Mongol Raiders score: 23506. New profile icons: 0

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • Build: 101.101.39284.0 5297380
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Gamertag: Hjörleif

:arrow_forward: ISSUE

:question: Describe the problem in detail (below). Please limit to one issue per thread.

Here is the problem I’m experiencing… I wanted the Siege Ram Racer profile icon so I played the Mongol Raiders scenario and got about 23000 in score. But I still don’t have the Siege Ram Racer profile icon.

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:question: List the steps to reproduce the issue… Be descriptive!

Here’s how to reproduce the issue:

  1. Discover a brand new profile icon which looks awesome
  2. Adore it and get excited.
  3. See that in order to get it I need to score 20,000 in Mongol Raiders.
  4. Play Mongol raiders.
  5. Score 23,506.
  6. Get happy and proud you can now get the icon! A positive uplifting of your day!
  7. Go back to main menu
  8. Check the event tab.
  9. See the 20,000 score achievement still has a locked padlock icon…
  10. Go to Player Icons tab in Profile menu.
  11. Select the Siege Ram Racer icon.
  12. The icon and the Select Icon button are greyed out and unequippable.
  13. Feel betrayed, disappointed and sad.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES

:question: Include a OneDrive or Google Drive link to a SAVE GAME or REPLAY FILE of the game where you encountered the issue.

:arrow_forward: IMAGE & ATTACHMENTS

:question: Attach a SCREENSHOT, VIDEO, DXDIAG .TXT FILE, or CRASH/GAME LOGS (if relevant).
Screenshot 1: game claims profile icon will be unlocked after having scored 20,000 on Mongol Raiders.
Screenshot 2: profile icon unavailable.
Screenshot 3: score achieved is 23,506.


Dude you have to unlock all the previous achievements in order to unlock the icon. Also there is a cooldown time for each challenge so you have to wait a day to unlock the next one. You can see the timer in the main menu. => no bug


What do you mean?! I thought I had missed that so I just went through everything again, all the event information in the game. The whole event announcement (, the announcement video ( and nowhere - absolutely nowhere - is it said what you just told me! Is there some fine print hidden somewhere I have missed?

You have to wait around 24 hours cooldown to complete each challenge. You’ll be able to complete them once you see that the challenge doesn’t have a lock

And the devs didn’t bother writing this out in a single sentence absolutely anywhere and just left it unsaid? Wow.


As you can see in this picture, the “Score more than 15,000 points on Mongol Raiders” challenge is unlocked, while your’s is locked.

If I would complete the challenge, then the cool down timer would be displayed here.



Devs don’t need to do that. You just have to read what it says when you complete the first “challenge” (signing into your Xbox account). It’s just a matter of putting a little logic into it.

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Basic requirement management is “not needed” - that’s one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever heard. You want the software to meet the demands of its consumers to the largest extent possible and if you can do it in this regard in 5 seconds without any drawbacks it’s a no-brainer.

It’s not rocket science deducting that there will be users who don’t care about signing in with Live or playing the land nomad map but just want the profile icons. If they don’t do those things they don’t care about that timer will never show up.


No bug at all. You need to first unlock the second challenge before you can do the third challenge. This will be the next day. Then you unlock the third challenge and the next day you can do the fourth challenge. So everyday you unlock one challenge, the next day you can do the next challenge.

This is how all challenges until know worked. This Mongol Event is no exception to this. It is as easy as this. I dont see why you have some issue with it.


Actually I am in the same boat but with the previous two challenges already unlocked. I had a high score higher than 15,000. No logo so I thought maybe I just need to do again. Complete the scenario twice more and still no icon or affirmation that I completed the challenge.

After finishing the second challenge, you need to wait to the other day for the next one. Did you wait a day? Can you post a screenshot of the challenge selected?

@WoodsierCorn696 Is this what you’re looking for?

Yes, you have to do it again since the achievement wasn’t unlocked at the time you finished the scenario. I think you have to do it 2 times in total to complete all the achievements (if you wait and follow the order of the challenges).

Edit: You don’t need to wait until the timer is out, you can achieve 15k points and then resign: you’re still going to get the 15k points.

@Snapdrax that is what I am saying though. I have done it again multiple times since the achievement/challenge became unlocked. Also, the only timer currently shown is the one seen in the photo above, which is a countdown till the end of the event, not a countdown until the next challenge is unlocked.

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I just finished the 15 000 point Mongol Raiders scenario. I have already earned the previous achievements and I did this scenario AFTER it was available to be unlocked. It did not award me the profile icon. I thought maybe I needed to access via the main menu, did it again, got an even higher score (28 000+) and I did not unlock the profile icon.

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:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • Build: 101.101.39284.0
  • Platform: Steam
  • OS: Windows 10, 64-bit

:arrow_forward: ISSUE

Destroying a Siege Onager with a Mandugai while playing “Mongol Raiders” does not count towards the “Destroy a Siege Onager using Mangudai” objective from the “Mongol Conquest” event.

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Here’s how to reproduce the issue:

  1. Start AoEII: DE.
  2. Make sure that all event stages prior to “Destroy a Siege Onager using Mangudai” are complete
  3. Begin a game of “Mongol Raiders”.
  4. During the game, destroy a Siege Onager with a Mangudai (try both regular and elite versions).
  5. Finish the game.
  6. See how objective “Destroy a Siege Onager using Mangudai” remains unchecked.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES

No save game files available. Saving is disabled during “Mongol Raiders”

:arrow_forward: IMAGE & ATTACHMENTS

Not applicable.

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I confirm this. There is a lot of things that have to click in place to get this in a normal game. The event scenario would be a great way to be able to complete this.

The achievement specifically says it has to be in a Standard or Multiplayer game, not a scenario. I wonder if it would work if you host a multiplayer game and select Custom Scenario?

Try playing post-imp, death match against celts (difficulty hardest or extreme), on a non-arena land map. If you avoid the paladins, he’ll start sending siege onagers at you.

(Trivia: if it allowed scenarios, you could also play the fifth scenario in the Genghis Khan campaign, The Promise. Green (Teutons) sends siege onagers at you after you get your 3 castles up.)