Hello, I would like to share a list of UI problems and bugs that drastically need a fix in my opinion. I’d really like to see this getting fixed, as many players experience the in-game UI very negatively.
It would be good for the community if the Multiplayer platform would become more of a ‘social’ hub, where players can meet, chat, and play with each other. Right now, Multiplayer gives a lonely feeling. There is almost no chance to meet, make friends, to chat, and find other players to play an (unranked) game. This was very different when we used ESO in the legacy game.
To make the game sustainable for the future and have a stable (and perhaps even growing) community, we really need to have a more ‘social’ Multiplayer hub.
Age of Empires III Definitive Edition UI problems that need to get fixed:
UI in general:
• In multiplayer, there’s no logical order of the social buttons on the top right. The clan browser should not be the first button, since it’s one of the least used ones. The friends list and leaderboards should definitely be the first buttons.
• The social aspect of the game is important. You will likely be longer in the game playing and chatting if the friends list is stuck on top. It is part of the ESO legacy user interface and very nice and useful. At a single glance, you can see which of your friends is online and who’s playing a game.
• The online indicators should not be linked to being online on Steam, but actually online IN GAME. There already is an inbuilt indicator for this, because when you whisper someone who’s online on Steam and offline in the game, it says that the player is offline.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name and select ‘view profile’, it does not open a new tab on top (next to ‘play’, ‘profile’ or ‘clan’) with the player’s name. This used to be the case on ESO legacy.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name and select ‘view profile’, it does not close the friends list.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name, you actually have to move over the text in order to click the option. When your mouse is not located on the text, but a little bit more to the right (a few millimeters to the text) and you click, you hear a notification sound but the option does not respond.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name and select ‘whisper’, it does not open the whisper right away but the general chat browser tab.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name and select ‘whisper’, and you tab out of the game (holding alt + tab) and you go back, the chat window has closed.
• In the friends list, when you right click a player’s name, the order of the options is not logical. All negative options (such as ‘remove friend’, ‘block’, ‘mute’,) are almost on top, followed by the more positive options. ‘Send a whisper’ must be placed upwards.
• When the chat browser window is opened and you want to join a chat, it opens the tab, but you’re not actually viewing the tab unless you click on it.
• When you’re in the clan tab and right click a player’s name the option texts are centered and not aligned left.
• When you want to host a game yourself and you click ‘host game’, there’s a delay of a couple of seconds until you actually hosted the game.
• When you’re in the ‘ranked game search’ window and you press one of the upper tabs (‘play’, ‘profile’ or ‘clan’) and you then press ‘back’, you don’t go back to the ‘ranked game search’ screen. This also happens when you’re actually searching for a game and the counter counts. This means that you can’t view anything while waiting except from the counter.
• When clicking ‘multiplayer’ from the starting home screen, the last selected tab on top lights up automatically (so either ‘play’, ‘profile’ or ‘clan’).
• The ‘play’ tab does not have an icon.
• When you select ‘browse games’ the ‘play’ tab on top does not light up if you previously viewed ‘profile’ or ‘clan’.
Game browser:
• ‘Sorting by casual rank’ doesn’t work.
• ‘Sort by time since created’ does nothing
• When you refresh the games list when having a game selected, it undoes the selection. Even in ESO legacy the selected game kept selected.
• When you are not viewing the top of the game list (so you are scrolled down a bit) and then refresh, it brings you to the top again. This is annoying because you lose the overview. Even in ESO legacy, it did not bring you on top.
• When you want to sort by number of players, it sorts by number of players IN the lobby. It should be sorted by number of MAXIMUM players. This way you can clearly divide the 1v1’s from the 2v2’s and so on.
• There’s no explanation of the casual rank logos and how and when you get them.
• When you’re in the game browser and select the ‘profile’ or ‘clan’ tab on top and then select ‘play’ again, you go back to the page with the three multiplayer options (‘browse games’, ‘host a casual game’ and ‘play a ranked game’) instead of to the game browser.
• When you are in the game browser and press ‘back’ on the top left, you go back to the starting home screen, instead of the page with the three multiplayer options (‘browse games’, ‘host a casual game’ and ‘play a ranked game’).
• If one has not played any type of game at all and you hold your mouse over someone’s name, it shows ‘loading’ forever. This should be fixed into “none” or “0”.
• When you’re in a game lobby and you press ‘back’, you don’t go back to the game browser.
• When you’re in a game lobby with other players, there’s only one option that shows up next to one’s name. This is a ‘mute’ option. This is used so little that it is not the right place. Instead, show ‘view home cities’ or something.
• When you’re being removed from a game lobby, you don’t go back to the game browser.
• When you’re in a game lobby and right click a player’s name the option texts are centered and not aligned left.
• When you’re in a game lobby and right click a player’s name there’s no option to view someone’s profile. You could do this in ESO legacy.
• When you’re in a game lobby and you right click your own name, a very little option square shows up with no options in it.
• Do not link the online indicator to Steam, but to actual in-game (AoE3) status.
• Add an option to show someone’s home cities on someone’s profile.
• Add a search player option.
• Show ELO rating when launching into a game.
• When you hosted a game yourself, there’s an ‘invite’ option, but there are no online indicators. You just don’t know who to invite.
• Prevent people from smurfing and only allow one in-game name.
• Add a proper casting UI.
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