Maltese villagers limit

Hey, you do not pretend in personal attacks, it almost shoots real bullets. :frowning:

This is why juan is obviously not capable of posting a meaningful contribution- besides refusing to post or take feedback he posts stuff like this.

Malta doesnt have a musketeer? So what tags does the sentinel have? What unit class is it? Hell whats it explicitly called in game description? (Tag musket infanty, tagged with other musket infantry tags such as gunpowder heavy inf etc, and described as defensive musketeer). Like this is just a lie.

Like at this point its clear hes just a troll. No one with any earnest will would make statements like this. Man refuses to provide evidence, refuses to write factual stuff, but throws barbs at others for calling out statements like this. But he recognize as long as he does stuff like this, people won’t take a liar seriously


I also decided to ignore his posts after he tried to argue to me that +5% gatherrate on mills would increase the time it takes to go age2 :joy:

Either a troll or in a completely different reality - but either way, not worth my time :sweat_smile:

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How about this: Villager limit set to 90, but SW from German Tongue do not take up pop space. They don’t get a 10% bonus to their stats like the other Tongue cards grant so this would be fair.

Our professional needs to be explained what the function of a musketeer is?

You know everything about the game. Why do you need proof?)))

So far, you’re the only one doing this.


Statements like this show you’re playing against noobs (That is no insult to them or you). Firstly I said “goon war”, so not the same thing. But to answer your question, vs CA, you win if you hit-and-run and abuse his CA by only letting them shoot when your next volley is recharged (Dragoons shoot slower). Problem is in a real game he should just pull back to safety. A noob might chase and allow you to hit and run him to death. If you’re an age ahead, you might be able to stand and fight, but with equal skill and normal upgrades you just lose this as Malta. It’s simple DPS and HP math.

Btw, saying “he should have made Skirmishers” was exactly my point here:

Attacking with primarily Cuirs into primarily Dragoons isn’t a good move (even Dragoons that are weaker than average). He didn’t do the “right thing” he should have made Dragoons instead. Even French Dragoons with Cav Combat will beat yours (assuming even ages etc). He should have thrown in a few stagger mode skirms to kill your Dragoons (even if he’s taking a few losses, it should still be cost effective in stagger mode). Culvs +Mortars can make quick work of Fixed Guns.

Many of the interactions you’re describing are only allowed because of noobish mistakes. I’m unsure what the decks looked like, but I suspect the issue is you’re playing with late game cards in Sup (I saw your deck in the casted Russia Mirror) and your opponents are playing too slow with decks that can’t complete later on.

The +5% he was referring to was about Mill rates. You literally said a +5% Mill gather rate will cause you to go to age 2 with a different number of vills.

Your beating noobs and your inactions with them are telling you things that aren’t true at higher levels. Have said that, I do have to admit I messed up my math earlier:

Over an upgraded Factory worth of food and +30% mill gather rates is still likely too much tempo in Sup, but I forgot to factor in the 6 Settler Wagons in Treaty. It’s would basically be -2 vills compared to a normal Euro civ with no extra eco bonus (85v + 6 SW = 97 vill pop). This seems unlikely to have a big impact on treaty (other than a small stockpile when the fighting starts).

On reevaluation, this suggestion isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t do what I think the civ actually needs (or what you probably intended). By boosting population space (shrinking your economy’s footprint to save more space for army) you provide an outsized buff to the most pop efficient units. That’s Bow/pike for Malta. I don’t think pushing them further down that road is a good thing. I love the bow/pike comps, but they need something that opens up more options. I’m currently working on a list of suggestions, I hope to have it out in early January at the latest.


Or just use depot

  1. No one comments on this topic at all. The developers balanced malta to use depots that cannot be used in Treaty. That is, Treaty malta is constantly at war with 10% debaff on attack speed.
  2. No one commented on the fixed gun firing blanks.
  3. Lack of limit for using Maltese units.
    Aren’t there too many problems?

Yes, he built another 500 of them, and the Chinese also built arequebusiers and crows.

And you don’t think the two of us had not 10 culverins?)

You’re making guesses. It picks up opponents with my elo.

Okay, so we’ll ban players from playing through cow boom. No, no, no, you can’t. It’s not for nothing that there isn’t a single sea map in the rating games.

In this dialogue we were discussing percentages, not farms.

This will be at least some change for the better, because there haven’t been any since the release of this nation. Only sentinel was given 5 hp.

I want to see how malta win at age 4 with xbow\pike. Unless malta hasn’t two factories or lombards to get wood in huge quantities. You may have forgotten, but to produce these units, you need as much wood as food. The fact that Malta will have 20 more spearmen will not change anything. That’s two shots from a falconet.

Lol. You literally showed where he said “farming”
 he specifically said that about farming. You then switched topics to say that small +% on units can be decisive (which it can, and he already agreed with my point earlier in the thread that it could throw off breakpoints).

