Medierranean Architecture Set is extremely overused

Castle, Towers, and Monastery are different for all if I remember correctly. Not sure about Imperial Age TC for this particular pair. Seems different to me. Rest are same building with different roof and wall colours.

There’s a written law by Eco that says:
Everyone here likes to make statements about things they don’t know and fill them with baseless theories.

People talk about campaigns, leader names, civs, techtrees, splits and everything else about Africa and America, sometimes even Oceania. But you are too
 let’s say you are too busy to read them. Respect above everything, lack of knowledge above everyone!


Trust me you aren’t the only one, I’ve long hoped that the devs could venture out of Europe and focus more on the civs in other continents like East & SE Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Now that the Caucasus civs are confirmed I’m hoping that the DLC after the Mountain Royals could be one for East & SE Asia, Africa, or the Americas. It doesn’t matter which of them comes first, as long as it’s one of the three I would be satisfied.


That’s freedom of speech, democracy, something the west invented but keeps forgetting about recently. If people don’t know then you can correct them.

The few that do it are usually the less vocal against Europe and I like them. I’ve seen very good Polynesian and Zimbabwe theorycrafts that works even without trebs and other Euro stuff.

Yes I’ve been busy the whole year to make a campaign. An African one. What are you and other euro haters doing to expand Africa in this game?

What you people seem to miss is a very basic difference:
People who propose Euro civs does not equal to people who excludes the rest of the world while people who only wants non euro civs equals to excluding Europe.
I know it’s complex to understand but this simply means it’s you the one excluding people not me.

If you wanna lament about the game lacking non Euro civs do something about it instead of harassing creative people who try to come up with new stuff without getting payed for it.
How much African or American custom campaigns does this game have? One moment, I don’t want to give you ideas to who harass and complain with next

If you really care so much for Africa try to write to Devs, maybe they’ll listen to you
 but if they listen as much as they do with bugs don’t keep your breath while waiting.

I know it’s easier to shut up random guys on internet than Microsoft big bosses but unfortunately random guys on the internet can only speak for themselves and what they like and know and it’s not a fault if they happen to like or know European history more than subsaharian African one.

Microsoft instead is literally getting payed for it but if you prefer to, keep up with this war of poor people against poor people, at least I hope Devs are laughing while reading you arguing with random nobodys trying to do what they can for free to expand the game
 after all as long as people keep talking about aoe2, engage and advertise for free that’s good to Microsoft.

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We simply need a Byzantine architectural set for Byzantines, Bulgarians, Armenians and Georgians.


Walls and castle too.Still its easier than doing a complete show a monastery already made and castles anyway gets new skins so just need to do the remaining buildings.

I am working on designing one that’s specifically Caucasian, but it can work well for Byzantines and Bulgarians too. AbeJin will be carrying out my designs.

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The way you put democracy and freedom of speech in your phrase makes that very clear you have no idea about what both are.

In what forum are you? People are not AGAINST Europe, some are fed up on having again and again euro civs while the rest of the world barely has anything. Even Asia has much less than it could have, but what we get is Burgundians and Sicilians, for example. Were they really needed? Weren’t Polish already represented by Lithuanians?

Not everyone is a campaign maker or a civ theorycrafter, nor everyone has the time to make them.

I’m not sure you are aware that devs can focus in x projects at the same time, so, if they start doing another euro DLC, it means waiting more for non-euro DLC while Europe has around half the civs in the game already. It must be too complex for you to understand this kind of math, right?
It’s 2023, people are learning that there are amazing things outside Europe, then they go back to pop culture, see Europe everywhere and ask for something else. But to some it is euro-hating, euro-exclusion, euro-etc, while it’s just a “hey, yeah, it’s cool, but let’s do something else for a moment, could we?”.

You call others fascists and I am the one harassing for saying the very clear thing? That you lack knowledge, that the guy from yesterday lacks knowledge (btw, he agreed he has a stereotypical vision yet), the lack of knowledge of people asking for more map bans without adding more maps to the map pool. And you were crying some hours ago because someone said one of your campaigns is bad. You can’t even understand that, no matter how much effort you put in something, it still can be garbage. Criticism isn’t good or bad, it is criticism. To take something positive or negative from them it’s up to you only.

Why do you think I don’t write to them? Of course I won’t annoy them DMing about things I want, unless I happen to be a friend of some. To tell devs I use a tool they themselves came up with: answering their surveys and using the forums.

