The yamabushi and it belong to the Tendai, not the Zen.
Negoro-shū belong to the Shingon, not the Zen too.
Btw, the sohei archers basing on the ikko-ikki belong to the Jōdo Shinshū, still not the Zen.
As long as this temple is Zen Temple, they should not appear here.
You can check my similar ideas below.
I put them at Monastery, while I don’t define the school and sect of Monastery so they are reasonablly allowed at there.
The Negoro-shu could be presented by the Saika-shu (雑賀眾), which were similar and also the famous mercenary group with firearms. Since the Teppo Ashigaru (鉄砲足軽), the Ashigaru Musketeers which are renamed to a more accurate term in my version, are already good ranged heavy infantry, so I think the another Japanese firearm forces like the Saika-shu should be skirmisher-like mercenaries.