Hi all,
I think the vast majority of the forum community agrees on the fact that steppe lancers were always underperforming since their huge nerf in December. The +1 attack boost for both the basic and the elite version were definitely not enough, and with the recent pathfinding improvements we can only predict an even worse future for the unit. I think that such an interesting unit like the steppe lancer should not be left alone, especially at the point we can say that there is no civilization which is either too strong or too weak to need an urgent buff or nerf. So let the discussion begin…
So the most important question: Why are steppe lancers performing weak? Of course they have weak stats, that is always part of the answer, but might not be the only reason. Look at a counterexample: Mongol cavalry archers. They have strong stats, but also have the same functionality and use as the mangudie, a much stronger unit, therefore they are not seen often.
Steppe lancers don’t really have an identity, or it might be even closer if I say: They don’t perform enough well the action what they should be good at. The +1 range means they should be a micro intensive unit, they should perform outstandingly when microing. Do they? Not really. Speaking of battles, the outcome what steppe lancers can achieve with microing is worse than the outcome what knights can achieve without microing. Speaking of raiding: They might perform better than the light cavalry-line, but they are much more expensive. Steppe lancers only have 2 very situationial pros while having a huge amount of countras: The unit can counter quickwalls, and when the enemy ranges units are bumped up in a very, very tight space they don’t suffer that much casualities, and the enemy suffers more casualities.
What the buffs should be concentrated at:
-Making the steppe lancers better in large battles, where the +1 range should help
-Making the steppe lancers easier to micro
-Or even creating some more cases where the steppe lancers should outperform both the knight line and the light cavalry line, so they are a decent choice over both generic unit-lines
My proposed changes:
- Speed increased (back) from 1,45 to 1,5
- Rate of fire (=reload time) decreased from 2,3 to 2,0
- Cost decreased from 70 food 45 gold to 65 food 40 gold
- Cost of the Elite Upgrade changed from 900 food 550 gold to 500 food 650 gold
What these changes would achieve:
-Easier microing and slightly better raiding thanks to the first and second change
-Thanks to the 3rd change, it is easier to mass the unit, therefore easier to achieve the state where steppe lancers can be cost effective in certain large battles due to the +1 range
-Steppe lancers wouldn’t perform too awfully in general battles because of the second change
-Steppe lancers will be a unique cavalry in perspective of higher effectiveness agains the pikemen-line (still far from cost effective with 0 micro)
-Steppe lancers will be unique, since they will be the unit with the highest speed
-It is now worth to invest into elite steppe lancers thanks to the fourth change, but the elite upgrade has more gold cost so it ismore risky trying to achieve a very large mass
I made a comparision with the original steppe lancer for anyone who is worried about the unit being too strong again:
-Steppe lancers will have +10 gold -5 food cost
-Steppe lancers will have +0,1 reload time / rate of fire
-Steppe lancers will have -1 attack
-Steppe lancer collision box will still be the double
-Elite steppe lancer upgrade cost is changed from 900 food 550 gold to 500 food 650 gold
-Significantly better pathfinding, which has improved with each patch, especially with the current (most important factor in my opinion)
Make sure to share your thoughts!