My Proposed Changes for the upcoming balance patch

It is not. In this case, a big buff is really warranted, and soon

This will also partially fix the Turks, the Italians on land, and the currently theoretical but impractical Indian EA+HC “deathball”
While also pegging the sharply risen Goths and Teutons to their place
and also opening up another option for the bottom of the barrel Portos

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For the GC the critical thing is the TT. I would reduce the TT even more by letting 6 the attack. This makes sense for a counter unit.
I would stay free archer armors, it is still a modest buff. The other option is +1 PA for archers.

turks do need a buff. I agree that scouts is not the best thing, but it is difficult to find a good buff. I would like to see a gold trickle for them, but people are scared of that.

2PA is still not much for heavy Cav, give Byz reason to make Catas before Cavaliers (slightly better resistance to archers, 3 shots) and Catas will not take 2dmg from Skirms anymore, as they now.

maa rush is already super strong vs scout rush civs. dealing with maa with scouts in early feudal is already a nightmare for scout civs and needs alot of micro to kill the 3 maa with even 4 scouts
now giving them a bonus damage vs scouts?! then you have to ALWAYS go for archers regardless of your civ if you wanna deal with 3 maa play
i can see your point for making militia line a true trash killer and i like it, but it really weakens the scout rush civs. what if we implement the bonus from castle age onward? just to keep the feudal age balance as it is, dealing with maa with scouts is already micro intensive even with more numbers

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I would prefer to reduce the pierce armor of the cata and elite, therefore to make them much cheaper, like cost 65F 65G

They have only 1 base PA as of now, and are clearly underpowered and hence unused already

They are underused because of their high cost. They are still pretty strong. Make them weaker to Archer but easier to mass would be a good balance

Nobody is ever going to use a Gold Cavalry that has 0 Pierce Armor(Hello unseen non-Indian/Byz Camel Riders!).

And Even if it is ranged (Hello Mamelukes!)

Of course you do!
You are using Cata for close combat fight even against pikes and not against archers like other cav units.

Hmm weren’t you one of those people that proposed Leitis aren’t overpowered at all?

So why you nerf them here 11? @MatCauthon3

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Because he thinks it will be nerfed regardless, from popular appeal, even though they are not really OP at all.

except i’m buffing gunpowder accuracy and health further down. which makes gunpowder better.

already am. elite jans and hand cannons would have 70% accuracy.

the PA buff is my least favorite of the lot.

then suggest a counter buff to Lithuanians. i ain’t nerfing a civ that can’t break 50% winrate at the highest level without a counter buff.

no, they aren’t. we rarely if ever see gunpowder period.

Light Cav on sounds good.

popular appeal is going to get them nerfed regardless. at least i can try to limit the damage and get Lithuanians some concessions on the other end.

or do you really think a civ that is only winning 47% of its games at the highest level needs nerfs?

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On other post u said longsword and champs serve a purpose that is killing trash. HC serve purpose too to counter infantry. U literally need infantry to make anti-infantry units. U don’t wanna buff infantry but complain why we don’t see anti-infantry units. It makes zero sense really.

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i’ll grant you that. maybe hold off on buffing HC until after we see what more infantry is like.

whats your counterbuff for Lithuanians?

I will put lith on speculation. Right now only thing going for them is leitis just like mong got mangudai but mang needs thumb ring, parthian, chem and big numbers to be effective while leitis is dirt cheap. Lets wait and watch.

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not a fan of this. nothing has shown lithuanians to be OP even post buff to the unit.
Lithuanians rarely see Tournament use. they rarely see 1v1 use at the highest level, and their winrate is below average too.

why should a civ that has literally never been OP, and never broken 50% winrate have to spend another couple months being even more subpar?

We saw them in boa lots of times especially that mid pond map and that was before leitis buff. But i wish every UU becomes good unit for each civ.

  1. team games is where Lithuanians excel. it’s literally the best they ever will get.
  2. they managed to get a 44% winrate and were picked 27 times. only 10 civs had a lower pickrate then they did. if you consider that a lot…

good luck obtaining this without completely redesigning the game from the ground up.
how would you balance a civ like Persians with WE as their UU vs a civ like Malay with Karambit as their UU?

U are definitely an Indian. Only an indian can recognise another one :wink:

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