Megathread: Game will not start on Gamepass/MS Store

The issue is still there but Was able to play with no issues by logging into vpn. Didn’t have to connect/ disconnect the connection, was able to get straight in using VPN. Thanks

Hey, all! Today’s hotfix will hopefully resolve this MS Store issue. If you still are having trouble, please contact support with your DxDiag and warnings.log file. Thanks!


Game still doesn’t load past loading screen…

When will the patch be coming out to fix the issue of game not loading past loading screen? I’m still having this issue.

Mishime of Vale Wolf Games

If you have yet to contact support with your DxDiag and warnings.log file, please do so. Thanks!

The windows xbox launcher is complete trash!

Game still doesn’t work just gets stufk on the loading screen. Steam has a free weekend at the moment and the game laundhes with no issues what so ever

SOLVED: Had this same stuck on the map animation loading screen. Fiddle with firewall to fix.

While starting, and while on the map loading screen - turn off briefly and then on again - private and public firewalls. Takes only seconds. ensure you turn all back on again. Windows 11 current version as at Sept 2024.