This is a refinement of my Muisca civ design as introduced in my exploratory concepts/testing thread. This design has been simplified for consideration to be added to the game, and includes a map wherein you can play as the Muisca, will all bonuses/units created through triggers.
Note that this design uses slingers as a semi-regional native unit that has a different ability for each civ (only Inca slingers have an anti-infantry bonus).
Defensive Civ:
- Stone lasts 25% longer.
- First Town Center generates gold. (5/15/30/40 per min) / Age
- Houses replaced with Lodges. (70 wood, 15 Pop, Heal villagers within 5 tiles. (12 HP/min))
- Spearmen and Skirmishers +0.33 range, +33% to all attack types, and +1/1 armor (all per Age.)
- Destroyed buildings spawn a Guecha Warrior, from Feudal.
Unique Technologies:
-Muzo Emeralds: Stone mines provide 100% additional gold, Trade units generate 10% more gold. 225 W 225 G
-Poisoned Lances: All spear-wielding units (Spearmen, Skirmishers, Eagles, and Guecha Warriors) gain a charge attack (every 1st and 5th attack deals about 2x damage). 800 W 800 G
Unique Units:
Guecha Warrior: Fighter that throws spears that deal melee damage. Has a small bonus against siege. Benefits from both infantry and archer upgrades (including thumb ring, ballistics, and chemistry).
Guecha Warrior Stats
HP:50 Speed: 1.15 Attack: 4 Armor: 0/2 Range: 4 Bonus: +2 Vs Siege
50 W 50 G
Elite: (Cost 750 F 350 G)
HP:50 Speed: 1.15 Attack: 5 Armor: 1/3 Range: 5 Bonus: +3 Vs Siege
50 W 50 G
Slinger: Ranged unit that deals area damage, has attack ground, and anti-building bonus.
(+3 S Reload Time, +2 Range, Attack, and Pierce Armor, blast width (1), anti-building damage (+7) compared to the Inca slinger).
Missing Techs: Gunpowder and Cavalry related units/techs, Ring Archer Armor, Arbalester, Elite Skirmisher, Pikeman/Halberdier, Elite Eagle Warrior, Arson, Onager, Siege Onager, Scorpion/Heavy Scorpion, Siege Engineers, Stone Shaft Mining.
Muisca History and Description:
The Muisca Confederation was a powerful Andean coalition particularly known for their powerful economy, specialized in agriculture, precious metals, and salt and emerald trade, the latter of which is a famous export of Colombia to this day. The Muisca were different from their neighbors in South and Mesoamerica due to their lack of monumental stone architecture as well as their comparatively peaceful nature.
The defensive nature of Muisca bonuses makes them difficult to push, and allows them both to save wounded units and employ ambush tactics by hiding inside buildings. Their offensive potential against buildings is very poor, lacking Arson and having the worst Siege Workshop in the game, although this is somewhat mitigated by their slingers, which function similarly to siege units. Muisca bonuses and technologies allow them to bank a large quantity of gold, which helps them field Eagle and Guecha Warriors.
Here is a map where you can play as the Muisca. Set your player #/color to 3/Green. This map is different from the one released in the larger thread, as Muisca is the only new civ it includes.
Muisca Civ Concept.aoe2scenario (136.5 KB)
Broken Editor Units
Note that since the devs generally put minimal effort into the Editor, none of the triggers I created that modify any unit’s attack or armor work anymore (as of the 6/29/22 “update”), so UUs will have different attack/armor values than what is shown in this thread. Nothing I can do about that until the devs decide to fix the Editor.