Again, you are just echoing Eco’s law. Don’t give up, warrior, you are doing a great job!


Some also related to North America:

And as an “Eurohater”, I did read even those

If you want, I can show more books relating about European history if that’s not “enough” for you.

Still have to read those though:

I’m also helping people to find literature about Africa:

And not going to lie, my motivation to make African campaigns when it’s basically only Malian mirror matches or having the equivalent of Portuguese fighting against Slavs is in terms of distance is low. Even worse if you would want to do something in relation to North America north of the Colorado. The game literally offers you nothing there to work with except an “Iroquois warrior”.


I’d rather have one for Byzantines and Bulgarians and another for Caucasians, even if they end up only ever having two civs.


Considering that we now have a set used by 8 civs, it’s definitely possible that they’d add 2 more for the East Asian one. And with the fan favourite Tibet there
 I don’t know, one can dream. Prefer though they’d focus first on the other three you mentioned, just because of the architecture set issue.

To return to the architecture set problematic, I’d split the set into two with Byzantines, Armenians and Georgians in one to have a Orthodox set and Romans, Italians, Sicilians, Portuguese and Spanish in a Catholic one.

They should have done that from the get-go though.


Do you have a link where I can buy the History of the Caucasus one?

Full of pretty pictures inside. Haven’t found the time yet to read it. Reading a book about Slovakia right now (yes, quite random, I know


You people seem to not understand that things call for things unless you’re a fascist which in my vocabulary means forcing others to acknowledge what you want or like or whatever

For example I care for late antiquity, maybe you already saw me coming up with it but how many times did I force it through passive aggressive sarcasm or by harassing people (a euro hater guy telling me he hates late antiquity and shouldn’t be in game btw)? I just care for it and that’s it, that’s me and it’s personal, it’s not that I try to impose it on a whole community. That is fascism, nothing more and nothing less.

I can maybe just say that the game would need more of it (controversial I know, count how many scenarii you have before the year 1000 and how many after it) but it’s not that I can go around and forge an army of people to just force it into everyone mindset that if you don’t care late antiquity you’re a bad person etc. Is it that hard to see?

I tried to ignore it once, two, three times
 but omg every thread of every civ which is not AAA here they are, people telling me what I should talk about or not. Just let others be, it’s not players fault if Africa is underrepresented, why do you resent them? It’s just totally irrational and feels really like an aggression to everyone who’s just here to talk about what they like or share stuff. What is your problem ahah Oh you discovered that Africa existed while ugly Europeans were trying to hide it from you? Welcome to the world idk what else to say really

I don’t know how many times I said I agree that those regions are underrepresented but it’s getting old so fast to me with every 2 seconds reading a joke about “ohoh let’s add another Italian split” ohoh you funny guy repeating the same joke for 4 years.
What’s the point of this? Sounds like teens who discovered America and eager to tell anyone

It’s really not a matter of substance but one of form. You can’t treat people like they’re ignorant just because they don’t know what you know.
Otherwise wanna do a test about late antiquity? If you don’t pass it you’re ignorant. No! It’s not that I force you to acknowledge what I care for lol. Otherwise I tell you to shut up or that you’re an American ignorant and other very liberal and democratic assumptions.
Is it clear that my point is a matter of form since I agree with the substance? (Which is that AAA needs more civs)

Btw I read a bit one of the books you posted about Africa @Szaladon but it just confirmed the issue with dark ages in Africa: there are little to no info of real events or battles available. It’s just all wrapped up in legends or myths and you need to make inferences for it. There are no names, no real events described in details
 which are what you need to make a civ in aoe2.
Yes you can do like Yodit, making up 70% of it like I somehow did with my Dihya campaign
 but that’s a letdown when you confront it with places of the world where history is clearer and more documented.
The books just vaguely describe culture, religion and some archeological stuff so it’s good for history enthusiasts (it was interesting to read) but what you take out of culture for aoe2? You need battles, wars, tangible events and facts
 sometimes even names of cultures like “X group” after the fall of the kingdom of Kush is just based on abstractions and assumptions

But of course people are gonna say I’m ill intentioned if I don’t know what campaign make for subsaharian dark age Africa

And for @Darkillermon it’s really low that you attack me on the campaign rating thing but I totally agree that truth is more important than feeling down for it even when it’s harsh. Indeed I’m going on despite I honestly think I’m wasting my time, for the sack of passion, a thing that is personal and not imposed on others because anyone has their own. That’s what makes the world diverse and I guess you’re a fan of diversity and you wouldn’t like a world of same minded people, even if they’re all thinking exactly like you, never biased or ignorant, and with your exact same passion for Africa.

