My ideas for Balance Patch (October)

It’d be nice if we didn’t need another balance patch

Spirit of Law glitching out every new one :rofl:

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still nerfing Teutons for some reason and Still buffing Mayans for some reason.

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Teuton’s economy is a bit lacking in late game, because they lack gold shafting and their main army is gold intense. Dropping crop rotation wont do so much

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Maybe but do you honestly think teutons need nerfs?

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I wouldnt nerf them by the moment. They have their weaknesses (archers and late game)

in any case, i would simply their civ bonus by merging the garrisoning bonuses into one unic bonus.

Teutons are nice except the fact their Paladins are too strong for no apparent reason.

In my opinion, the power level of Leitis, Lithuanian Paladin, and Teuton Paladin needs to be toned down to acceptable levels.
Look at Malians, a civ that has a tech for +5 attack for cavalry, somewhat balances it by lacking Hussar, Paladin and Blast Furnace.
Lithuanians get the +4 relics for knights/leitis pretty easily in a team game and can still research all those 3 techs that the Malians are missing. And on top of that they get one of the best trash unit lines in the game.


Yet Franks have 2.5x higher pickrate than Lith in TGs so pretty much all your theoretical explanation clearly doesn’t hold in practice…


Popularity has nothing to do with balance. People pick Franks cos they have known them for years to be “the” Knight civ. Give it a few more months. I’m not saying Franks are worse than Lith, but I’m saying Lith are about on the same level now. Franks also need a nerf but in other locations (forage bonus for example)

Also, the stats about teamgames from are currently just way too unreliable and meaningless.

The highest allowed bracket to look at is the >1650, which contains players from 800 1v1 rating all the way to the pros. Players at 800 1v1 rating are those that can have more than 1-2 minutes of idle time in the dark age.

If the creator would allow another bracket to look at, something like >2000 or >2100, then we would have a much better overview. Currently It’s just unreliable to mention TG stats from that website.

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So you suggest to nerf all paladin civs based on a comparison with Malians (infantry civs) and subjective statements like “they are popular” and “too strong for no apparent reason”. Sorry but pickrates on this site are the best thing we have so far (while I agree with the 1650+ problem) and they clearly show Teutons and Lith are not a problem.


Very correct observation, couldn’t agree more.

Already more than half the civs go for ONLY Knights in serious/competitive play completely ignoring their supposed specialities, and leaving their UUs and their UTs to shame, and this is including the Teutons.
Just look at KotD3 and BoA2 for proof. I mean, where are the CA, the Lancers, the Non-Ind/Byz Camels, the Longswordsmen, the Genitours, and everything else?

And then we have the barely counterable Elite Leitis, Lithuanian Paladins, and Teuton Paladins in the Imperial Age…

What? their paladins only take 1 extra hit from halbs like the Frankish one and you totally forgot about the lack of husbandry which that alone balances them out. and still no understand that why are they so strong but Frankish one is fine? both are pretty strong at melee combats (And Franks have much stronger bonuses to spam them)

And still kill halbs in 4 hits even with all 4 relics, was OP when they reached up to 23 attack which enabled them to kill in 3 hits halbs, without mentioning that is the only brute force bonus that they can use for offensive purposes. And if Leitis is so OP FE could adressed it 3-4 patches ago like the Goths at their moment, but no both Teutons and Lithuanians are fine.

To add that while you think Lithuanians are OP there are even a post asking help as them vs massed halbs: What can Lithuanians do against massed Halberdiers?

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Everyone admits the cav archer needs love, but we have seen those in kotd3. Lancers don’t need much and actually saw use in kotd3
Camels see use depending on matchup, but again are a counter unit only and are not that good against non cavalry.
Longswords saw use in kotd3 and arent a generalist/power unit so I have no clue why you’re trying to put them on the same level as Knights, crossbows, etc.
Genitours again are a counter unit and won’t see much use in team games. As for kotd3 im pretty sure I saw them played and they went for camel archers which means they at least used their unique unit.

You complain no one uses unique units but I remember seeing a lot of uu usage in boa2. Kotd3 is just too open and fast for unique units to see much use because games are ending fast, so you’re argument there is bunk.

Got a source for this? We barely see leitis these days, most games aren’t rven making it to imp in recent tournaments and lithuanians and teutons have balanced winrates both in tournaments and on ladder so your complaint here is vague and unsubstantiated.

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I legitimately don’t understand your strict categorizations of “power-unit” and “counter-unit” here, for even as hard as I am trying to.

I see no reason for such a categorization, as the units you refer to as “power-units” are also units that counter some groups of units while get countered by other and so on.

Who said the Millita line is not a “power-unit”? Ok so tell me is the Malian Champion a “power/generalist-unit” or a “counter unit”?

Its simple. If long swords are a power/generalist unit why does the in game guide say they lose to both knights and archers? If they are supposed to be in competition with them, why don’t they beat one or the other?
If camels are a generalist unit why so they lack the ability to fight anything beyond cavalry? Why so low of base attack and so high of bonus damage?

They generally lack bonus damage though other then very small bonuses that archers and cavalry archers get against spears.
Knights? No bonus. Just raw power. Archers/cav archers? Again minimal bonus just raw power. But infantry, many unique units, camels, and trash units? Most have bonus damage or affects that allow them to specialize.

The fact that the militia line is countered by both knights and archers?

The fact they are the only mainline gold unit that doesnt take bonus from anything other then some unique units?

Malians are like goths in that they are an infantry civ that has been modified from the norm and it works for them.

Again- if militia is supposed to be a unit that competes with archers and knights, why don’t thry have a similar trash weakness like the other two? Why don’t they beat either of the other two?

And funny how you expect me to answer your questions but you literally once again avoided answering any of mine. But hey that’s par for the course for you, not wanting an actual discussion.

Mayans in late game are a 2 trick pony. Archers and Eagles. They only have Eagles from the Infantry branch as a support. Compare that to many other civs. They have siege engineers. They have a 3rd option.

Aztecs have Infantry + Skirmishers + Siege + Monks. Incas have Infantry + archers + decent siege. Vikings have Infantry + Archers + decent siege.

mayans also have one of the best economies in the game, and are considered a top 3 civ overall, so it makes zero sense to buff them.

and most are all for nerfing aztecs. Incas lack the strong eco of bthe other 3, and Vikings are a civ some want nerfed.

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Which economy bonus are you talking of in late game? (I mentioned that) Giving Xolotl Warriors and Stables in Imperial Age (these units are still bad against archers since they have armor of the Malay and attack of the Saracens, though HP of the Britons/Burmese depending on upgrades).

Teutons are nerfed in saving wood in late game, which is completely different from faster gold mining in Castle Age onwards.

Are you trolling?

What the ■■■■ are you talking about?

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longer lasting resources? cheaper archers?

which is why they wouldn’t see any use. either way, fact is Mayans don’t need options.

but the problem is, Teutons aren’t a great civilization, why do they need nerfs? if you’re nerfing Teutons because tehy save wood you should also therefore nerf the living crap out of Mayans because they save everything.

Food for thought - here’s Heras thoughts on best civs overall from a few months ago

here is his thoughts on best arabia civs

you’re buffing a good civ. and nerfing a average civ according to him.

also here is KotD3 stats

according to you - Teutons, banned twice, played once - must be nerfed. also according to you. Mayans banned 11 times, played 18 times with 10 wins and 8 losses - must be buffed.

also here is vipers opinions

Mayans S Tier - strongest civs in the game - according to you, must be buffed.

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I dono how many times these kinds of things need to be repeated before so many people on this forum will ever believe it… :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Imo it’s futile…

Like i can understand if someone kind of gets it, but when they can’t even realise how OP mayans are…