Mangudai decimated

There is also a thing that they didn’t even test this nerf in PUP, just put it last minute in the Season 4 update without much thought.


There’s actually some extra “benefit” to the increased attack speed as well.

In general, when one amasses many units, one does not control their attack targets, sometimes they attack automatically, and something important, especially in ranged units, is that they know how to “change the range target” of a unit. to another. There are times when your units fire 20 shots at a unit that was already at 1 HP, and then you lose X seconds to reload and move on to the next target.

With this increased attack speed, the mangudais also gained the advantage of being able to switch more quickly between firing targets, which will allow them to kill villagers more efficiently, which was their best feature.

In fact, in the Beta of season 4, the janissaries had an attack speed of 0.25 seconds higher, and its effect was seen quite noticeably, now they could change targets so quickly, that in mass they could easily decimate any attack of knights thrown at them. I guess it will be the same with the Mongols, but for light units.

Summarizing new Mangudai:

  • Same DPS vs units in general
  • Reduction in the time it takes to change shooting targets.
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Old Mangudai against early MAA (120hp):
7 dmg - 3 armor = 4 dmg / 1.25s
120hp / 4 dmg = 30 shots
30 shots * 1,25s = 37,5s for 1 Old Mangudai to kill 1 early MAA

New Mangudai against early MAA (120hp):
5 dmg - 3 armor = 2 dmg / 0.88s
120hp / 2 dmg = 60 shots
60 shots * 0,88s = 52,8s for 1 New Mangudai to kill 1 early MAA

That’s a 40.8% difference in the speed of killing armored units in Feudal.
So not really the same DPS vs units in general, only against the units that are countered by Mangudai already (light units/vills). Argument with late game Mangudai being buffed is viable, but it’s the only reason you should be making them in the new season. Or maybe to pick off villagers of very unconscious players in the early game.


Believe it or not but you can ram/burn down palisade walls faster than ever next patch (not that anyone struggled outside of 1v1 before) so that really isn’t an issue.

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I do agree that a triple nerf was too much, but lets try to be a bit more reasonable in our arguments.

Comparing Mangudai to Rus HA or English Villagers is non sensical, as well as comparing them to French Knights and English LB.

The main mechanic of the Mangudai that is causing grief, and what makes them so easy to use in a devastating way, is their ability to attack while moving.

I personally think a small movement speed nerf so they can actually be caught (at least when not under the Khan buff) would have been sufficient. In team games, most of the time if your wall is breached and Mangudai can slip through, the game is over. You cant ever effectively catch them, and by the time you kill them with your towers and keeps and whatever else you have in your base, they would have definitely wiped out your entire team’s trade and wiped a good chunk of your villagers.

Again, I do think a triple nerf might have been too much, but a single nerf was definitely justified. Just like tower rushing before, its about ease of use vs difficulty to counter.

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The thing is Mangudai are heavy-countered by buildings, if only people were to make towers near their trade routes and base when facing up against Mongols

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You can, but again if you sit in your base building towers and gathering all the stone to upgrade them all to bombard towers in imperial then you’ve surely lost the game. 3-4 towers wont do. You need loads. And in high concentrations otherwise the mangudai will run and kill (they will die eventually but not before doing massive damage).

The other day I had 2 bombard towers between two english TC’s, with the English age 4 keep landmark (with bombard and springald emplacements) in the middle, then with all the farms around them. 40-50 or so mangudai ran through, obliterated nearly all the villagers and most of the trade as they went from one side to the other. Around 15-20 of the Mangudai died. Granted they came through the wall on the other side of the map and my teammates did not ping so it took me 5-6 seconds to react and garrison the vills as I was fighting the other side, but that momentary lapse is all it takes to lose the game.

Now compare how easy it is to do that with Mangudai, compared to the difficulty in countering them.


While this is pretty frustrating for me too, this nerf doesn’t really accomplish anything in order to balance this, maybe the movement speed makes it a bit easier to catch Mangudai, but every other thing wasn’t really thought through. I wouldn’t really decrease the damage but maybe HP? So once you catch them, they’re dead Now with the attack speed buff they’re even better in raiding vills because of the faster target switch + overall higher DPS late-game, so I wouldn’t say it’s going to help in team games like it was supposed to and on top of that it breaks 1v1 games.
tl;dr BAD NERF


this is the worst nerf i haven’t ever seen in my life.


barely a nerf.

They will likely need further nerfing in the future.

I agree. This has to be the most ridiculous nerf so far. As if Mongols haven’t received enough nerfs to date.

TRIPLE nerfs to a unit is beyond unreasonable. A unit that was on life support to begin with. Make an outpost, wall or archers & you easily shutdown Mangudai. So what is the problem?

The problem here are the devs making a knee-jerk reaction to a handful of complainers. I understand they want to keep player base but drastic triple nerfs to the ONLY unique unit of the Mongols will eliminate the other end of the player base just as much.

I suggest to keep the damage nerfs for now but at least return their normal speed. Maneuvering Mangudai required skill and even more so if the damage is less.

Otherwise: BAD NERF

Decimate Mangudai & continue to buff English. Fantastic moves, Devs. Just Fantastic. (slow hand clap)