But then you switched back, you quoted his +5% for everyone again and were clearly talking about food because you said it would impact age up vill numbers. He hadn’t said anything in the thread about a hunting boost. The only food boost he suggested in the thread was on farms (he said mills earlier so the two terms are being used interchangeably).

What? If you want to talk about fishing or cows then open a new thread, that has nothing to do with what I said.

It’s a bug. It’ll probably get fixed. That’s frankly implied, what do you expect me to say?

I forgot all the trees vanish immediately when someone reaches age 4 (sarcasm). I’ve played team Sup games as Malta and won using wood units in age 4. You have 4 upgrade cards for Xbows and with RG tech they have insane stats for their cost. It’s not permanently doable, so kill the enemy faster. In treaty it’s admittedly not as doable as the finite nature of wood starts to matter. Pointing out the unintended buff to early-lategame sup isn’t unreasonable. If it’s doable now, it’ll be much stronger with 16-20% more units. Also everyone basically agrees Malta needs buffs, you just happen to be suggesting ones that don’t fix core issues and come with clearly unintentional buffs to the parts of the civ that are fine now and were nerfed because they were too good at release. The civ was a mixed bag at release with half of the stuff being OP or obnoxious and the other half being subpar or down right bad. They nerfed mostly things that needed to be for Supremacy’s sake but didn’t properly buff what was still poorly implemented.

What are you trying to prove to me now? That I don’t know that collecting food on farms doesn’t affect the transition to age 2? Dude, seriously. Think about it.

  1. We don’t know how effective the Malta really is because 70% of the fixed cannon shots do no damage.
  2. How many decades old is this bug?

I won treaty using “wooden units” called strelets and what? I’m talking specifically about malta. Can it fight with crossbows at age 4? Against skirmishers.

Of course not. Your settlers will simply cut down trees right under the enemy wall.
It has been repeatedly verified that neither Malta, nor Italy, nor Spain can fight with crossbowmen at the 4-5 age. They lose even to musketeers, and I won’t even mention skirmishers.

Dude, I was saying what you said was noobish. No one made you say that a 5% map related boost to mill gathering would impact the number of vills you aged up to 2 with. You said it for reasons that none of us fully understand.

If you think Maltese Crossbowmen can’t kill Musketeers you’re wrong (you need Steel Bolts). And yes, if you use them properly you can beat skirms. Your Crossbowmen cost almost 33% less than skirms (when you factor in Wig Construction vs his normal eco), you just need to micro correctly and find a way to force the fight (hussars can snare, or push somewhere he can’t give up, etc). Your higher base DPS actually makes you do better vs skirms as long as you can overcome the range disadvantage. Push the advantages in late age 3 or early age 4 right after getting Arbs. In early age 3 you’re at a big disadvantage (you really really need Steel Bolts).

It depends on the MU, but I like rushing with Crossbowmen and pikes. If you can force your opponent to stay age 2 with you it should put you at an advantage eventually (+2% with every shipment, Xbow attack, Xbow hp, and better vills from Wig Construction etc). Later age when he does while having a bigger eco. Your rush doesn’t need to kill him, don’t overcommit, kill a few vills and force him to make army instead of aging until you have sent a good number of shipments. The cards he’s sending likely aren’t as useful to him as his age 3 cards. You need to give him the choice; stay age 2, or lose his TC and die.
If you kill him outright, that’s gg. If you don’t, you kept him in age 2 making military, then later consider aging. In age 3, survive until your large xbow mass is upgraded and pump more units than he can deal with. You need Vet, Steel Bolts and Xbow combat. Survive until then. He’ll have a strong push with 2 falcs, but if this is at the 15+ minute mark you can probably deal with them fairly easily. If you take a decisive win at your base and still have a good army go do damage or build more TCs and get more ahead. If you took the eco route, don’t forget to apply some pressure anyway. Keep him off hunts etc. Aging again is also an option. Arbs are crazy good and you can go age 4 with a big discount for your xbow/pike upgrades (if you aged and he wasn’t able to follow, this will look really bad for him assuming he doesn’t take an extremely good fight or two).
At the appropriate time, push with more Xbows than he has skirms and walk into it (stepping forward then shooting, and repeat). If you do it right you hopefully wipe his army (either again, or for the first time depending how the game went) and have no problem remassing. It doesn’t work in every MU, which is why Malta needs more options, not things to improve this one. It also takes some skill to pull off.

Italian Crossbowmen aren’t very good (different problem), and Spain doesn’t have Steel Bolts, which is everything for Xbows.

