
Mamelukes are quite unused, even the 10g wouldn’t change anything at all. 15g probably more. Reason they are too expensive and need to mass this unit first. Reduce the training time would also help a lot. And going for strong Archer is always easier for Saracens.

Np, just wanted to correct it, that they have archer and not cav archer armor is more in favour of your argument anyways
However, that is how trash counters are supposed to work. You could make the same argument for Mangudai that only survive (or better said die after ) 9 hits (opposed to the 10-19 hits the Mameluke takes), which is the same amount of hits they need to kill a skirmisher, or for Knights, or any other non infantery unit.

Since Mams have their own ‘Mameluke’ armor class now,I think their archer armor class should be removed and Skirms (and Genitour) bonus attack against them should be shifted to ‘Mameluke’ armor class.

Mameluke is the only melee unit in the game that is considered as an archer. This results in some weird situation where they get bonus damage from Huskrals and Persians Knights. Although Mams can run away from Huskrals and +2 bonus damage from Knight is nothing compared to their huge bonus attack against cavalry,I believe this is some unintentional after effect.


Armor classes (Mameluke)

Unique unit

from Age of Empires Series Wiki, Mameluke (Age of Empires II)

I dont think halbs, husks, genis or skirms are a threat against mamelukes. You are trading really good against them, only problem is trading gold units vs trash units for 1vs1s, but… you can simply add your own trash (light cav line, same upgrades than mamelukes) or any other to tank in front.

Already check the site before posting :wink:

And yeah all the units you mention aren’t their bigger problem it’s true. Like i said, I was just surprised by the fact they give an archer class armor to a non-archer unit.

To my knowledge it’s the only unit to have this kind of incoherence. (Well they also the only one to have their own class armor so why not).

That being said with equal ressouces huskarls skirms and halbs destroys Mamelukes except if you can run far away or micro like a beast. The real problem is probably their cost, the class armor might just be pertinent.

I dont see clear in your first post that you knew Mameluke has archer armor class. We probably have a different meaning for the word destroy. You already have been explained that a good unit needs to have higher cost.

First thing I do when I figured it out :slight_smile: My point was questioning why devs choose to give them the archer class armor. My bad if I mispoke it.

If it’s for balance sake it’s fine, but they could swap it on the Mamelukes armor class like @Mubashir158 suggest. (and maybe don’t include Huskarls bonus)

“Destroy” not the right word yes sorry, I mean they die vs these units and considering gold cost it’s not a good thing… but yeah they can still doing ok with some micro. I know they are a good unit, I said it too that’s why I talk about a -5f -5g discount but not more.


Condottiero has their own armor class too so that they resist anti infantry attack from gunpowder like HC but not from others like Jaguar or Cataphract.

Right. Huskrals should be hard countered by Mamelukes. Currently they both counter hard each other kinda similar to HC vs Huskrals.

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Totally agree, Mamelukes for sure need to reduce their gold cost, they are the most expensive UU in the game after Persian war elephant

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