I recently look deeper into the Portuguese, try to understand what holds them back and how to balance them. As the Protuguese are a complex case, i will take me more time to get deeper into it.
Feitoria on the other hand is actually easier. As you can practically theorycraft it. You can compare it with other forms of ressources income at different stages of the game.
The first thing to look at its potential late-game winning scenario. When all ressources are taken off the map, the feitoria is winning. Itâs just that easy. At least in itâs current state. But what, if we change this?
The Idea I propose, is that Portuguese can build a single Feitoria and itâs income doesnât exceed the effective of Gold income of 5 relics, at no stage of the game. That would be the first change.
This change would also influence the late-game winning scenario of raiding. As Feitorias are basically raiding-immune, a single feitoria means that your main eco are still vills for most of the game. This allows raiding victories also against portuguese even in very late stages of the game.
Then, itâs a bad design that the feitpria produces the same ressources it needs to be build. This means, that it becomes almost impossible to play against that lategame winning scenario the more the game progresses as the portuguese player almost ever has the ressources to add a new feitoria if the opponent trebbed or rammed down one. Thatâs abnoxious. It should be a clear winning scenario for the opponent to try to âsnipeâ the feitoria, as it would become harder and harder for the portuguese player to replace it.
Looking at water maps, the second limiting factor to navy after the gold is wood. So, if the feitoria produces any wood, it gives the portuguese player an additional advantage, as he doesnât has to buy as much in the very lategame. It would be a good idea to make the port share the same limits as regular civs in this regard, as they already have the gold advantage.
For Stone I would argue the same. Itâs a main design, that stone is scarce. The Players have a limited amount of it and must somehow arrange to work with that limited amount. All except portuguese.
It is also toxic because good defences need stone and thatâs one of the few scenarios leeding to an end of a trash war, as at some point one player just canât replenish his defences. And Portuguese can just sit back behind their basically free walls and wait until the opponent is completely out of ressources.
So the only two types of ressources to get which can be balanced that way the feitoria works, are Gold and Food. Gold as it can also be optained by Relics and Food because of the high efficiency of Farms and Fish Traps.
Before I begin with the Theorycraft, I will finally propose the big change Idea, how I think the Feitoria can be implemented in a non-toxic way and allow Portuguese a unique playstile at the same time.
The Idea is, to make the one Feitoria of Portuguese available in Castle age. Pretty much as a replacement of adding two TCs as you normally would. With the exact same ressource Cost as 2 TCs would. Making it easy to play, not even having to change any buildorders or ressource distributions.
The Feitoria shall not replace adding 2 TCs, but giving a unique playstile. Whilst with adding 2 TCs you would try to set up for a lategame, the Feitoria Play would give you a Powerspike, but fall of later on. Pretty much as the FImp Feitoria does now, but one age earlier.
This would make it much easier to balance, as a lot of Players can play it and with less noise from all the uncertainties.
As i said the cost of the ânewâ Feitoria should be exactly the same as adding 2 TCs: 550 Wood, 200 Stone, 250 Sec building time. I also propose that the Feitoria gives 20 Pop space, too. So unexperienced players donât get housed. Itâs a minor change, but makes it just smoother.
Now we come to the ressource generation. As I said, the new Feitoria shall only produce Gold and Food. Nothing else. But how much?
A) Short-Term/Food
It would be a good solution, if this would be assessable. For both the Port player and the opponent. So it should be a number you have a feeling for. My Idea is, to produce food as fast, as it takes to keep a single TC producing vills. This would be exactly 2 Food / Sec. This is also basically equal to 5 lategame farmers or about 5.5 farmers with wheelbarrow. A value most players should be able to work with.
B) Long-Term/Gold
To make it easy to craft, understand and also assessable, I propose to take the only other infinite ressource mechanic into account, that is in the Game: Relics.
- 5 Relics shall win or be at least equal to a feitoria.
- Having 4:1 relics against ports also should be winning if their is still wood available.
- But having 3:2 relics against ports should lead to portuguese possibly having the edge.
If we craft the Feitoria like this, everybody knows how this thing works and knows what his winning scenarios are. Itâs easy to understand, even if you have no idea what the ressource income rates mean.
So we can begin crafting:
When we look at 2) and 3), the middle line between it, if the Feitoria gives the Portuguese player basically 2 Relics âfor freeâ. Meaning, it comes with no offset. This would be a generation of 1 Gold / Sec.
But as we all know, the feitoria takes away 20 pop from your pop cap and we only get a equivalent of 5 Farmers so far. So if we estimate the opponent has 15 more farmers working and sells all the food from them for Gold, he would have a somewhat âunbalancedâ edge in gold in the long term. Funnily 15 Farmers working and selling Food for Gold is actually equivalent to another 1 Gold / Sec generation (also taking wood into account if it is still available).
So if we add these two together we get a Gold Generation of 2 / Sec for the single Feitoria. It only works if Portuguese can not build more than one. This Generation is also equivalent to 4 Relics, so the opponent having 5 relics has a basically even game, depending on the wood prices even if there are no ressources left on the map. The opponent still has a possible winning scenario against the feitoria, at all stages of the game. Itâs hard to achieve, I admit, but it isnât impossible.
2 Gold / Sec are also equal to 4.5-5 Gold miners, depending on upgrades. So itâs also easy to estimate.
In Total, the income of the Feitoria would be equivalent to about 10 Workers (5 Farmers / 5 Gold Miners), but taking away twice the amount of pop space, giving the portuguese about 10 pop less to work with than other civs in imp. Itâs kinda easy assessment.
Ports can build a single Feitoria from Castle age on.
Feitoria: 550 W / 200 S / 250s building time
Produces 2 F + 2 G /sec
Takes 20 pop space, but also provides 20 pop space.
Please be free to give me your feedback for this Idea.