NEEDED User Interface FIXES!

See also this thread, guys: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved


Because WE is hellbent on pushing it’s esports agenda.

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I totally agree with McJim about all those things that needs a change, we absolutely need a change about the friend system in this game to attract and keep more people !


The UX must be easier and pleasant to navigate, find, connect
Please we deserve a better and more useful one!


I don’t think it’s complicated to navigate but welp

This thread is mainly about the lack of social interaction due to the interface of the game. For example not knowing who’s online because of missing online indicators in the friends list and a bad whispering system. The 2005 version of the game (legacy ESO) used to handle this better.


Absolutely true!
That is so spot on!

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At this point, they should just bring back the old legacy UI. It was perfectly fine and enjoyable to use. The DE Multiplayer UI has too many issues.


There’s absolutely no reason the game’s online interface is as deplorable as it is. Not seamless or simple, full of bugs, very clunky and not at all user-friendly. And it’s unsightly to boot.

Just so weird how they settled on these things in the first place, and even weirder that it hasn’t been fixed in the years since despite constant and consistent outcries? Like, before even getting into a match it turns people off at the sight of it all.

I get it, nobody wants to complain about a game they didn’t expect to see a DE of and are appreciative of, but you can’t just leave things as broken as they are. The game could have been buttoned up within 6 months of release.