More info about Retold

tbh I dont really like idea of god powers on CD. I grew up on AoM and carefully thinking which god power to use and when was the challenge and ultimately one of the aspects that made AoM unique and fun. I mean it might feel great for casuals but it ruins the idea.
Maybe if it was on CD but at same time with cost of favor that would be whole different topic and it might add the strategy element back to game. you want to spam lighting storm or bolt ? fine but you have to sacrifice favor which could be used on myth units. give something and take something, thats the balance I feel is very much needed when adding something new.

activated hero/myth unit abilities… I cant really decide. it have this Warcraft 3 taste over it but idk, I never liked that feature in AoE 3 anyway so I might be biased but on the other hand toggle autocast on/off might keep both parties happy and keep the nostalgia present.

when it comes to increased pop, hell yeah.

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Population in AoM is its worse issue ever. Currently is extremely low.

Even if you don´t want more population because you enjoy armies of 20 units, you must think that if you want AoM Retold being a great AoE competing with the other great titles in the AoE series… it should have bigger armies.


agreed. its even more important now especially if you look at units like the new colossus who i could see costs like 10 to 15 pop now xD

I ment to put “overdo it” at the end (as in I hope the wont overdo it). Probably messed it up when i decided to write it at the end paragraph…

Increasing pop cap can be good to the game, just not by too much.

Battles should be like AoE3 or AoE4

I utterly hate this, especially if they remove the autocast. Its a change made for and by the Esports players and Esports is a dead end without the casual playerbase. Most people NEVER touch the competitive multiplayer and those that do tend to leave if they can’t get into their comfort level quickly. We need a lower barrier to entry, and this sort of thing raises it.

Chinese original myth is well kept by many books and records of classical era, and new studies on them come out almost every month. I think you should learn more rather than imagining how Chinese did with their myth and history. Movies and novels you said may be something just from modern entertainment industry, they are created for fun, because not everyone want to be a historian and keeps everything serious in academic way.


Their history is being twisted over the years, stuff about how its history treated surrounding areas. I find it hard to believe in those real books you mentioned still lying around. Besides, nothing guarantees a chinese dlc is purely based on the country and not to please its market.

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I still don’t know your logic. It seems you can’t identify entertainment product and serious history study at all.
Like, Age of Empires is a history background game created by a MS, a USA company. It has many ahistorical designs, but I know it’s just a video game, not anything related to history study. However, you don’t know that, you repeated talking about casual movies and novels, as if it is real history in Chinese’ eyes.
I’m also feel it strange that you speak like you don’t know about Chinese history at all. If you could list some examples, your word may be more convincible, but you only give out vague accusing. Old books are always there, could it change automatically as time passed? If you are still not believed in them, thinking they’re lying to you, then how could you believe books of other countries?

If you don’t want movies and novels, than maybe education then? Parts of their history has been altered then taught to the children, the only part I could think that’s unbiased is 3 kingdoms. My history is involved with China a lot so I know what I am saying.
Yes I know it’s a game and don’t bother to persuade anyone into hating China. What I am trying to say is their legend is a mess and building up around it won’t go anywhere, the dragon dlc work speak for itself. I’m not sure if you misunderstand any part, but whatever, if there will ever be another similar dlc, you’ll see.

I still don’t know what you do mean about three kingdoms. Could you say it more detailed?

I doubt they will remove autocast. I think it can work like WC3, you can manually cast the ability, or toggle autocast.
I agree many abilities won’t work well (will be too tedious due to short cd) here without autocast

Atlante citadel like the egyptian one.

Gaia is emerging from a Titan’s gate. Does this mean that now there will be different models of Titans for each God and that Gaia’s model will be for Gaia?

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I’m afraid that is just a campaign screenshot from the last mission where you summon Gaia.

It would be really cool it the Athlantians would get their major gods as Titan units, even if it’s just a skin.

Nothing wrong about that. It’s a widely known event that almost everybody knows, so I think it will make good content on AoE2, just so you know I am not against Chinese stuff. Now I think I have to stop here, let see it as a personal view. Continuing this will only goes deep into political subjects.


It would be a set-up. This titan was not in the campaign

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This could be the new model for Kronos.

They often did promotional screenshots using scenes from campaigns but changing them up.
Like the last DLC AoE2 DLC used a screenshot from an old campaign mission (Kabul) but made it look Persian by adding the new Persian unique unit to it.

So it could be a modified version of the last campaign mission or something like that.

But they should really just give every Major god a unique Titan. That would be so cool.
But they already introduced the reworked Greek Titan.
If we are lucky it will only be Hades Titan and the other 2 gods get a new one.

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no… that titan is the atlantean 100%

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I don’t believe we’ve yet seen what Kronos looks like in Retold, so it’s just as likely for that Titan to be Kronos as it is for it to be the generic Atlantean Titan.

yeah your right, but that means it’s even less likely that we can actually build Gaia in the Multiplayer.
Unless Kronos gets himself and ###### gets the old generic Athlantian Titan. That would be kinda strange.

Well even if it’s not like that on release we can still push for that change to be made.
Kronos and Gaia are already in the game after all.
Unfortunately it will likely not be possible to make it a multiplayer compatible mod.