This post is to advocate for the nerf of siege units and the introduction of a game concept that has always been a part of previous Age of Empires games (Friendly Fire).
Issue #1: No Friendly Fire
The current game play with No friendly fire is very unrealistic and the fact that high damage units such as mangonels and other area of effect damage units (like the nest of bees, ships with canons etc…) can fire at masses of troops that have both friendly and enemy units in them with ZERO consequences or control is crippling to strategic gameplay. This, in combination with the fact that siege units in Age of Empires 4 have FAR more HP then siege units in previous versions of the game, have given rise to the “siege army” tactic that once complete is far over-powered and nearly unstoppable. Even the units that are meant to counter siege, such as light cavalry, cannot do anything to stop a siege army as the siege units have far too much HP to kill quickly and units such as mangonels, nest of bees, and bombards can target enemy units within the siege formation without worrying about damage to friendly units/siege.
Issue #2: Siege has too much HP
Not only does friendly fire need to be introduced, especially to area of effect units (siege in particular) but siege units should not have more health and be harder to kill than other units. Siege units should be very soft targets that require protecting with formations and quick thinking tactics to stop flanking (as in previous age of empire games).
Issue #3: Siege can shoot too close
Additionally, to prevent mass siege armies from being able to kill units that have successfully reached and infiltrated a “siege army,” the minimum range for units such as bombards, nest of bees, and mangonels needs to be increased.
Issue #4: Siege deal far too much damage to buildings
This issue I see as the least of the 4, but it is something that really took me back when I first started playing the game and has always irked me and other players I have talked to and that is how much damage (or rather how fast) some siege units take down buildings (especially harden structures such as castles and walls). Trebuchets and MOSTLY bombards deal WAY too much damage to buildings. At the very least, walls should be able to hold up against bombards better.
If nothing else is done to change siege, please, please, please, add friendly fire to the big three (mangonels, nest of bees, and bombards). Friendly Fire is an absolute must to fix the crippling effect siege has on strategy (lobbing mass damage area of effect by siege in battles with ZERO strategy and taking no friendly damage). As the game is, battles are not about strategy or countering units, as all other units are simply place holders to get units to mass for area of effect siege to NUKE everything (and miraculously cause zero damage to friendly troops). Even using staggered formations and cavalry to attack siege by flanking is hardly effective due to the fact that as soon as your units reach a siege unit, it has so much health that the rest of the siege will have time to target (your now massing units on the siege targets) and eliminate them with ease without so much as scratching friendly siege units (mix of problems, no friendly fire, too much hp for siege, and not a large enough minimum range).
Siege should be a great additive to a battle IF used correctly by placing well timed and sequenced strikes (ie shooting at the back of the enemies’ lines and hitting ranged units or massed enemy units, they should not be able to just shoot willy nilly at the front lines where friendly troops are wholly engaged without any regard to fratricide.