Having seen your deck in the casted Russia mirror, I don’t think you’re playing with tempo. As a self-described “professional treaty player” who has “better micro any supremacy player” I don’t think any of this is going to get through to you. You’ve had enough success around 1200-1300 elo that you think you know everything, but many of the lessons you’ve learned don’t apply at higher levels. People have more optimized builds, better macro and micro, etc. I’m done arguing with you. I think both myself and @platypus_slayer1 have offered to play you before. If you can out micro any supremacy player, I suggest you show us how badly we suck.


guys i think you have bite the bait for too long. If he aint playing to prove a point there is no point to just posting rants on the internet


Okay, I get it.

When you gather food and gold, you can choose according to the situation, you now need to build an army or age up. If you gather wood to build a large army of useless soldiers, you guaranteed will age up later than your opponent. And you get this disadvantage because of units that lose limit on limit fight. We are not in the treaty. The fact that they are more expensive does not mean that they are worse. I saw a guy in Mexico shoot down voltigeurs with soldados with a perfect trade. There the losses were 1 soldado for 5 voltigeurs. Here the situation will be similar. To win a xbow vs skirm fight, you need not 33% more crossbowmen, but much more. You’ll just lose every battle and you will lose control over the map.

No steel bolts can compensate for less armor and HP.

Less DPS due to poor animation and less range and less modifiers. For some reason that guy from your video used cassadors and not crossbowmen. I don’t see


For some reason he doesn’t think so, despite the endless chests with 1200 wood.
It worked for me for Russia. Why can’t Malta do the same?

I never said that age 2 rush is bad. I said after age 2 you forget that you have crossbowmen. You send the card to the cassadors 100% of the time.

He doesn’t get wood. His army doesn’t need it. He will never age 3 later than you, unless he’s taken so much damage that he can surrender immediatly.

Some skills for you and the lack of skills in the enemy. He will not be able to run back and shoot using the advantage of the range of 2 points, as well as all the upgrades of the improved arsenal))) Drums for example)

Spain has an unction.
And the Italian crossbowmen, in addition to steel bolts and cards, have 35% armor and HP like a voltigeur. He is better than the Maltese crossbowman in all respects, but why do you say that he sucks?

Look at your decks from 10 years ago and judge your skills through them.

Playing rush is too risky. If you haven’t killed your opponent at age 2, and half your deck is supplying pikemen and crossbowmen, you lost.

I didn’t say that YOU don’t know how to play. I said that you don’t understand how to play for Malta. And you proved it to me now. You say that you can only play for Malta the same way as for Haudannosi. And you say that because both Malta and Italy are unfinished pieces of shit. That’s right. I’m not arguing with you. I’m trying to show you that your words don’t contradict mine in any way.

Prove what?

@platypus_slayer1 Look at the horsemen. @Kingfisher1787 Look at the rush.

Not a single xbow pike

A 3v3 without a record submitted and edited image vs randoms proves nothing other than you are incapable of listening; once you are willing to face some of us or post full records you’ll only continue to prove youre a troll not worthy of discussion

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Since we have such a level of discussion, you have no right to say anything about Malta until I see a recording of you defeating the Ottomans, British, Spain, Porto or France with Malta.

Ok, but you gotta show yours now. Since you like teams ima thow those in

Using the “non exisistent musketeer” according to you

Lost this one after 1.5 hour grind but imho demonstrates your lack or understanding and maltas real weakness to cav late

Vs aztec rush including depots that you delusionally thought only you could use

Using mass arbs, the impossible unit, in 2v2

Also for bonus me messing up a logi into italian, at the time, busted crabat and shiavone, and dying hard

So until we see records or vid from you, you’ll address me as “e-peen superior” GG, no re


I won’t be able to watch it all at once. I’ll do it little by little.

You lost that fight under the TC with a larger veteran pop limit with aura bonus against regular musketeers. You know, right? And how did you like playing 100 pop limit at 9 minute?
To make it more clear, look here.

  • beat 2x the musk res under a TC delaying game long enough
    -100 pop -
    yeah sure kid im sure having my base nuked didnt play into pop issues
    Also where is your vids? I thought you were going to post videos before wasting my time with unqualifed talk? Given you only talk smack with 0 insight, id like to see some, So far all im seeing is the same troll and liar. Its not even that hard to post a recording, after all you asked and I provided. I didnt see my title of “e-peen superior” until your own stuff is being posted.

I am fine being critiqued, hell most those vids are people pointing out mistakes I made. But given you decided to push the issue I’d like to see you back up your own standards. until then, everything you say will be by your own standard unqualified. Or. you can just admit maybe your not the end all be all of malta knowledge and have much to learn. I think most people on the forum would be willing to engage with you if you showed capacity for good faith convo
-Warm regards, platypus “E-peen supeior” slayer

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Didn’t beat. And you made 10 more in the barracks. If you had met far from the barracks, all your musketeers would have been shot to hell. Let me remind you once again, this was a battle of veterans against ordinary ones. It doesn’t matter how much damage to resources you’ve done if the battle is lost and you’ve lost your position and now you won’t be able to get this resourses from here.

who won?
and please use my title till you post your own vids juan

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