I might be crazy on this one but maybe, Make arrow knights have a separate mode aside from their 30 range or create a new unit for aztec which is an infantry have the range equal to a Falconet but something that fires whether it is an arrow/stone w/e but when it lands it lands in an area or anything that does area damage where it lands This way it equals out the need for area of damage type of units and create a tag which culverins can hit and make the unit cost 3 or 4 POP depending on how useful or strong. While making it effective and killing mass of infantry units which is what canons are for.
In the end for Treaty to be balanced it has to be equal for most civs or close ot equal if I’m wrong then why did LAKOTA receive the tools they have gotten so far to be able to play in treaty.
And on that same point some supremacy games do reach that late stage and having imbalances in late game definitely shows.
to close it out we shouldn’t have units with so many stregnths and being too versitle. ERK even after nerfs still do their role which is Countering CAV
Erk doesn’t have to counter archers, it’s a bad design, aztecs need a card that improves the otontin slinger a lot, even if it increases its price, or get a new unit counter-inf with area dmg.
That can work, but then it would clearly point as to how important it is to have access to canons in late game is and would have to be given to all civs then
Healer: Reduced gather rate at the Community Plaza to 20% (down from 25%).
Medicine Wheel (I): Effectiveness of Healers at the Community Plaza reduced to 35% (down from 50%).
These changes will negatively effect a large number of strategies and potential for creative play across 4 different native civs which are already underrepresented. Why are these changes necessary?
In the latest Update to the PUP, buckriders was changed so that Highwaymen are 2 pop after sending the stream this is a bad change imo as it is.
Highwaymen are too weak to be worth 2 pop when compared to ruyters. Their charged attack is the only substantial benefit (they are very slightly better than ruyters in most things otherwise). While making them 1 pop makes ruyters obsolete, making them 2 pop makes the card completely useless other than for some meme rush strat. This card should be an age 4 card to prevent bad starts like that coming up. Furthermore this card should either buff Highwaymen enough that they can compare to late game Dragoons or make them 1 pop again. The coin cost reduction should be removed to compensate.
It seems very clear to me that this card is intended to work with dutch states army but right now the combo is not strong enough to work in the late game and really only seems viable as a supremacy age 3 strat which the dutch are currently very strong at. Dutch’s main issues are treaty, please buff treaty play without making their supremacy play even stronger.
highwayman loses against a carabinier (and this without having the buffalo soldier card), being a unit of 3, 2 with theaters, for Holland having ruyter will be a direct card to never used cards. 21
“mortar units can now attack units…” and the Aztecs’ mortars occupy 6 population and at the same time they decide to apply the strongest nerf to the Aztecs since WC (which was justified). A sad season is approaching for the Aztecs.
The patch is a nosense.
Devs gived natives captured mortars (CM )because they needed a better option to counter walls. Then devs turned CM in a worse version of the europeans ones despite being limited at embassies at imperial age.
Well, we can think, oh is good AKs get bonus vs walls. Nosense if everyone get it. They keep as the worst option.
Morutarus dealing 1000 damage will be funny to see next to the shogun
They will only do so much against walls.
Personally I think it’s about damn time. Walls are way too OP in both treaty and supremacy. In the live version, if someone turtles in behind walls it is very difficult to counter them and they don’t have to give up map control. Walls are simply OP. Something had to give.