Most disappointed thing in age of empire 3 , any fix?

Most frustating and annoying thing in aoe3 game have always been not been able to reconnect after a disconnect . I have played 1000+ game in aoe3 tad , and so many times if ur router reset or due to any reason if ur net disconnect or game crash then it’s just end of game u can’t rejoin . Specially problematic in team game when there was a disconnect of a player . I stopped playing team games becoz it’s just so unpleasant if a player from either team disconnect

There should be option to pause game and allow a player to rejoin likeany other game . disconnect just ruin good % of games on aoe3 tad . Did they do anything to fix it in de ? .

Reconnect allow time should be 4-5 min or just allow player to pause game to wait for a player .


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