And it’s blatantly obvious looking at the image that they’re lying through their teeth about that. The comments on that tweet all agree. It does not look hand-drawn at all.
Careful, now. There was a very similar thread a few months ago incorrectly claiming that the Victors and Vanquished artwork was AI-generated:
I know lots of people like to think they can distinguish between AI “artwork” and human artwork, but unfortunately it’s very difficult – maybe even impossible – to do so.
It is because it isn’t fully AI, there are parts that are made by generative tools/‘fixed’ by AI.
I would like to know the bulletproof evidence that proves beyond a doubt that this is AI.
There’s not. People like to think they are expert analysts and can detect AI art as if they knew anything about it.
If it’s not AI, then the artist is terrible.
It’s pretty easy to identify AI art. It’s hard to explain, but once you’ve seen enough of it, you can tell. The artwork has mistakes no human would make.
Going by the wiki, it seems Mythological Ptah had green skin, like Osiris. Though idk if that’s what you’re complaining about.
Also, it really bothers me that people are calling the new art AI. If it really is AI art, shame on the devs, but people are so deep in hatred for AI (which is understandable, but still) that they’re forgetting that actual artists can also make mistakes and bad design choices.
No offense, but if you cannot explain something, then you have no idea what you’re talking about. Why don’t you point out those “mistakes”?
If you look carefully at the image that their official twitter account posted regarding Bastet and her instrument, the sistrum, you can see that on one side, the 3 strings of the instrument don’t go through the curved metallic cover, while, on the other side, they pass through it. No professional artist would make this mistake.
Looking at a real sistrum, we can also see that in the middle of the strings, there aren’t any huge cilinders, but they are small cymbals that produce music by crashing (similar to the double cymbals in a set of drums).
No professional artist would miss this, as they would at least do a bit of research on the instrument, except if it was regenerative AI who has no idea how that instrument is supposed to look. Furthermore, look at the 3 metallic strings on the retold pic and the real sistrum, notice how the rods aren’t straight in the real one and, on both sides, they curve on themselves?
that is because obviously a straight line would fall immediately if that object is used as a instrument, as there is nothing that is holding the pole.

No offense, but if you cannot explain something, then you have no idea what you’re talking about.
I know exactly what I’m talking about. I spend a lot of time around AI art and I know what it looks like. How much time have you spent around it? If you can’t tell, probably not much.

Why don’t you point out those “mistakes”?
I don’t have the image on me, but remembering what was said in the Twitter thread, the hieroglyphics are indistinct, the headdress is assymetrical, the hands look strange, and the handle of that instrument she’s holding does not connect properly with itself. All typical of AI art.
There’s a 99% chance the artwork is AI, but if it’s not, it’s absolutely terrible and the artist should be fired.

I know exactly what I’m talking about. I spend a lot of time around AI art and I know what it looks like. How much time have you spent around it? If you can’t tell, probably not much.
I’ve seen plenty of AI art. I have even tried doing some AI art myself.

I don’t have the image on me, but remembering what was said in the Twitter thread, the hieroglyphics are indistinct, the headdress is assymetrical, the hands look strange, and the handle of that instrument she’s holding does not connect properly with itself. All typical of AI art.
Yes, I know what kind of errors the AI can do. But humans aren’t perfect either. You mention assymetry, which can be found on many god portraits of the original game. Go take a look. Also, I don’t remember seeing anybody complain about Odin’s apparent lack of forehead under his helmet. i guess if his portrait was made in 2024, people would say it’s AI…

humans aren’t perfect either.
Correct, but the mistakes made are extremely amateur, and no professional artist would make them, which either means that they’re all using AI and lying about it, or they are simply horrendous artists who should’ve never been hired in the first place. Either one is a PR disaster for Microsoft.

Correct, but the mistakes made are extremely amateur, and no professional artist would make them
I totally agree. My guess is that Microsoft didn’t want to spend to much money for hiring good artists and the person who did the Bastet art probably never saw a sistrum before.

the person who did the Bastet art
It might not even be a real person, but if it is, that’s just plain sad. No one cares about good art anymore.
You know what?
I don’t care if the Age up images are AI generated.
I play AoM to build cities and fight armies, not to look at pictures on an interface.
For anyone wondering where the Age Up UI screen capture came from, like I was, you can see the video here:
The art style has been the subject of criticism since the Extended Edition was released where they fundamentally changed what the gods looked like in promotional materials compared to the original release. The team back-tracked on this eventually and reinstated the original art assets on the official website and Steam. Personally, I wish they would change the art and UI as little as possible in Retold so it maintains the original feel. I’m okay with changes when they improve functionality or increase readability and comprehension. I’m glad the original god portraits will be available so the game does not feel foreign to those of us who first played the game 21 years ago.
Look also into the proportions here:
Checking the elbow, imagine how long that entire arm would be if Bast stood on a still position
Why are the strings on the pair of jewels on the farthest right (from the watcher’s pov) so plain compared to the rest of them?
Why does the dress behave like that given her legs position is slightly elevated?
Why does her bracelets end in two different ways?
I kind of love ai art as a concept because the paranoia just leads to roasting real artists. The art passes every test on detectors, and doesn’t have the tells typically associated with ai art (Stray pixels, odd outlines, and misplaced shapes).
There are many things that explain everything you outlined that are not ai art, but it being ai art fits the narrative you started with. Even if it was ai art, what’s the problem? It’s not like they don’t have an art department with artists making these. More than that, is the preference to just have more of the same? It appears to me that the new key art matches the refreshed style they have in mind for the remaster.
I wouldn’t be so dramatic as to call it a PR disaster…it’s not like sales are gonna flop cos they might’ve used Ai art…
The biggest problem of using AI is that it was trained upon art of artist without their explicit consent. The second problem is that, not only the big companies stole all the art to train the models, but they are hoarding the best trained models for themselves. So no one publicly knows what their internal tools are capable of, or what they are improving on those models. For example, all these images could have entirely been generated by an internal only available tool at Microsoft that no one outisde has access to(remember when you could ask Dalle to just create any style from any artist from artstation, and it would do it perfectly? and now they removed that ability for ‘copyrights’ issues? That ability doesn’t simply go away, it still is available for their internal tools).
Furthemore, here the problem, excluding the above reasons, isn’t that AI was heavily involved in the production, but that they (the official twitter account) is passing this as entirely hand made by their department artists, hinting that no AI was involved in the creation process. That is called lying to your customers.