As a Starcraft 2 ex pro player I have a few things to say and hope they listen to some of this feedback.
-The game is SO slow.
I feel like a 25 min game could easily be a 15 min game. They should definitely increase the game speed and make it standard for all matches.
Starcraft 2 began with normal speed and people realized it sucked so they changed to fast speed and look how great the game became after that.
25 min matches became 15min matches and everybody was happy, both spectators and players.
-The overall unit response in this game is horrible (For multiplayer).
This plus slow game speed make AOE3 not that enjoyable to play for more competitive players IMO.
-Game is VERY laggy.
Now combine these 3 things and BAM! you have a slow and sad experience.
The thing that I don’t understand is that even if I play in my server, which is like 60 ping, it feels like I’m playing on NA or EU (120-200 ping).
-The pathing is very bad.
Units get stuck inside buildings and sometimes they don’t respond to your orders.
-The AI is bad. Very bad.
I began playing on the hardest difficulty and got super dissapointed that I could beat it so effortlessly 1v1. The campaign is so easy aswell. Hard difficulty gives 0 challenge because the AI does nothing.
-Multiplayer lobby is slow and bugged.
Can’t scroll down and it’s actually laggy to use.
-On team ranked matches you can actually play with randoms vs premade teams.
-Inca is weird. Every unit looks the same and the voice of the units sound low.
That’s all that I could remember. Thank you.
Please, Devs, fix these things so this game can actually grow and captivate new players. This game has so much potential that makes me sad to see it in this state.