Well I think you are the only one that doesn’t thik Burmese are weak to archers.
And you also must recognize that the free elite skirm upgrade also makes skirm play in feudal more viable for them.
And tbh I don’t see the free elite skirm upgrade for any civ that has the castle age archer armor. I don’t think elite skirms are OP or whatever, it’s just a too one-sided bonus against archery. But it would help burmese exactly there where they need help.
BBC isn’t that easy to use against arbs. Most civs have onager and still arbs are the power unit. It’s not that easy to shut down such a strong power unit even if you have reasonable counters available.
Also many civs have FU hussars, elephants are very situational and can’t force the engagement. BTW Burmese lack Heresy which is a huge problem for their Eles as they are so expensive yet slow and easy to convert. IMO What “enables” Eles is the access to heresy and only 1 of the 5 Ele civs has this: Malay. But even malay super cheap eles rarely see usage on open maps.
But I agree that with the new design of Manipur Cavalry bumrese lategame against archery isn’t that bad anymore, mainly because of the way higher dps of the hussars. (I still think they are more around “mediocre” or slightly above average at that stage of the game against arbs.
But then I would make it 25 % in Imp also. Imo Franks Palas should undisputedly be the best in the game, it’s their “Identity”. And tbh I would actually take away the berry bonus from franks to make this bonus available again for new civs or give it to a civ that needs help in the early game.
I don’t like to nerf Top Civs. I prefer to buff the ones falling behind. It’s just natural that there are some Top civs, we just can’t stop that. If we nerf the top civs there will be new top ones to be nerfed… and we’re moving in a circle.
Nevertheless I think some of the top civs need “Adjustments” cause they only dominate because of insane Eco bonusses. It would be better if they had more “Identity” instead. Playing against civs with insane Eco is always annoying as you can’t really “outplay” the civ with your strategy. I think all civs need clear strengths and weaknesses to play around, for both players.
I would just remove the extra starting vill for 50 F. It’s an easy adjustment and makes the civ also easier to use for beginners with a standard start. Let’s make small single steps, it is very possible that this single change makes Mayans balanced already.
Completely agree there. My proposal always was to give Chinese only 2 free starting vills (maybe even only 1) and give them more food to work with in the beginning. That would make it easier to use for beginners as they would have less idle time in their TCs. For people that already learned how to play chinese it would need some adjustments of the initial buildorder but I think they are quite easy. This change would make a reasonable nerf for the civ in higher elos as it would reduce their feudal eco.
I am actually not that sure if Vikings need a nerf currently. We didn’t see them dominating on KotD and also on the ladder Vikings never were one of the “top dogs”.
I think we could easily just reduce the extra ressource bonus to 2. It would actually help unexperienced players using that civ cause they wouldn’t be forced to drop ressources at the TC as often. So this again is more an “adjustment” to the civ than a straight-up nerf.
Imo Lith are balanced. But I would like the food bonus reduced, it’s a too silly bonus imo. Especially for hybrid maps. I think it’s also not good for the game too have that kind of civ you never have to care about getting enough food in for your vill production.
I understand that newer players love this civ for exactly that reason. But then they don’t want to learn other civs and never appreciate the whole beautiful diversity of the game. And especially don’t learn that the game is more than just the opening rushes and then complain if they run against walls.
It’s fine to have beginner-friendly civs but they should encourage people to try different civs when they feel comfortable with these civs rather than discourage.
As Lith are currently fairly balanced, I wouldn’t just take away 50 starting food, I would also give something in retaliation.
Weird one, can’t really follow that. I also don’t even think byz need a buff. They are hard to master but can be very revarding. We’ve seen that several times in kotd how strong byz can be.
I made a Proposal how I would rework the Feitoria here.
Fair enough.
Don’t think Goths need any buffs really. They are just not so good on high level arabia, that’s all.
Spanish are already one of the strongest closed map civs. If you want to buff them for arabia or other more open maps you must do this very specifically otherwise you risk to overbuff them on maps they already excel in. The building speed bonus is a too general buff imo.
I actually like that idea in general. I’m not sure if it is enough to really influence Italian gameplay much, probably a swap in the percentages would make the deal there (or 25% / 15 % even). But I really like how these two bonus changes balance each other in the way that they make the civ stronger at land maps and weaker on water. That’s exactly what the civ needs.