they were on release. You, who is trying to say malta is a goon centric civ when their goons are worse once cav combat.comes in are either playing noobs or lying again. Other than the shadowtech powerspikes there is nothing and malta eco not set up for coin long term. Also no shipments is a big yeah you calling people liar is doubly ironic comming from someone with blatant lack of game knowledge

The only one laughing is everyone reading statements like yours, but not for reasons you think.


Just sums up limited you think. 1100 gendrarmes would crush 640 goon in any semi competent player matchup unless it was infinite blank map vs a z move player. Just bizarre scenario and statement

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There was a battle against France age 5. He couldn’t attack with infantry, because of fixed guns, then he went to mortars and gendarmes. He did everything right and he had more resources than me, but I won with dragoons. I saw at least five high lvl guys who play Malta through dragoons. You are completely lying. It doesn’t matter if they have cavalry cards or not. Dragoon is their only unit because the developers made broken crap.

Post the rec so people can see the game, or stop making stuff up since either its translation or cognitive limitation in your posts, without context your words are both hollow and continue to prove you speak beyond understanding. The only liar has been you before, making false claim in post after post (11 vill russia only viable, haude needs mantlets, now malta goon is better than 150% res worth of age5 cuir.).

Its clear dunning kruger running a marathon here today

I seriously hope you mean “Everyone uses 111 villager population (99 vills + 6 Settler Wagons) and deletes some right before the treaty ends.” Otherwise your skill in treaty is lower than I would have assumed.

Having said that, below is a link to a high level treaty game. Jaegerchere is playing Malta, curtis [who, as best I can tell currently rank #2 on the treaty leaderboard] is on the other side. Jaegerchere keeps 90+ (99 a lot of the time) almost all the way through the battle section of the treaty. If I’m correct and he’s as high level within the treaty community as I’m speculating he is, that would seem to imply top level treaty players tend to stick closer to 99 on vill pop during the battle.

Jaegerchere Malta game YouTube

I’ll speculate from a mix of personal experience and logic to say that at his level, deleting vills too early would be how you lose faster. I don’t believe the front lines changed much throughout that video, both teams were far too good for that. No one was going to deal massive eco damage. It was all about draining your opponent’s bank units he can’t produce units because only then could you push.

@platypus_slayer1’s comment was related to my initial perception of the below. Personally, having seen a number of translation errors in your other posts since, I’m inclined to think you attempted to make a joke or something that didn’t come off as such after it went through the translator. Bringing up Ottoman was rather random, and seemed as though it could have been intended as a personal jab. It’s an extremely easy civ to play, so a lot of weaker players lame them (btw, I’ve played them very little on DE).

Switching over to this:

I’m not inclined towards the credentialism of “higher elo means always right”, but if you want to play that game, just ask, I’ll post mine (though this would be somewhat circular, I’ve posted some of that before when you previously made an appeal to your own authority).

Low elo doesn’t necessarily mean a player doesn’t know what they’re talking about, but your understanding of many of the more complex aspects of the game seem surface level, and primarily based on treaty (I’ll remind you that we corrected your misunderstanding regarding farm vs mill rates just recently). The below question from this thread also seems pretty basic for a “professional treaty player”.

• Germany gets 20, but can over pop to 23 via the proper age up to age 4 (giving them 145 max vill pop). Obviously, there you need to delete 45-50 regular settlers before treaty ends.
• USA can get 5 via German Immigrates.
• Malta can get 6 via German Tongue.

Malta can make Dragoons. They are sub-standard in most cases, but usable so long as you avoid goon wars vs better ones.

Your French opponent still should have been mixing units. Playing pure Cuirs hasn’t been viable above a low level in years. [Edit: mixing units as in training infantry, cavalry and artillery. Not Cuir/Mortar/Culv.]

You’re right that Malta isn’t in a good place right now, but many of your fixes would be ill-advised.

Well, if you play the Maltese classic with skirmishers and lancers, then you can play 99. You are no different from Spain. The problem is that his deck had two useless cards: Hospitallers and Sentinels. Firstly, using Sentinels without a card for wall guns is pointless. Secondly, why do you need two anti-cavalry units with the grenadier function? Very strange.
Comments on the video: Maltese classic - fixed guns 70% of shots were blanks. Not enough limit to protect artillery from cavalry attacks, no musketeers - constant draining of gold. I’ll even repeat it specifically for you @platypus_slayer1 - Malta doesn’t have musketeers. So your main unit in the Supremacy is the Dragoon. Or your army will be dead in the first 5 seconds of the battle.
It’s funny that the nation with the strongest defense can’t protect its artillery.
Edited: Forgot to say. He didn’t build a single depot)))

Yes, it was a personal jab. Because playing not in 99 wheels on a nation that is not designed for it is a guaranteed defeat if your skills are equal with your opponent’s. Therefore, your comment “just do less vills” is exactly the same personal jab.

I’ve never played natives, so what? It doesn’t mean I don’t understand treaty.You like to talk about cognitive distortions here. If a person is wrong about one thing, it doesn’t mean that he is wrong about everything.

That is, Malta can painlessly remove 12 vills and get populations for one fixed gun. It’s just doesn’t work.

Naturally, if the player is not an idiot, he will kill the dragoons with skirmishers, not dragoons. (By the way, in the last game, Ottoman lost to me in a dragoons fight, did you hear it, @platypus_slayer1?)

Well, if you look closely. 1100 gendarmes is only half of the soldiers he built. We played two Maltas, there were 6-7 fixed guns. Attacking it with infantry is a stupid idea. So they did everything right. Oh, and I forgot to say: it was a victory through a trade monopoly.

At the moment, playing not 99 vills is a trick with unpredictable consequences. Either it works or it doesn’t. I want it to be “legal”. With such a configuration of troops and their weakness, it should have a vills border like Dutch.

Another idea: make all Maltese defensive buildings generate gold like Oldenburg.

I didnt hear it because you lack the cajones to post recs and continue to make stuff up. Talk to me when you got evidence until them spam your bs I guess