Mod validator force unsub my mod even after I fixed it

Dear devs, it seems the new mod validator is not working as expected. My mod Classic Main Menu - Ranked in 1 Click - Mods - Age of Empires was not compatible with the new patch and crashed the first launch. I immediately fixed it.

However, the game continues to unsub it without my permission. Every time I restart the game, the mod is gone! Can you fix it? You basically cannot send the fix to users now.

@DodoNotDoDo @StepS7578

I’ve passed it on, we’ll investigate.

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Do you have a copy of the version of your mod that was causing the crash? They wanted to check and see why it was.

Also, if you’re still experiencing the auto unsubscribe, can you also send me your mod status file? Should be in \Users<your user name>\Games\Age of Empires 2<user id>\mods.

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Copy before I updated: - Google Drive

Mod status: mod-status.json - Google Drive

It seems the auto unsub behavior is gone now, perhaps because I subbed it AND turned it off before I exited the game, but I’m not sure.

Thanks for your follow-up!

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