I hope it’s clear that you can’t reduce what a person likes or not to a matter of numbers or rationalised “should be”. When it’s about what you care for it’s not about numbers, ideology or morals, it’s just things call for things or they don’t and that’s the end of it.


Once more you are wrong. What you are talking about is authoritarianism. Fascism is a type of authoritarianism. Yo usaid before to teach people, right? So here you go: How Fascism Works by Jason Stanley; Eternal Fascism by Umberto Eco, The Anatomy of Fascism by Robert Paxton. Enjoy.

I would love more Late Antiquity content in the game, wrong assumption (again). No one is harassing you, you are at best being called dumb in a fashion way.

No one ever said that people who wants more european content are bad, most if not all of us are just saying “let’s get other places around the world, we come back to Europe after at least 3 DLCs, could it be?”.
Oh, so yesterday it was second and third world people if they got offended by someone saying “those countries don’t have time to worry about Age of Empires”, today is my problem that you over react to criticism? Tomorrow you tell me so I can know if I should feel bad or not for you.

I treat people like ignorant when they claim things they ignore, simple as that. Don’t know, don’t claim. Easy.

Btw, everyone who is pro-AAA wants a new european arch set, did you see that? All those euro-haters wanting some european civs to be more authentic and diverse instead of a copy of a copy of a copy.
Yes, this is a “I’m tired of off-topicing with you”.


I think it would be best if you could either resolve your conflicts in DM or stop talking to each other because at this point you’re just both derailing the thread with off topic passive agressive/outright agressive personal attacks and no one here has signed up to be your personal audience.


I don’t think you need a book to know what fascism is and if you need it maybe that’s about you. I usually use my head instead of others one and I’m sure this is a pretty liberal stance.
I’m a philosopher btw but I don’t like reading very much (uuuu controversy), I prefer to write.
You’re the first person calling me dumb but that’s ok since you don’t know me. So you’re talking about things you don’t know??? You can’t find me in a book yet don’t worry.
Some things you don’t find in books, despite all humankind efforts to categorise everything and calling dumb whoever piss outside the stench of academic language

I had a teacher like you in Roman history, very rigid. Everytime I asked him a question he replied to go read that book
 I’m asking you lol. Do you exist, have opinions or not? And he also said the same about democracy. Yeah definitely authoritarian in the sense that the authority of an opinion matters more than the logic in it.
Also when I hear someone quoting Eco about fascism I’m like yikes! What is more authoritarian than Eco? He said that any idiot can talk about what he wants “nowadays” (conservative too!)
 I literally don’t know what’s less democratic than that but ok. The eternal fascism was ###### ### I suspect. Also if you read someone like Bauman or Frankfurt school they have literally the opposite view of fascism from the one of Eco (Eco thinks everything outside of illuminism is fascism while the others said fascism is a consequence of illuminism!)
It feels to me you read the label “fascism” somewhere and you assumed that’s it without asking yourself first. You trust authorities too much imho to call yourself liberal or democratic. Fascism is not anymore what it was a century ago, fascism is about being authoritarian and it can present in many ways, even disguising himself as liberal or democratic
 you learn it more when dealing with real life than in books (and I’m sure Marx would agree, but not Marxists probably :wink:).

Anyway glad you like late antiquity, I’m waiting for you to propose it with the same vehemence you propose Africa!
And if you don’t believe the thing about Euro haters try to start a post tomorrow about a Celts split and let’s see if you get more irony or likes.

Finally someone aknowlege that Goths should use a roman set. Sorry it makes +1 using the Mediterranean architecture set hahaha.


Bizarre of you to imply it is somehow the focus on Eurasia that resulted in all this asset recycling, had your desired DLC locations became reality instead of what we have now, what would of happened is the new Civs would just use the pre-existing Meso, African and Central Asian architecture sets. And few people would complain about the exact same amount of asset recycling because we would have a roughly 4-5 civs per Architecture set. As opposed to the more obviously egregious 8 to 1 set situation we have now.

Dividing people further on an unrelated Euroasia versus America, Africa whatever DLC location dispute isn’t helpful. When the issue is a greater universal one of cynical lazy developmental practices.