“Trying” is the right word.
Once buildings are in sight, it won’t work!
Units get stuck on attacking buildings all the damn time and makes you lose fights.
Something unheard of in aoe3de, a game of the year 2005.
Archers shooting buildings instead of killing enemies is so painful, it makes you wanna throw your screen out of the window.
One of the many strong reasons I stopped playing aoe4 for now.
I have reported this severe bug/garbage coding in the bug report section and the response was
that everything works as intended.
Thanks, but no thanks.
It just really hurts your brain to see it especially in high level play on stream/youtube.
On a level where nuances decide about victory or defeat and the units randomly decide to not fight anymore, but just attack buildings while everything on your side of the fight is getting slaughtered.
Another example is rams bugging arround and wiggling around instead of sieging, getting completely stuck.
This should not happen more than once in a 1000 matches after having worked on the game code for many years. Instead it happens all the damn time, almost every match.
If the Devs decide to fix the major issues of this broken game, my friend (2v2 mate) and me will definitely return.
Not having much hope for a fix of this game though, very honestly.
Most likely just more civs will be released to grab some cash by hooking more buy-and-leave customers in.