New (balanced) Arabia Map

I think this change is not limiting the turtle strats, just give them the real costing they deserve. Now you have to do a investment that really impacts in your eco. You can still turtle yourself but you aren’t going to be able to go FC without training ANY unit, and it is ok imo
You want to play FC, ok, put more vils on wood and stone. Think better where to build walls and well placed towers will be a must. FC will be a good option for civs that really reward it.


well said. Totally agree with you

The big problem will be that the meta will be full aggro and there won’t be anything that comes close to as good to counter this is full aggro too. If you go towers he just gets positional advantage andcastle age early and wins you can’t defend as easy from worse positions in these open maps. Building towers won’t save you

Turtling was terrible even before. At least if you know how to react to these strats.
I already told several people here in the forum the basics against turtling strategies. It’s just getting the tech advantage and push. EIther FC or FImp into pushing comp kills turtling.
It’s that easy, it’s basic knowledge everybody should have.
You just need to scout what your opponent is doing.

Thats how arabia is meant to be played. Arabia has always been open aggressive gameplay (remember the good days of hun’s wars). DE tried to force a more boomer approach to arabia but everybody hated it and it ended with walls being nerfed several times because arabia isn’t meant to be played like that.

The changes brings back the good old arabia back to the game.

Just learn the game, there is a counter strat to everything.
If your opponent is turtling, just don’t overextend your feudal rush. Turtling is supposed to be a counter strat against that. Just go up, get the tech adv and kill them.
You can’t demand changes in maps if you aren’t capable to strategize against silly strats in arabia. Just learn the basics of the game before demanding changes.

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I kinda agree with you in the sense that this new arabia map generation blocks certain strategies. The change is quite big. However, new strategies can come from it. I think that the best situation would be that the map generation can randomly choose between different types of Arabia (more open, less open), so the game is less predictable and you cannot know which type (open or semi) you are gonna get when picking your civ. I don’t know why removed the cliffs for example. It is good to have a variety of elements. After all the game survived about 15 years without changes.


Ya I agree 100% map gen used to be way more interesting back in the day was way more possibilities of strats and scouting was even more important and rewarding


Your ad hominem falacies won’t work here you know. The devs didn’t change it because any of us complained about. They changed it because the latter arabia was incoherent map design.

I can see how you like Arabia more as a full fuedal type map I do love crater myself for this style. I feel like the game will be very stale for pros very soon from this change maybe everybody will just go EW from now on if only aggro playstyle is the meta

It’s not ad hominem. Your claims are just wrong. Turtling is a terrible strat in arabia that only works against players who don’t strategize but play the same rushes every time and think they MUST work cause they are meta.
But that’s wrong. Everything has counters and turtling just is a good counter against feudal overaggression. Just learn to not overextend your rushes against turtlers. Get the tech advantage and see that turtling is actually a terrible strat in arabia.

Your claim that turtling would be a good strat in arabi is just wrong. Completely wrong. It’s a terrible strat in arabia. Nothing is easier to counter than turtling in arabia.

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Arabia has been like this since aoc release, pretty sure it will survive :wink:

time to add the old and trustworthy green arabia.

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Now we should get Green Arabia as the old wallable Arabia.

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We have about half if that of the old Arabia strategies viable now it’s gonna be so dull to play I switched to 1v1 for a time because civ picking and position picking every time in TG made the game boring enough now these issues will hit 1v1 hard it’s either drush flush or scouts that’s all you can strategize now pretty much

I never said that. I never even mentioned specifically turtling. I was talking about defensive gameplays approachs. Arabia was never about that.

I said:

There is a map pool with a few maps. You can pick up the maps that gather your gameplay style more and ban the ones that do not.
These recent Arabia balances brings backs the concepts that Arabia was built for. It’s great to have Arabia back the way it is.

Other known as turtling.

Even if you don’t say it, you just imply it. And you said it in respond to some other person who said it explicitely.

Who said that? Their first approach was just a bit cursed because of a odd scripting.

Afterwards they nerfed walls 2 times and made arabia less wallable then ever before.

Not everybody. Besides the first arabia in DE maybe was a bit too much wallable, the last one was actually already too agressive for arabia. Already several civs had big problems because of their bad early game with winrates below or just above 40 %.

And the last change is just the nail in the coffin for all not-meta strats and also all civs with a bad early game.
This changes just destroy the game step by step. Only because some people who don’t understand the game and how to counter certain strats demand changes that push the meta in even closer limits.


Yeah caps lock your way into reasoning then :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, you concept of turtling is different from mine then. I will no longer extend this discussion because its getting repetitive and boring.

Can I caps lock my way into the devs too?


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You mean chinese Stone Walls? :smiley:

OK devs, you heard what is whished by the “community”. xD: MAKE STONEWALLS GREAT AGAIN!

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