Megathread: Game will not start on Gamepass/MS Store

So when will this be fixed? I was able to play the season 2 patch until the ranked season started.

idk if this helps but i turned wifi off and it loads up instantly. doesnā€™t seem to reconnect once youā€™re in though

same happening to me aswell, xbox gamepass user. played a few games season 2 the loaded in today and it wont work?

I have the exact same problem on 4 computers:
1: 3900x + 2080ti
2: 3950x + 1080ti
3: 3950x + 1060
4: 5950x + 3090

All latest drivers, all lock on the same screen after the new update

note I disabled the internet and the game loads instantly

(all bought on the Microsoft store)

xbox game pass? must be a major error going on somewhere and is everyone oceania or all over?

Seems like all of us are playing from xbox game pass. And Iā€™m from middle Europe so it seems like an overall problem

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yeah must be a gamepass issue then if all steam players are fine :sob:

So I let it just load for a (long) while and now Iā€™m in. There was also an update for the xbox app that I did through the windows store before doing that. Havenā€™t restarted the game yet so IDK if Iā€™ll have the problem again.

When I disconnect the internet, I can enter the game but canā€™t connect to the server

going to try this now i think i seen this on another post

xbox game bar or actual xbox app?

I think it was the actual Xbox app. I just hit update all in the microsoft store. IDK if the update had anything to do with it. I think just waiting for a long time was the actually important part, but thought I would share the whole process.

what update i havent got one? i checked the microsoft store and all, even uninstalled the xbox app and re installed and restarted my pc. i dunno what todo apart from wait until the xbox app has an update for me. my xbox app installed version is 2207.1001.5.0 whats yours? and how long approx did you wait? @Lietzu

exactly same story here

Again, I donā€™t necessarily think it was the update. If it says up to date then it probably is. I think the waiting was more important.

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Same problem here, canā€™t load in.

oi cun*** whats going on? keen to have a session

been waiting 2 hours lol

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I am having the exact same problem at the moment. I have had the same issue on two different computers since last night. I had one game yesterday then it all went haywire.

My friend can play on steam version but all of us on xbox canā€™t play. just fyi for addicts :wink: