Cool stuff, only thing I dislike is that these are too many changes at once + you don’t take account of water balance (for example italian buff on water???). I like this introduction very much though.
I think some of these changes are currently unneeded because the effect of too many balance changes at once cannot really be calculated, it might bring a worse meta.
This is a really huge change, it should be brought alone or with very few other balance changes.
I don’t think these changes are important:
The changes I’d consider with little modification:
Definitely agree with a small frame delay decrease
This is a huge topic so I wouldn’t like to name exact changes I’d like but I definitely agree with some kind of buff
Balance discussion on the steppe lancer
Big buff are needed fpr the steppe lancer for sure
Forager bonus down to 20% is more than fine for a nerf imo
GC can actually be pretty strong if you can mass them. I would ony decrease the training time, no other nerfs.
Age up bonus: well good for land but their water game should be nerfed heavily… (like the dock discount down to -25% or maximum -33%)
10% faster in all ages is a good middleground imo
Not sure if this would do enough, and I disagree with a WW buff, they are insane in the late game on closed maps like BF
How about free archer armor upgardes? (Fits korean theme)
Portuguese are a very unortodox civ and I’m not that experienced playing it but they sure need a buff
Would definitely help bulgarians, I agree with these ones, even with the values
Let them gain pikes and e skirms and see what will happen
Also, the swordsman line is again a very big topic, I wouldn’t say my exact opinions on that topic yet, but some buffs are needed